[MOD] Game of Thrones

perhaps your Game_of_Thrones mod's name should be Game of Thrones

Hi and thanks a lot for the reply! Yes, that was the problem with the folder name. I corrected it and now it works very well. Obviously I can't give any more feedback on the mod because I have to play it a bit firs, but for now everything looks very well. Thanks again!
Hello again. I played the mod for a bit and I have some feedback now. I did not spend a lot of time playing your scenarios because I had to finish a standard game first and get familiar with the base mechanics of the game first. So these are just first impressions.
To begin with I must repeat that I am impressed with all the details and references to the books and shows that you put into the scenario. Unfortunately I fear that some of the work may go to waste, at least in my case.
My first game I played with the Night Wathc/Mercurians, and I got anihilated by the Other in about turn 110. I played some other test games with other factions and in those games the wall gets breached even faster, in about 80-90 turns, and then in another 50-60 turns all of Westeros gets overrun by the Other. Unfortunately I am not a skilled player so for me it seems pointless to try to play any faction based in Westeros, because defeat is certain. It seems that the only viable strategy is to play the Greyjoys or an Essos-based civ and build up strength there for a future reconquest of Westeros. That is why I said that it seems all of the work put into detailing the Westeros civs seems like it goes to waste. I love playing with all those named units and heroes that you put in the game, but it is frustrating that I can not keep them alive long enough for them to level up into something usefull.
I am curious if you got any feedback from more skilled testers about successfully stopping the Other's invasion of Westeros. To me it seems like a too difficult fight, but perhaps I need more practice.
As a side note, the scenario version with advanced thech seems like it could be easier and more balanced, but I haven't yet had the time to play a full game with that one.

Best regards,
Hello again. I played the mod for a bit and I have some feedback now. I did not spend a lot of time playing your scenarios because I had to finish a ...
Thanks for feedback.
In v2.00 and therefor,the Other get buffed by both Wight system(get unit easier) and Season system(get more combat strength from AC).it could cause balance issue.
I'll do more test and try to make more balanced change.
plus,newest v2.01 patch came earlier before S08E03 aired.so I surpose the Other can invade farther south than Winterfell,such as King's Landing,If no great house fight besides Night Watch.:crazyeye: If the Other breach the Wall,the North can hardly be saved,Moat Cailin should be next strategy defense plot.

At Normal speed,the first winter will begin from 50s and last to 100s turns. It is the first chance the Other breach the Wall.If you can kill Night Walker Leader will be safe that winter.
Second winter will begin from 200s-220s and last to 270s-300s.It is sure the wall will be breached by the Other.
To suppress the Other,Night Watch need wipe out wildling earlier to avoid them become wight,due to Night Watch known to burn the deadbody(game feature,living creature killed by Night Watch won't become Wight).
And for other factions, should send a lot of army to beyond the Wall, battle the Other along with Nightwatch.Valyrian Steel Blade can be used highly efficient to kill NightKing and his priest,frostling minions.In Standard scenario, 5 Valyrian Steel Blade available:
  • Longclaw: Jon Snow of Nightwatch
  • Widow's Wail: at King's Landing of House Lannister
  • Oathkeeper: Brienne of Tarth of House Baratheon
  • Heartsbane: Lord Randyll Tarly of House Tyrell
  • Lady Forlorn: Ser Lyn Corbary of House Arryn

which game speed and difficulty do you choose when you played? I always test at Noble difficulty and Normal speed,I try to track how many turns the Other need to breach the Wall and conquar Westeros
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Hi! I downloaded the new version but did not yet get a chance to play it.
Here is some more extensive feedback for the previous version, to answer your question:
Regarding my game with the Mercurians/Night Watch:
- I played the Game of Thrones 8.2 scenario, on Noble difficulty (I usually don't play on hight difficulty levels because I am not very skilled) and with normal game speed. All settings in general were default or as recommended.
- The Other beat both the Wildlings and me during the first winter, and then proceeded to conquer all other factions in Westeros in a few dozen turns, even though summer had come again (I kept a scout alive in Dorne so I could watch the progress of the Other's offensive.
- Skirmishing wiht the Wildlings during the first turns was difficult because the barbarin Druit (Three-Eyed-Crow) was entangling my units when I tried to send them out to the north. Besides, the wildlings were all eliminated in about 60-70 turns.
- Once the siege of Castle Black started it was very difficult to counteratack: First because of the slow spells a large part of my army was always unable to move. Second because all the mortal units became useles (wither spell + damage spells made them too weak to fight), and all my army had rusted blades. Third because the bonuses which the enemy unit got were ridiculously high. Even with a valyrian steel blade, most angels could not reliably kill a diseased corpse. Only those angels which came with a lot of experience were usefull in counteratacks (they needed at least Shock 1 + the valyrian steel blade to reliably win a fight. And that only against the diseased corpses. I never won a single fight against a priest of winter in the entire game! And the Others can mass produce priests of winter, which even the Illians can not do in the base game).
- Speaking strictly about my experience with defending Castle Black, I think you should have preplaced a forge (as Donal Noye) and a Herbalist (Maester Aemon) to at least make it a bit easier to deal with the rust spell and heal units faster.
- Another problem was the huge number of summoned units which I faced. Especially spectres with death afinity.
-The other civs were indeed willing to help. I signed open borders agreements with everyone I could, and the northern factions all sent troops to help, but they were uncoordinated attacks with low tier units and they all got killed without doing anything usefull.
- I still think that obtaining hegemony over Westeros, and collecting all 5 valyrian steel blades, is very hard to do before the first winter starts, and without that it is not possible to survive the invasion.

About the overal design of the scenario(s):
I can offer very little actual advice because I don't know anything about designing scenarios. Thinking about the lore of the books and show I think that you should not have made the Others be so strong at the start. Maybe you should make it so they become very powerfull towards the end of the game (so the plan for the other civs is to consolidate rule over Westeros and prepare for the final invasion before it is too late). After all in the show the final invasion only starts in the last season (and in the books also, the wall will probably not be breached until close to the end).
However, on the other had you implemented the season change system, which is an interesting ideea, and it makes sense that the Others should be able to attack during winter, even the first winter in the game, even if that comes very early.

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense what you made with the Others, so even if it feels that they are too powerfull from the start, all the advanteges you gave them make sense from the perspective of the lore. So the real issue is that the other civilizations are too weak at the start. It is not possible to defend Westeros with undevelopped cities and only tier 1 units. Because in the books/show, the white walkers are indeed very powerfull, especially in winter. It's just that the inhabitants of Westeros also have an already developped civilization with powerfull armies of their own. So in summary the scenario feels imbalanced because one faction is starting at allmost full power but the other ones aren't.

So maybe the proper way to do the scenario is to use the version with advanced technology and also give the players a few more powerfull units at the start (Especially for the scenarios based on the later seasons. I took a look at the scenarios for the later seasons and it does not make sense that your heroes and named units are still mostly tier 1 or 2 units even in the later seasons, because these are supposed to be people who allready had some adventures before the start of the scenario. So maybe al least for the scenarios that follow the seasons of the show you could create a feeling of progression by giving the player higher tier units to play with - For example I looked at the Season 8 scenario and Arya is still a level 1 scout. She will never be able to kill the Night King like that, even with a Valyrian steel Blade. So perhaps make Arya a Shadow, Theon a Marksman, Brienne a Paladin or Knight, Bran a Druid or Hight Priest of Leaves, etc... , and then maybe they can hold the line.

Sorry for the long rant. And sorry for the conclusion if it implies that the scenarios need a lot of rework. I know that you put a lot of work into them and you are happy with how they turned out allready, so I don't want to be disrespectfull towards your work. I only gave the above feedback because I am not confident in playing with most of the Westeros based factions due to the high risk of being overrun at the start of the game.

Best regards!
Hi! I downloaded the new version but did not yet get a chance to play it....
That makes sense! I will make these advices into update list.
recent version I always playtest by AutoAI,to see the whole game and new mechanic whether be ok,but lack manual playtest for each faction to gain game details.Any game design advices and playtest feedback is welcome.

In my last week manual playtest as Daenyres,Although I place AC Boss unit ahead to avoid them spawn by AC event,but I found AC random event effect such as Blight,Hellfire etc still work,that effect is horrorable and not the gameplay I want to occur.So these random event is banned in V2.02 Alpha.
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new version v2.03 work progress:

  • remove unit of MarshKing on HS03
  • make the Other not playable,set start Gold 500 on S05
  • change Royal Fleet owner to Stark on S08,S0801
  • remove the Other build in cities beyond the Wall on S0801
2.Due to More Naval AI version map's total team num limit increases from 35 to 51,add new civs.
  • add Ibben on HS04
3.Major change
  • Modify to Ice Theme Infernal civilization:
    • [Python]Tweek Manes and Wight rised method
    • change Hyborem basic strength from 7 to 9,remove Weapon
    • change Gela +2 Unholy strength to +2 Cold strength
    • remove Imp Cold Resistance,change Ice1 to Death1
    • change Balor art to War Elephant,increase move to 2
    • add Agnostic trait to Hyborem
    • [Python]remove Ashen Viel automatic spead to Infernal cities,Infernal cities will remove all 7 religion.
    • [Python]when Infernal city is captured,it's population will decrease to 1
    • block Guild of Nine and Royal Guard
    • block all sea unit
    • [Python]Hyborem's death will do 50%-150% damage to all his civ units and half his civ cities' population
    • [Python]Priest of Winter's death will do 50%-150% damage to all undead units at same plot.
  • Modify to Season Mechanic and new Season Concept of AC:
    • make Elegy of the Sheaims and Hollowing of the Elohims Ritual only can be finished 5 times and only can be built 1 after 1. the later ones cost more and more effective to AC one-time change.to avoid the Other using them abusively in late game.Each one required tech change to Knowledge of the Ether,Alteration,Sorcery,Arcane Lore,Strength of Will
    • [Python]change Spell effect and randon event,make their AC changes accord with season concept
    • fix Globe AC limited to 500 on HS01,HS02,HS04-HS08,HS10,HS11,S00-S04,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change Mercurian civilization to more like Night's Watch:
    • [Python]now Mercurian palace will get free tech when at least 3 Westeros civs have(the Civ has at least 1 city on the same Continent with Mercurians cities)
    • Python]change Angel reborn method, non-Mercurians living unit died on Westeros(the plot unit died is on the same Continent with Mercurians cities) will chancely add a new recruit for Mercurians
    • [Python]change Start unit with Basium from Angel to New Recruit
    • block Angel,make new unit as new recruiter,ranger,builder,steward
    • remove block of T4 unit,remove all Angel unit
    • change Basium from Angel to Avatar,add Immute Cold and Vulnerable to fire,change 4 Holy strength to 2 Cold strength and 2 Holy strength
    • add Ingenuity for civ trait
    • [Python]When new recruit is built, it will gain random race or environment promotion,When new recruit is gained from killed unit or razed city, it will gain the same race or environment promotion of its old civ
    • use new Night‘s’ Watch unit to replace old Mercurian ones, finished on HS03-HS11,S0-S07,TS00-TS02, AdvTech
Unit NameTierStrength/DefenseMoveEnable TechnologyCan UpgradePromotion
Watch Worker--2always can be builtreplace worker,can upgrade to Watch Steward or Watch Builderas worker
New RecruitT13/31always can be builtWatch Ranger, Watch Steward, Watch Builder, Wandering Crow, replace Warriorcan use Bronze Weapon,+25% City Defence
Watch RangerT24/32Hunting,need Hunter Lodgereplace hunter,can also upgrade by scout,New RecruitLoyalty, can use Bronze,Iron,Mithril Weapon,+20% strength on Snow terrain,only +20% strength vs animal,remove penalty to attack cities
Watch StewardT23/42Bronze Working,need Training YardLike Axeman,can upgrade by watch workerLoyalty, can use Bronze,Iron,Mithril Weapon,can build Camp,Farm,Pasture,Winery,Plantation,Cottage
Watch BuilderT22/42Constructionreplace Archer,can upgrade by watch workerLoyalty, can use Bronze,Iron Weapon,can build Fort,Mine,Quarry,Lumbermill,Workshop,Windmill,Road/Valyrian Road,can cut trees and Jungle

  • add Westeros scenario which only have enlarged Westeros map and Python Diplomacy control
  • change spells that cause War to not cause war due to this will break permanent peace and I failed to find out python code to modifier.
  • [PYTHON]event to declare war will also check it's master can declare war if the player is vassal.
  • block some Rituals such as Genesis,Bane Divine,Glory Everlasting,Birthright Regained,Rites of Oghma,Blood of the Phoenix,Natures Revolt
  • remove Illians Agnostic trait,make Illians can adopt religion
  • add Jungle feature 1 hammer to empower jungle civs such as Summer Isles,Yi Ti and Leng
  • change Pirate Coven/Harbor/Port back to original FFH version
  • move Counsil of Esus holycity see all Esus-adopt city sight function to Fellowship of Leaves presenting as Old Gods can see from Heart Tree's face.
  • change Jeor Mormont trait to Defender,Organized,change Alliser Thorne to Neutral with Defender Expansive trait
  • make Ancient Tower permanent
  • change Mithril Weapon +10% vs Iron Weapon to +50% vs Frostling,as Dragon glass Weapon, change Mithril bonus art to Iron,change Iron art to gunpower
  • block Arquebus and Cannon for all civ,change Man-o-War ship gunpowder resourse requirement to Iron
  • block Obsiden Gate and Nexus
  • Block Chariot for all civ
4.Minor change
  • modify scenarios city start population on S0
  • check reiligion sight for Fellowship of the Leaves and Counsil of Esus holy city on S0
  • remove Carcosa Imp Fire Resistance,change Demon to Frostling on HS01-HS09
  • set Illians civ state religion on HS01-HS11,S0-S7,S0801,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change Fourteen Fires peak to plain and add Volcano there on HS01-HS06
  • change Hairy Man from Lannu to Khazad on HS01-HS03
  • add several plot 10 level required to enter such as Three-Eyes-Crow,Old Stone Ruins,Isle of Faces,HighHeart,HS02-HS11,S0-S801,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change Unsullied promotion Courage to March on HS02-HS11,S0-S0801,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change Unsullied from Mercenary to Swordsman on HS02-HS11,S0-S0801,TS00-TS02
  • change Basium from Angel to Avatar,add immute Cold and Vulnerable to fire on HS03-HS11,S0-S7,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change Nightwatch unit with new unit on HS03-HS11,S0-S8,TS00-TS02,Adv Tech
  • set Night Watch start Tech as Stark's on HS03-HS11,S0-S07,TS00-TS02
  • add a worker for Night Watch on HS03-HS11,S0-S7,TS00-TS02
  • remove Night King Iron Weapon on HS03,S0-S8,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • make Night King can't move for 200 turns,to make Wildling live longer on HS03,S0-S8,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • remove the Other Imp Cold Resistance,change Ice1 to Death1 on HS03,S0-S8,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • remove the Other Settler on HS03,S0-S8,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • remove the Other State religion,remove Ashen Viel religion,remove Ashen Veil holy city on HS03
  • add Nightfort Bone Palace as The Wall,add Hunter Lodge on HS04-HS08
  • add Mistwood/Weeping Town City on HS05-HS09,HS11,S0-S0801,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change Ibben from Lannu to Khazad on HS05-HS11,S0-S0801,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • add Ibben Port of Ibben city,remove settler on HS05
  • add 10 min lv requirement to Dragonmont on HS09
  • add Pyromancer Held promotion on HS09-HS11,S0-S0801,TS00-TS03,AdvTech
  • add Castle Black Bone Palace as The Wall,add Hunter Lodge on HS09-HS11,S0-S07,TS00-TS02
  • change Mistwood to Weeping Town on HS10
  • remove the Other State religion,remove Ashen Viel religion,move Ashen Veil holy city to K'Dath on S0-S8,TS00-TS02,AdvTech
  • change Storm's End religion from The Order to Empyrean on S0,advTech
  • change Daenerys' Three Dragon to Juvenile,on S0,S04,TS02
  • rename the Wall Caption to Shadow Tower and Eastwatch-by-the-Sea seperately on S03
  • remove held from Rhaegal and Viserion,add can't move for 10 turns on S05,S06
  • change Storm's End religion from The Empyrean to Order on S07,S08,S0801
  • move Infernal Grimoire and Stigmata on the Unborn to K'Dath on AdvTech
  • change the Other Eidolon to Champion on AdvTech
  • rename Brave Companion to Vargo Hoat, add Commando,Dark Elf promotion on AdvTech
  • change Unsullied from Mercenary to Champion and remove Strong promotion on AdvTech
  • add road to cottage,hamlet,village,fort,citadel on AdvTech
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Thought I'd check this out. Installed 2.02, but the game won't load. I get the following message:

Spoiler :

I uploaded directly ...see if that works. Imgur must be blocked in your location.
View attachment 554681

I uploaded directly ...see if that works. Imgur must be blocked in your location.
for this problem, you should make sure mod name should be Game of Thrones,not Game_of_Thrones, and at least v1.01
your document path should like this

- download the mod v1.00 and installed it in the folder Civilization IV Complete\Civ4\Beyond the Sword\Mods
- download the Patch_v2.02, extracted and copied it in \Civ4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Game of Thrones

This problem is because when upload to Moddb.com they exchange Mod name's ' ' to '_'
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Nah..I had changed that already. What version of civ iv do you use?
Nah..I had changed that already. What version of civ iv do you use?
BTS v3.19
and V1.00 also has this problem,because 2 file still link to FFH2 mod when you don't have FFH2 mod,
V1.01 and above solved this problem,you can check this 2 files
.if you have changed mod name already,perhaps your patch is not installed properly.
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Long time ago perhaps 10 years,a downloaded mirror image :(,I bought Steam version and disk version,but usually use mirror image to play

I realize that you own licenses but running mods off a mirror version can be very unreliable and create problems for others trying to use your mod. Assets could be different or missing.

Disk version has some install issues but I think there are workarounds and once you get BTS installed you don't need the disks...I think...been a long time.

Steam would probably be most reliable, but just make sure you switch to the Beta- original release. Only have steam running, but otherwise run BTS as you normal would. (Note: Steam has a different folder structure as Warlords and BTS are completely standalone, but it is not a big deal and should not effect anything other than where you place your files)

Anyway, I recommend that you rid your machine of the mirror version and install a legitimate version, then convert the mod over.
I realize that you own licenses but running mods off a mirror version can be very unreliable and create problems for others trying to use your mod. Assets could be different or missing...
ok, I'll Try Steam version and make it as test environment
Test V2.02 with Steam Beta- original version, currently gameplay and new feature is OK.
Now mod developing project has moved to Steam Beta- original BTS,old mirror image BTS removed.
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