Hello again. I played the mod for a bit and I have some feedback now. I did not spend a lot of time playing your scenarios because I had to finish a ...
Thanks for feedback.
In v2.00 and therefor,the Other get buffed by both Wight system(get unit easier) and Season system(get more combat strength from AC).it could cause balance issue.
I'll do more test and try to make more balanced change.
plus,newest v2.01 patch came earlier before S08E03 aired.so I surpose the Other can invade farther south than Winterfell,such as King's Landing,If no great house fight besides Night Watch.
If the Other breach the Wall,the North can hardly be saved,Moat Cailin should be next strategy defense plot.
At Normal speed,the first winter will begin from 50s and last to 100s turns. It is the first chance the Other breach the Wall.If you can kill Night Walker Leader will be safe that winter.
Second winter will begin from 200s-220s and last to 270s-300s.It is sure the wall will be breached by the Other.
To suppress the Other,Night Watch need wipe out wildling earlier to avoid them become wight,due to Night Watch known to burn the deadbody(game feature,living creature killed by Night Watch won't become Wight).
And for other factions, should send a lot of army to beyond the Wall, battle the Other along with Nightwatch.Valyrian Steel Blade can be used highly efficient to kill NightKing and his priest,frostling minions.In Standard scenario, 5 Valyrian Steel Blade available:
- Longclaw: Jon Snow of Nightwatch
- Widow's Wail: at King's Landing of House Lannister
- Oathkeeper: Brienne of Tarth of House Baratheon
- Heartsbane: Lord Randyll Tarly of House Tyrell
- Lady Forlorn: Ser Lyn Corbary of House Arryn
which game speed and difficulty do you choose when you played? I always test at Noble difficulty and Normal speed,I try to track how many turns the Other need to breach the Wall and conquar Westeros