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Good old baloon


Apr 9, 2006
Czech Kingdom
Good old baloon. Without animations, useful as recon unit. In NifSkope program I cannot create sfere. If anyone of you
can make for me one file with sfere, I change ballon to better form.
I made version with baloon rider too.


download - Baloon

New baloon version (Chalid´s work) you can download here: Chalid´s Baloon with animations
I add texture - as I promised
9/6/06 - I add dark variant skin for Chalids baloon dark baloon texture
Heh, that's pretty nifty. Now if we could put some goblins in it and have them lobbing bombs. :D
Nice idea!
Do you use this as Air or as ground unit. (There is a big difference how the animations have to be applied).

I can make you a sphere or if you prefer i could invest some work and do a baloon model including some basic animations for you. I would do it without rider and without the skin.
Unit is Air with use of FlyMod. If you would be so kind and help me, spears should be thrown from baloons, maybe hurl boulder...
If it would seem to you too much, I´ll be happy for the sphere. Thanks

Here is a baloon for you.
Point to baloon.kfm for the animations.
The ball of the baloon supports teamcolor, the basket transparency.

Simple Baloon with hrochlands skin (now included in the zip):

To get an attack you have to define an Effect.
For spear add the following to your xml/misc/CIV4EffectInfo.xml file:
			<Description>Mali Spear</Description>

If you want an grenade copy the EFFECT_GRENADE_THROW effect, and rename it to EFFECT_BALOONPROJECTILE;
for an arrow copy the EFFECT_ARCHERARROW and rename that.

There are two sound triggers defined:
AS3D_UN_BALOON_PFFFFFT when the baloon is hit and
AS3D_UN_BALOON_IMPACT when the baloon crashes to the ground on death.

And here is the new zip:


Chalid said:
Mechanical units are easy. Took me about three hours :).

I can't wait to see a balloon bomber in action. :)

And your reply was fast as well! ;)
I pay a compliment, Chalid. You are living proof of this forum funkcionality.
Because there are acquirements, which I don&#180;t know, I am glad to be here with you all.
This evening I make texture at home and place to forum, of course.
Many thanks to you, Chalid. I wish with all my heart you&#180;where near, when I get to trouble again. :)
First texture for Chalid&#180;s baloon ;)

download - Baloon

@ Chalid: Question: Can I to do baloon.nif add rider and sand_bag? (as load, to no fly away:)) Will do it animations crash?
Screenies please, some of us don't have access to civ4 or nif viewer during the day :cry:

We are the Mole People!... just kidding... bad joke, moving along....
@hrochland: You can add in the nif whatever you want. If you do not remove any of the existant ni nodes it should not do any harm.

Putting it into the right ninodes will make that the things follow the animations:
ninode BIP basket for bags and rider.
And if you want to attach something to the rope pull it to the rope ninodes (rope3 is the lowest part of the rope).

EDIT: @Rabbit. I"ll put a screeni with hrochlands skin when i am at home.. Its a very basic Baloon without rider and with only 6 bones.
nice unit but the baloon looks like a gigantic potato.... but COOL!!
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