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Global warming and environmental catastrophe: science or myth?

no way, i like my current human-friendly doctor gf.
you guys are being cynical. try to live a normal life for a while. relax. before the earth explode we will likely find another planet to pollute. or if not, i will dead anyways.
Dida said:
no way, i like my current human-friendly doctor gf.
you guys are being cynical. try to live a normal life for a while. relax. before the earth explode we will likely find another planet to pollute. or if not, i will dead anyways.

It worries me that this argument will make no difference to you, but there it is. Imagine your explaining this to your son or daughter. Explain that nothing would make you happier that exhausting all the achivable resources, then dying.

How exactly do you phrase your parting comments to them as to what they can do afterwards? for all you care, daddy.
Dida said:
no way, i like my current human-friendly doctor gf.
you guys are being cynical.
How am I being cynical? I go with facts when they blatenly exist
Dida said:
try to live a normal life for a while.
I don't do normal :smug:
Dida said:
Oh I am relaxed, but ya gotta get some worked done
Dida said:
before the earth explode we will likely find another planet to pollute. or if not, i will dead anyways.
Hows about we work to keep ours in halfway decent shape so we don't have to waste all the energy to evacuate. And actually tthe technology we use to impore the environment actually is more efficient then the stuff we use now. Doing more with less, it's a great thing.
AceChilla said:
Also the earth has seen massive changes in temperature. A couple thousand years ago Europe was covered below massive layers of ice. I didn't here anyone complain about global warming when that ice melted. Once the country I live in was a tropical sea. All those changes without any human interference. And now it's becoming a couple degrees warmer and everybody panics.

1000 years ago we were in the dark ages
2000 years ago Roman empire
3000 years ago Iron working age
4000 years ago Bronze and gold working age
8000 years ago earliest traces of human

The "Ice age" I think your talking about is around 50,000 years ago
These issues are not unapproachable, You can use bikes instead of motor vehicles for transportation. Recycle reduce and reuse items. In my area, you can get electricities from windmills instead of the normal plants, you have to special order it and wait, its a little more expensive for now because its new but the price should drop eventually.

Conserve water, it takes energy to clean it to tap water standards. Pressuring your local government as well as state and federal to use more environmental methods of doing things . All sorts of other little things you can do.
bathsheba666 said:
It worries me that this argument will make no difference to you, but there it is. Imagine your explaining this to your son or daughter. Explain that nothing would make you happier that exhausting all the achivable resources, then dying.

How exactly do you phrase your parting comments to them as to what they can do afterwards? for all you care, daddy.

at this rate, i will leave my son/daughter with millions if not more of wealth at my death. they cannot be happier and shouldn't have problem about me using a few more gallon of gas.
plus i am not particularly wasteful of energy, note that, just because someone disagree with environmentalism, doesn't make him wasteful of energy.

i rather have my dad leave me with millions rather than some ideology about energy conservation. the good thing is, my dad will probably leave me with millions, and he has no idea about conserving energy, all his thoughts are bend on conserving money.
Thats like saying your more concerned with making money then being healthy. So your going to eat crap and not care.

Your actions have the potential to hurt others. Even if you don't see the damage you cause first hand.

Making money and being environmentally smart are not mutually exclusive concepts. I mean, what, your going to be broke because you recycled or something?
Global warming exists and man most likely is playing a key role on it.
However "some people" tend to grossly exagerate the effects of the current trend, to the point of complete absurdity.

It is laughable when someone claims that global warming will cause the end of human civilisation in the next 40 years (and many people said just that on some threads here at CFC).

In short, man-caused global warming exists and may have some bad side effects, but it won't cause the end of civilisation.
Dida said:
i rather have my dad leave me with millions rather than some ideology about energy conservation. the good thing is, my dad will probably leave me with millions, and he has no idea about conserving energy, all his thoughts are bend on conserving money.

Conserving money and conserving energy are the same thing. The environment and the economy are the same thing.
. . . Of course not luiz, its serious, very serious. Just not end of the world serious. Not like that movie that exaggerated to the extreme.(never seen it but I got a impression of it through other sources)

. . . I mean losing a bunch of Florida to the sea is a serious issue to me. People dying of extreme weather, drought, floods, heat and cold is serious to me. And extreme weather, drought, floods and heat caused by global warming has already taken human lives.
newfangle said:
Conserving money and conserving energy are the same thing. The environment and the economy are the same thing.
Dida seems to think with enough money he can buy health, buy life, buy time.

It doesn't quite work that way.

All the gold in Fort Knox won't save your children if they can't breathe or drink clean water.
Some greens say the climate might destroy us.
So it's time for a pre-emptive strike and destroy it first !
luiz said:
Global warming exists and man most likely is playing a key role on it.
However "some people" tend to grossly exagerate the effects of the current trend, to the point of complete absurdity.

It is laughable when someone claims that global warming will cause the end of human civilisation in the next 40 years (and many people said just that on some threads here at CFC).

In short, man-caused global warming exists and may have some bad side effects, but it won't cause the end of civilisation.
I totally agree with you :)
It's not all bad news, those climate changes. And those bad effects of it, well, most of them we oughta be able to keep under control by damming, landscape engineering and agricultural renovation.
Well, I am in perfectly good health, and even here in NYC, the air quality is totally great and refreshing. I do not deny that the environment might be going on a downward slope, however, it is nowhere as bad as the end of the world.
Some of you are just ridiculous. I don't see how the environment can be a threat to my health at this point, or how it can be in the near future.
SonicX said:
I totally agree with you :)
It's not all bad news, those climate changes. And those bad effects of it, well, most of them we oughta be able to keep under control by damming, landscape engineering and agricultural renovation.

Depending on the affect of global warming - it seems to me that there will most certainly be an affect, but that we can minimise that by addressing the causes.

Ultimately, though, humans will survive, we're adaptable - that doesn't mean poorer people, with their consequently lesser ability to adapt, and the flora and fauna won't die in their millions of billions...

Frankly, it may well be that the biggest issue is the impact of global warming on the ecology - as, despite our engineering we are utterly dependant on the many basic ecological relationships - such as a bee polinating a flower.

World fish supplies - which account for most of the global food supply/global sustainence - are already threatened with the sharp decline in :hmm: krill, I think the name is - being the very basis of most of that oceanic food chain.

We'll survice, but we might survive to live in a gray and uniformed ecology - let's all go to the zoo...
Dida said:
Well, I am in perfectly good health, and even here in NYC, the air quality is totally great and refreshing.
I used to feel that way too. Then I traveled to other places. ;)
The earth is currently starting on the warming trend of its 280 thousand-year warming and cooling cycle. Solar output is increasing almost identically with planetary temperature. It is conceivable that man-made pollutants are contributing to this effect slightly, but the warming itself is as inevitable and inescapable as the next tick of the clock. Nothing man is now capable of doing can stop it or even slow it appreciably.

Short of a UN resolution to Launch Solar Shade, we're losing some coastline. Get over it, people.
Narz said:
I used to feel that way too. Then I traveled to other places. ;)

My other house is situated in 200 acre of wisconsin forest. you think I have not been to places other than NYC?
FearlessLeader2 said:
The earth is currently starting on the warming trend of its 280 thousand-year warming and cooling cycle. Solar output is increasing almost identically with planetary temperature. It is conceivable that man-made pollutants are contributing to this effect slightly, but the warming itself is as inevitable and inescapable as the next tick of the clock. Nothing man is now capable of doing can stop it or even slow it appreciably.

Short of a UN resolution to Launch Solar Shade, we're losing some coastline. Get over it, people.

what is exactly what i was saying, and the 'greenies' just rejected it out of hand because it does not fit their typical view of what caused the warming.

the earth's climate cycles from being very cold to very warm every so often. there has been 10 or more such identifiable ice ages or warm ages. some scientists even suggest that very cold or very warm is the normal mode of climate, and the moderate climate we have seen in the past few thousand years was a relatively short intermediate state during the transition.
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