• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Good luck ^_^


Oct 20, 2007
It's good to see you guys are still alive as a community.

I was remniscing about something (painful) in my past and I thought about all the good - if whacked and personally disproportionate - times I had here. Its truly a fun and creative place. I'm not sure what Lord Iggy wanted to say to me the last time or so but I hope it was nice.

I'm thinking I might start a moderated wargaming community at giantitp where I go under a different handle, or maybe somewhere else less restrictive. Neh, it won't happen, I don't have the attention for it.

It was rather foolish of me to burn out after Emu's (he is a liar) vicious slander (even though some of you laughed) and my fight with my old friend on this board (even though it healed, later).

Either way, I wish you all well. There should be more communities like this around, communities that are good enough to drive on for pages just saying happy birthday to each other. You leave people with good memories, even if sometimes there is evil in it.

Now if I was a balanced person I could stop doing this years ago. Certain things stick in your mind disproportionately.

Good gaming

I should go and do something that matters to me now in a way I want.
Oh, and some of you have beautifoul avies now.

And it was nice to bump into you at the sluggy forums das. Haven't read your reply yet though, if you posted one. :)

Oh and I'm still in touch with some of you. :) Good rpg'ers...
Well, this brings back memories. ;)

Thanks for the kind words, and rest assured that you're not forgotten. That said...

*runs away from the inevitably-impending spam/flame barrage*
I've said to you what I had to say. Come back and play or go away. (forever preferably because this is annoying) This way your just being an emo attention hoe.
I really don't get why you keep pming me, seriously I dont even remember how or why you annoyed me
How patethic is this....Seriously man get a life....
Diagnosis: Totally appropriate and un-hypocritical post. Thank you being so conducive to the progression of this thread.

Also: Misspelled "pathetic," though I can see how someone with such a life as yours has more important things to tend to.
Diagnosis: Totally appropriate and un-hypocritical post. Thank you being so conducive to the progression of this thread.

Also: Misspelled "pathetic," though I can see how someone with such a life as yours has more important things to tend to.

Excuse me sir, just who do you think you are?
All shut up in this thread now, or I call a mod to do more than just close it.
Who is this person and why is he wishing us luck? We don't do luck here. We pray.
Who is this person
One of the Old Guard, and one of my friends.

Hello, Toteone! Come back and NES with us once more! I demand it!
old guard? If hes the old guard then I'm the ancient guard.

Oh wait I am
Yay, a completely random and unnecessary thread.

I'm not sure why, but Toteone seems to enjoy popping back every year or so and reminding us that he's gone. He wasn't a bad player, but he was a pretty controversial one, particularly his personality fluctuations between genocidal maniac and contrite peacemaker. But it's totally NOT needed to bring up old arguments that died a long time ago.

Either rejoin, or let it go already. It's against the forum rules to dedicate OT-style threads to this kind of thing.
All shut up in this thread now, or I call a mod to do more than just close it.

*cue music for misplaced dramatic effect* Dun Dun Duuuuuuuunnnnnnn!

But seriously Erez, that is more unnecessary than the bombing of Lebanese Apartment buildings
k, now stop making double logins and go away
This guy really likes attention. making a thread about how he is still gone and perfection thought it was bad that Silver 2039 made his own Birthday thread at least that thread has a point.

Edit: if Giantitp stands for Giant in the playground I'm going to have to stop going there.
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