Getting Sushi Quick


Oct 8, 2011
What are the best ways to get sids sushi earlyiest and therefore use it to get a big score? When i got it at about turn 250 on a normal/standard map it was too late.
Tox - My advice is to focus much less on score and much more on learning the basics of the game at this point. Once you get that down and some practice, score will come.

Anyway, fastest way to Sushi generally involves a combination of Liberalism and strategic bulbing. On Noble, you can easily Lib Medicine.
It also involves building up a strong research focused economy, it involves trading key-techs to the AI so they can research something you need while denying them other key-techs so they won't research Liberalism before you, it involves the strategic use of GAs to create more GP and fasten up research and it involves playing on higher difficulty because AI will have more gold for you to trade for, more cities for you to capture (which again gives more research + gold) and more techs for you to trade for again. In addition, it requires playing Marathon, because Marathon has a whole other scaling, a leader which is fit to the task of conquering while remaining a strong economy, and if you really wanna reach a high score, you have to learn to get the Mids, run an all farm SE, maximise cities / land (so intelligent use of overlap and play on a map with islands, because water doesn't count towards domination limit) and you have to play on higher difficulty than noble, because noble AI is the biggest problem for your task because it sucks just so bad.

All of this, you'll find in T-Hawks Guide for breaking 3.2M score aswell as in my Replay #3, which you really might wanna read before you ask all those questions that have been answered in great detail already.
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