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G-Major 9: February Vanilla/Warlords Combo


Still hatin' on Khan
Hall of Fame Staff
Jan 5, 2003
The Farm
While the general Hall of Fame is an ongoing competition, we like to run time-definite competitions between updates that we call Gauntlets. Standard Hall of Fame rules (*) still apply, but any games meeting the settings will be counted towards the Gauntlet.

[size=+2](*) Please read the >> HOF rules << BEFORE playing!

  • Victory Condition: Diplomatic (though all victory conditions must be enabled)
  • Difficulty: Deity
  • Starting Era: Ancient
  • Map Size: Standard
  • Map Type: Any
  • Speed: Epic
  • Civ: Any
  • Opponents: Any
  • Version: 1.61.010 or 2.08.003
  • Date: 11th February to 9th March 2007
The earliest finish date wins, with score as a tiebreaker.

This particular table is wide open, and so I've left many of the settings wide open. Hopefully the flexibility in choosing maptype and Civilizations will embolden some players to join the Deity club.
Sweeet... Not gonna miss this one! Thanx, superslug!

Although 1.61.004 doesn't seem to be the latest mod, drawbacks of copy-pasting ;)
Although 1.61.004 doesn't seem to be the latest mod, drawbacks of copy-pasting ;)
Not copy-pasting, I forgot that option in the Gauntlet Admin Panel.

Thanks for catching that, because I forgot to add Warlords too! :lol: I'm sure I would have caught it in the postupdate proofread. I'm sure of it. :mischief:
Following the recent posts on this matter, it doesn't look too difficult to predict a winner for this one...
I'm looking forward to playing this one, can learn a lot here I think! :)
bah Deity... i'm playing GotM15, it's not fair ... at least we have no chains about our rivals and so on
Oh, dear. This is gonna be a difficult one. *Hitches up britches*. Bring 'em on.
Doh first try wasted. Lost liberalism by 1 turn. Seems like I shoulda shot for philo before paper to keep others from it for a bit longer (at least I think AI wont find techs that give religs so fast if its founded already). But that wasnt all, Wash & Roos decided to hit PA. Also seemed like I need some extra research to hit UN in time so allien with Hatty. Well Asoka didnt like that enough. And there went just enough votes to go down the drain as they went up the ladder enough to go past Hatty that was planned to be my opponent. Well next shot on weekend. Shoulda stopped when lost lib though.

Im having second thouht of going wit Liz next. If phi gives you scientist in 13 turns instead of 25 it can be counted as 6 rounds of extra speed for research with caste even a bit more though that wont be neccessary with philosophical. And engineer will come out in 50 instead of 100. Thats some extra research too. Now Mansa just saves monarcy, caste, bureauc, liberalism, (pacifism+relig), (democracy) and suffrage totaling 5-8 rounds. Not to mention if its enough to get one more specialist with oxford+shakespeare+specialists.
Im also wondering is it worthwhile to run oracle-cs as it will mostly spoil engineer at least in this gauntlet retries coulda take too long to get lucky. Seemed like id hit somewhere around 1300 even without liberalism.

HI. I wonder if anyone can give some advice here. I keep getting to the UN first but losing the vote. I never go to war, I donate techs left and right, and I try to change my civics so match the AI's preferences but every time the vote comes around, I lose! Everyone likes me with at least a +7 score and my scores are always higher than the AI opponent yet the AI always wins the vote. I'm playing under warlords 2.08. Is there something I'm not doing here??? I was kinda expecting that the challenge of this gauntlet would be building the UN first while keeping the peace with everyone...
I'm confused (and just a tad frustrated!!!)
HI. I wonder if anyone can give some advice here. I keep getting to the UN first but losing the vote. I never go to war, I donate techs left and right, and I try to change my civics so match the AI's preferences but every time the vote comes around, I lose! Everyone likes me with at least a +7 score and my scores are always higher than the AI opponent yet the AI always wins the vote. I'm playing under warlords 2.08. Is there something I'm not doing here??? I was kinda expecting that the challenge of this gauntlet would be building the UN first while keeping the peace with everyone...
I'm confused (and just a tad frustrated!!!)

Have a look at the links in my sig for an indepth look at attitude.
A couple things: there is a lot of invisible modifiers both between you and any AI and between two AIs. And one of those is a random +3 to -3 between AIs so that even if you figure out the rest from the AI Personality Matrix there still is some uncertainty if your oponnent and you have similiar relations to another AI.
Also you need +8 for an AI to vote for you.
Ori, Many thanks. I'll take a look at this today (during my lunch break of course!)and give it another shot tonight. Looks like some good info.

Well its time to give this one a go. Have had a couple of runs at this and both times tried a run at CS-slingshot. Missed by 5ish turns both times. I would have been able to build the Oracle but not research to CoL.

Question is, is this a worthwhile tactic at Deity? I'm beginning to suspect that it is not. But I also don't think I can tech to Mass Media quickly enough if I don't.

Might try gunning for Alphabet from the get go and getting an early library and Academy up.

I can also see the benefits of financial, philosophical and spiritual here but unsure who of Liz/Mansu/Sally would be best.

Much to ponder...
I can also see the benefits of financial, philosophical and spiritual here but unsure who of Liz/Mansu/Sally would be best.

Much to ponder...

Spiritual is not very good on Epic speed. I used it on the Minor gauntlet because it was only about 135 turns long. These games are around 280 - 300 turns I think.
I'm seeing a lot of folks in the Minor Gauntlet thinking about this one, but not sure how to proceed. If it's at all helpful, may I suggest some inspirational reading from the CFC IV War Academy?

Moonsinger's perpetual anarchy trick has long since been patched out, but this article is still a great read. It's also always fun to think about how this very Hall of Fame can impact the game itself (the exploits discovered and then patched). Everyone should be proud to be here, regardless of how "good" they see themselves.

Godotnut compiled his strategies for six HOF games.

Phyacis has an article discussing beating Deity with a single city!
This is THE most frustrating gauntlet!

So far I have built the UN and not won the vote 3 times, I have missed out on the UN by 1 turn twice and also have been invaded by Roosevelt (the back-stabbing worm!) IN BETWEEN building the UN and the vote two games in a row! In one game Asoka managed to research MM and then build the UN within the turn it took me to do the same!!

And that's not counting the umpteen times i have missed liberalism by at most a few turns..

And I still haven't posted a win...

I have to say, if don't throw the laptop out of the window before I beat this game it'll be a miracle! And i thought i was stressed in one of my previous posts!

This is THE most frustrating gauntlet!

So far I have built the UN and not won the vote 3 times, I have missed out And that's not counting the umpteen times i have missed liberalism by at most a few turns..

And I still haven't posted a win...

That quite well sums up my feelings too. Failures
1) No engineer even at high%
2) No liberalism
3) No UN
4) No votes
5) Rinse & repeat. Wonder if timeline gives enough to pull this through.

Damn Wasting Time is good at not wasting time.

The liberalism race is a tough one. You really have to hold back trading CS and paper. Certainly don't trade Education until you are a few turns away from completing Liberalism. At one time I decided to take the risk of losing that race out of the equation. You get to skip Philosophy and Liberalism and just research Astronomy instead. The only reason I stopped this plan was I didn't like it if the AI that gets liberalism takes Astronomy free, because then I lose the race to Physics too and possibly get beat to MM. But sometimes they take Nationalism. I think if you make sure to give Edu to someone who will not choose Astronomy, you're good.
Another problem might be the map you're using. You need to find a map that slows down the AI. Use high seas so they run out of space.
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