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G-Major 137

This is so frustrating when i find ideal start, exactly waht iam looking for, there allways have to happend something like this.

Spoiler :

Yep, stuff like that is very frustrating. If the horse was in Orleans' inner ring, maybe you could have snatched it with warriors since it's so close, but pointless now really, as it would require too many turns to expand borders. Looks like you've got the WM2-tactic sorted though ;)

I tried it a bit earlier, but didn't have much success. Archer killed first warrior, but almost died, so the follow up warrior only got 1 or 2XP. FAIL :lol:

Is this with high sea level? I see three AIs are very close. Settings like that would make it easier to worker steal and get WM2 I suppose. With low sea level the AIs are further away so I need some luck in what directions I send them, and whether workers there are possible to get and are unprotected.
Yea iam getting WM2 guy allmoust every game.

No its low sea lvl, this is allso reason why map is so good. DeG is close so i can choop him wihout getting :mad: diplo, Lincoln 1st target is right on my border, a bit west from Lincoln was Jao, witch is 1 of hardest targets imo but he expand rly quick so better to attack 1 civ with 6 cities then 2 civs with 3 cities each. And decent amount of forest everywhere no jungle ...

Sometimes warrior win the fight :lol:. And this is real problem :).

Was mentally preparing for some kind of "Phew" and "My plan worked \o/" kind of post, but in T205 Pericles 3-pop whipped the Hanging Gardens :( He was building it very slowly, I wrote down the hammers each turn, and on the last one he had 'only' 638:hammers: invested. Suppose that was still enough, though. The city was 9, and 7 next turn, so he must have 3-pop whipped it, and got an extra pop from the wonder itself afterwards. Damn annoying. I had 700:hammers: invested by now, and could have chopped another 49:hammers: (x2) forest into it this very turn, and then probably 1-pop whipped it next turn or at least the one after. Very close in the end :( At least I get 700:gold: for it, but I would much rather have had +19 pop.

Hatty finally sent some units towards Willem's last city. Then suicided against it. Hoped the city had grown at some point without me noticing, but it was auto-razed. At least I got some XP for it. Hatty would have done the same anyway with the remaining axe and sword. I'm now preparing for war against Hatty. Ideally I'd like to take out Hammurabi first. But he has HBR, Construction and lots of Ivory, so I can't risk that. Didn't see any HAs or Elephants on the last ride through his territory, but he would easily whip out elephants if I DOWed, and they would tear me to pieces. Not worth the risk I think, even if I have some catas.

Mansa was a good boy when he teched CoL earlier, which allowed me to tech Construction without missing a beat, but since then has made one bad choice after the other. He was doing Theology now, but thankfully Hatty got it first, and Mansa immediately changed focus to Calendar. Would have preferred MC instead, but nobody have calendar yet, I'm short on happiness, so getting Calendar would be good. Always nice to get started early-ish on the MoM too, and I'll have marble any moment.

Damn you Pericles. He has ruined the HG for me in both games :cry:

However, I don't think I would have got Mids if I did HG first, and the Mids is better than HG after all. Would have loved the doubling up of GE points, but it never seems to materialise. Is there a way to make reasonably sure you get the GE in time for Mining, without great luck with the percentages?

I tend to run an engineer in practically every city once I have forges and hope I get it somewhere, but this also means contamination, so I don't tend to get 100% chance for GS or GM and so forth.
The Hagia Sophia also gives GE-points, and it's not even such a bad wonder with these settings, especially when having lots of Jungles.

Condolences for missing the HGs, that's really a big hit, you probably could have had +20 pop. Maybe you need to focus even more when building a wonder. Send 6-8 Workers from all directions there, and forget about improving the other cities for a moment. I don't know at which time you lost them, so I cannot know for sure, I just made the experience that I didn't focus enough myself. I really take a lot of time to coordinate the Workers, put myself signs on the Workers that they have to go to city xy after they've done their job.

Because of auto-razing, I'll more often play with the "no city razing" option in the future. In this Gauntlet, I razed only 1 city because it had no food, and re-founding still didn't make it strong.

Don't forget to conquer the GLH as early as possible, on these maps it's a game-breaker. Just imagine you have 10 coastal cities, that's +20 TRs that are worth between 2 and 3 :commerce: , so about +50 :commerce: which again gets multiplied, even way more when the game has proceeded to a later stage. This was one of the main reasons why I had such difficulties comparing with Kaitzilla, even though I had many Cottages more.
Don't think I could have done much more in terms of worker micro for HG. I had five guys there and all forests were pre-chopped, except the one forest I mentioned that was outside the cultural borders in 3rd ring and only gave 49.

If I had 3-4 more turns it would have worked, but in the end it was always an uphill battle. Growing to size and 3-popping the aqueduct wouldn't have helped. It went before the city would have grown that large.

Really want to grab the GLH earlier in this game, but it's in an awkward location. It's incredibly strong on these maps with lots of cities. Kaitzilla getting it so early was a big factor in that game being so very, very strong.

In the last game I razed many cities because they were hopelessly positioned, but that hasn't really been the case so far. With the no razing option I would have kept this latest city as it had jungle-rice. Would only have razed one city so far, and that's the only I did raze (on purpose) because it didn't have any food. Wanted to raze a city Hatty founded on top of gold too, one off the coast, but now she founded Christianity there, so maybe I'll keep it after all. We'll see.
Sorry you missed it, but wow, you have 19 keeper cities already? Awesome! I thought you were worried about being behind in the war.

I was behind in turn 160 with only 8 cities, but then I captured 9 more and founded two myself (and razed 1), so had 19 by turn 200, as per the update a little while ago. Not sure how realistic it is, but I hope to get 30 cities by turn 250. Depends how well the war against Hatty goes, and if I can take out Hammurabi after that, with his nasty WEs and HAs.
@ Pangaea

Eh :sad: you missed it Panagea, but You did elemenar mistake.
Building Mids then HGs without Org Rel ....

And yea thats rly immpressive from i belive 7 or 9 cities to 19 when everybody have a metal there ... wow.
Don't forget to conquer the GLH as early as possible, on these maps it's a game-breaker. Just imagine you have 10 coastal cities, that's +20 TRs that are worth between 2 and 3 :commerce: , so about +50 :commerce: which again gets multiplied, even way more when the game has proceeded to a later stage. This was one of the main reasons why I had such difficulties comparing with Kaitzilla, even though I had many Cottages more.

Coastal cities are are ok, but waht rly catapults you ahead are island cities, if you get GLH whip bulid do whatever it needs to settle as much as possible islands cities.

Every city is ~ 24~-30:science:, its makes a huge diference when you are running lets say 500 BPT.
OR wouldn't have mattered because almost no cities have the right religions, and Buddhism (which is well-spread) would have been a diplomatic disaster).

Don't you just LOVE to lose crucial 99% battles though? It was my visions guy too. So didn't take that city, lost more guys next turn, archer leveled up twice, and a fresh axeman in the city. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu** :mad:

Would almost be fun to roleplay and burn every Egyptian city to the ground out of spite. :devil:
Getting a good religion early is mandatory for a good game. Nowadays, I wouldn't even play a round further, where at least 1 of 2 dominant religions doesn't spread to me early, it just makes too much of a difference.
It sure matters a great deal, but it didn't happen here, unfortunately. Out of my control, but I hope Asoka will eventually help me spread Hinduism. I'm building a monastery in the only city that has it for now, but it will of course take time to spread it without OR. I should have triple-changed back when, but I didn't because I wouldn't have changed into a religion anyway. In hindsight it was a mistake. Oh well. Hopefully the war against Hatty goes better in the future. I want her dead now :hammer:
Btw, another interesting spice in this game is that 11-city Roosevelt got bribed, so events seem to go a bit like last time. But on the positive side, we only share a little border and the city I have there is on a hill. I should be able to hold it if given a little time.
You yourself got the control, if someone gets bribed against you.

1. Don't have weak relations.

2. Trade the targets that can be bribed against you all techs but monopoly ones, then how should they be bribed? ;)

Roosevelt couldn't have be bribed against you, if he had been on pleased. He is a biatch though, because he can plot himself at that stance. Frederick is usually as complicated as Roosevelt, you always need to pay great attention to those two.
Sometimes you don't have control (and when I said that I meant over religions anyhow, which you certainly don't have control over where they are founded and if that leader spams missionaries or not). Can't say yes to all demands and cancel relations demands, and sometimes Pleased isn't enough either. Hatty had monopoly in Theology so nothing I could do there. It doesn't appear to be a big problem for the moment anyway. And on the positive side, if that war keeps going without anything really happening, I can wipe him later without negative hits from all his friends.

Peter jumped in on me too btw but haven't done anything and now is willing to pay for peace. Wimp! :D

Oh, and Hatty has 11 defenders, including a pile of spears, in a city. Hope I can take it, but it will cost. One thing the AI is pretty good at, is bringing lots of defenders to cities if given a little time. Though in this case there were already many to begin with as it was a border city with Willem, who she was at war with.

On Roosevelt btw, I had +4 trade with him, and gave in to a demand early on. But there was -7:mad: due to DOWs on his friends, which countered all the good work I did. He was on Pleased earlier, and I begged some gold from him, but it must have dropped back down to Cautious by the time he declared on me, because I think it was a bribe.
-7 is something I had in my game at the very end, you're in the beginning of the round though. I guess that you're using Cease Fires too often, -7 is something you should have after 7 civs, not 3.

And I know one doesn't have control over religions, that why I wrote that I'd disband every game, where the right spread wouldn't happen.
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