
Swein Forkbeard

Nintendo Fan
Jan 13, 2007
Hello, Sir!
In a game I was playing yesterday, I discovered Genetics and went into the future age. I wasn't using the Next War mod, believe me! But there was seriously no warning that this was coming. It seems, though, that the Future Age is only a name, as theme songs for rival civs don't update, city artwork doesn't change, the background music doesn't update, etc.

I was just very surprised by this! Any comments?
The future age seems to be triggered by genetics, but isn't really of any relevance. The ages are mostly cosmetic anyway.
They're relevant if you're making an advanced start or trying to complete a quest. The chariot quest for example, requires you make them before you reach classical status. Metal Casting will do that; I'm not sure what else.
sorry to change subject but i couldn't find a relevant thread to ask my question. anyway how do you actually turn on the extended play so that you CAN play into the future ?
@ iyyillius,

-Go to "Beyond the Sword Content".
-Choose "Next War epic" (not "Next War scenario")
-Game title screen will restart as 'Civilization IV, Next War' with robot mechs art
-Start a custom game as normal. New future technologies are in the tree.

NOTE: Best to wait for update 3.13 because Next War currently has a few annoing flaws. The fixes are in the update list.
Careful though. Lobbing too many nukes will crack the Earth like an egg... very annoying (don't launch more than 19 and make sure nothing melts down)
thanks for the info.
19 nukes huh :sad: that seams a little skimpy
The next war mod is ok but the future era is paper thin, in order to have a viable era you need all the associated units an structures, next war add's a couple of uber units and some clones, so it's kind of a mismash of presetn modern an future, it would have been better if the future units were better intergrated into the late modern era, so that they functioned more alongside them rather than try to be standalone, i'm tempted to mod it myself to give a better intergrated model but at the moment i'm waiting for the patch to touch down
The 20th nuke cracks the Earth. I know, 19 isn't enough. That's like only 9 cities you can utterly destroy and then paradrop into. 19 cities if the first nuke destroys all the defenders.

Just make sure no one else can build nukes, or they'll use them and doom you all. Then the Barbarians win a conquest victory.

Has someone modded that condition off or increased the number, like to 100 nukes or something?
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