GP Series Part 2: The War Poets

It's basically a game where mostly ignoring great peoples and wonders would be efficient, where does the special touch with artists come in? ~~

That's what I'm trying to pin down.

Artists are good for these things:

* Gold (but very little)
* Pushing out borders
* Some bulbing (but the bulb list is sort of eh... religious techs have a high priority on it)
* Bringing cities out of revolt

The last one is the one we haven't covered in detail. Drafting's been mentioned, but what about whipping? That's something we can do regardless of a city's culture. Bringing an artist into a captured city, building the Great Work, and immediately whipping out a defender or a barracks or another addition to the attack force.

Of these four, the first and the last seem the most interesting. I have a feeling, though, that we will in general be running fewer artists than we did priests just because utility is down.

I've got a start rolled for us, and it's a Pangaea map. No Huts/Events, and Choose Religions is on. Speed and size are both normal. Culture is turned off, but I've found that on a Pangaea map, it's easy enough to stop that the AI rarely if ever wins that way anyway.

Our fearless leader is, as mentioned above, De Gaulle of the Free French! Sacré bleu!



De Gaulle comes into play with a very nice trait combination. Industrious, as with Ramesses before, will give us cheap Wonders and Forges, including the wide variety of National Wonders we'll be able to build in this game as opposed to the last. A wonder-fueled GP farm is very likely in the cards. Charismatic is, as I've mentioned in other threads, my favorite trait in the whole game. More happiness means bigger cities, and the bonus to unit promotions will get a workout for sure.

France's unique unit, the Musketeer, is a 2-move Musketman. Personally, I'm a fan of this one; a fast unit that can fortify and get defensive bonuses is a powerful bonus and one of the reasons why Conquistadors and Immortals are so good. Packing a handful of these guys along with our forces is a good idea, and they are of course draftable as well if that's part of our strategy.

The much-loathed Salon is France's unique building: an Observatory with a free Artist specialist because, um, yay, that thing? On a Pangaea map, I rarely bother with Astronomy unless it's absolutely needed. With Artists as our only specialists, though, it might become more of a priority.

The Wheel and Agriculture as starting techs speaks to getting a worker out early. I'd have liked Mining, but eh.

I rolled a few starts until I found one with an early wonder resource... and wouldn't you know it, it's the one I preferred of the two.

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This is after an initial warrior move when I saw the blue dot suggesting we settle 1SW. Right off the bat, I'm thinking 1S is better. Losing a floodplain is sort of eh when there are two more along with two stronger food resources nearby. We need to hit the coast with this start, though.

I'm liking the hills, though, and the promise of more hills to the north suggests a few strong production sites to come.

So when we do get started, what should our priorities be? I'm leaning strongly toward AH/Mining/Masonry as our first three techs, but we'll have to squeeze Fishing in there as well at some point. Given the fairly large amount of food at our disposal, my inclination is to tech BW before Fishing. It seems a shame to not grow on that food, but it does allow us to chop out a work boat. Longer term, the Aesthetics line is an important goal, with an incidental dip to Polytheism to grab the Parthenon. My priority wonders right now are the Parthenon, Mausoleum, Taj, and Notre Dame, which requires sort of a crazy tech path, but it may well be doable.

Save is attached. As always, put map spoilers in the proper tags.

All righty! Laissez les bon temps rouler!
The Wheel plus Agri means that you can research Pottery right off the bat if you want. Not saying that it's the best idea in this particular case, but it's something to keep in mind.
Something that may come in useful.

GA tech preferences:
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Great Artist:

Mass Media
Divine Right
Alphabet (Vanilla & Warlords)
Aesthetics (BTS)
Printing Press
Horseback Riding
Military Tradition
Metal Casting
Civil Service
Animal Husbandry
Bronze Working
Future Tech

kind of too bad you picked a map with marble, because if you skip masonry (and therefore disable Monotheism -> Theology -> Divine Right), you can use great artists to bulb Music, Nationalism, and Military Tradition quite easily. Feudalism next, if for some reason it isn't available via trade by the time you get MilTrad.
kind of too bad you picked a map with marble, because if you skip masonry (and therefore disable Monotheism -> Theology -> Divine Right), you can use great artists to bulb Music, Nationalism, and Military Tradition quite easily. Feudalism next, if for some reason it isn't available via trade by the time you get MilTrad.

...that's actually not a bad idea. I was so hung up on the fact that the bulb line includes the relatively useless religious techs that I didn't even realize we could skip them for Military Tradition.

I might roll up another map in that case.
1S looks like a great site. Floodplain for a river grass hill is an OK swap, especially with an extra forest to chop.

It would be interesting to see just how soon the first GA can be got. If there's land left at that time culture bombing about 50 tiles of it or whatever you get would be pretty powerful.

Or what about playing terra and taking 4 or 5 artists over to the new world - you could virtually claim the whole thing instantly!

Edit: Skipping ancient techs to enable deep bulb tricks always seems a bit cheesy to me, and in any case is it a particularly artisty thing to do?
Why roll another map? Just don't quarry the marble if you want to avoid masonry. Alternatively bulb religious techs.
I'm sure you can leverage artists without being mOnotonic about it. Settle some border cities 3 tiles away from your neighbors and settle an artist or two for the culture to either flip, steal resources, or just imProve invasion routes. Triangulate on your favorite target: two sources of culture will flip it faster than one. Also consider the culture espionage mission: doesn't make the city flip faster, but it helps for claiming tiles after it is in your control.
Also consider the culture espionage mission: doesn't make the city flip faster, but it helps for claiming tiles after it is in your control.

Actually, it does. Your altering the city culture DOES have an effect on plot culture. Not only can you make the city plot more % yours through spread culture, but you can also make the surrounding tiles yours if you have a city that can extend culture to that distance, and cities surrounded by opposing culture have higher flip odds.

I shadowed this but probably won't bother posting it since I won with 0 great artists, 0 great people other than generals (lol), and a lot of

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horse archers

Which capped the entire map outright.
Okay, I've been giving serious thought to Keilah's suggestion, and it's really intriguing--probably one of the best ways to leverage GAs that I've read. I'm going to give it a shot. To that end, I decided to roll up a new map and see what we could pull off from bulbing by avoiding the Masonry line. My goal is to at least get Military Tradition from Artists, but I may just shoot for Nationalism and a few of the other choice bulbs up there, which are much more attractive when religious tech is missed. The short list of techs we'll be missing by getting Masonry are as follows:

* Monotheism
* Theocracy
* Divine Right (oh noes, not that!)
* Construction
* Engineering
* Everything after Engineering (Chemistry, Steel, etc.)

Once MT or at least Nationalism is in, I'll grab Masonry and shoot for the subsequent techs in the sequence, but that's usually such a high-priority tech for me that avoiding it should be interesting.

Here's the new start, which cautiously avoids wonder resources. If we want wonders, we'll have to ride the Industrious trait to pick them up:

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I've played the first round, and I'll put it up shortly, but anyone who wants to shadow this save can pick it up here.
Chapter 1
The Painter in the Cave

Goals for This Round:

* Improve our first city
* Find our second city
* Tech!

The site known as Chauvet Cave in the hills of inner France was the first place where the French tribesmen discovered the cave paintings. In inks made from the berries of the forests, the paintings showed the pigs and beavers of the hills as well as the cattle of the distant west. They even depicted a strange new beast, strong of back and swift of foot, a creature of the forest that was rumored to be a legend. For many days, the tribes pondered the paintings, what they represented, what strange god was responsible. They vowed that whoever had witnessed the new beasts must be made chief of the tribe.

Then, one morning, they found a young man sleeping beneath the paintings, his fingers wet with the dye. He was a decadent and lazy youth of the tribe named De Gaulle.

The elders rolled their eyes. Somehow the gods had chosen... this one.

With neither warning nor notice, young De Gaulle woke--a headache pounding in his skull--to find himself made chief of the French tribe and the city of Paris.

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(The Warrior's move west didn't show me much that I liked, so I settled in place. Plains cow should be fine with pigs to support it. If we want to mine those furs, we have access to more to the west. But this should be a pretty nice production site in the long term, pumping out wonders when it's not pumping troops.)

With time, De Gaulle began to appreciate his new station in life. While the responsibilities of managing city life were taxing, there was little to manage in those days, and the elders--who viewed the lad as foolish--were more than happy to take on much of the responsibility of management themselves.

One morning, as De Gaulle was relaxing in his tent, he heard his advisers speaking to someone with a strange accent. "Zut alors!" he shouted. "A woman!" The chief, with more energy than he'd shown in months, burst out of the tent before he could even pull his shirt back on, finding the advisers speaking to a warrior chief in a leather bustier.

"Aw-haw-haw-haw!" De Gaulle laughed, shoving his way to the front and taking the chief by the hand. "Call me Charles, mon cher."

Before he could move to kiss her hand, she pushed him away... and thus ended the first diplomatic meeting in French history.

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(Turn 3 I met Boudica, so she's close. Not my favorite leader to have close at hand, so we might need to press the issue.)

"Wait, wait!" De Gaulle shouted, following the Celtic retinue out of the village. "Mon cher! Come back!"

And he chased the Celtic train all the way back to nearby Bibracte, where the Celtic tribe had laid down roots.

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(Boudica is dangerously close, but she'll likely not be our first target.)

Dejected, De Gaulle sauntered back to his village, club in hand.

Fortunately, back in Paris, the elders had matters well in hand. They had--under De Gaulle's advice--sought to master the herds, and they were rewarded when the mysterious beasts showed themselves to the east.

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The elders muttered under their breaths about their strange chief, but clearly he was wise in the ways of the gods. A worker was sent in short order to pen the horses and put them under French control.

(I'll take BFC horses any day. They'll probably get a workout this game if some artist-bulbed Cuirassier spam is indeed in the cards.)

De Gaulle was once again half-napping in his tent when he heard his advisers muttering about another chief who had come to visit. "This one's even stranger than the other one," they murmured. "Not even wearing a shirt."

Needless to say, De Gaulle nearly tripped over his own legs as he burst out of the tent, shoving his way through the guards to greet the topless entourage that had come to grace him.

"Mon cher!" he shouted as he finally found himself before the chief.

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"...oh." He muttered. "I am De Gaulle, a--"

"--a crazy person who is certainly not Chief De Gaulle of the French people!" Elder Pierre quickly interjected.

Pacal rolled his eyes and turned to leave the village as De Gaulle composed himself.

"I will teach him," De Gaulle murmured. "Teach him not to be a trés sexie lady..."

The French people's research in Mining finally reached the promised breakthrough to Bronze Working, and they found themselves at an impasse. Would De Gaulle make good on his threat? Who even knew what the French chief was thinking anymore?

(Pacal is VERY close. Closer than Boudica even.

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And with BFC horses and a capital 8 tiles away from ours (and the Jewish holy city to boot), I'm thinking a quick and dirty subjugation of Pacal is in order. We have two workers and Bronze Working, so we could chop out a Barracks and some Chariots, then ride off to ruin Pacal's day.

Also pictured is a rough dot map. What I like about grabbing Mutal is that it should be a very strong commerce site. I'm thinking of establishing the forward base just to have two cities pumping Chariots, but it may not be necessary. We're pretty boxed in, so taking out our two closest neighbors should be a priority.

We have AH, Mining, and BW in addition to our starting techs, so here's what we can get now:

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We're set to Hunting now to get the furs and shoot towards Horse Archers. Pottery and Mysticism are both good options, though. Pottery in particular will help us get Pacal's capital up and running in short order if we rush him--which, again, is my plan.

Long-turn tech order I'm planning right now: Pottery/Writing/Hunting/Mysticism/Aesthetics, possibly with an eye towards grabbing Archery in a tech trade if we're lucky. Aesthetics is a bear of a tech, but we could try trading it. Honestly, the wonder I'm most concerned with grabbing from it is the Parthenon; anything else is gravy.

Thoughts? Save is attached!)
Definitely should be rushing at least one of them! Looks like a really interesting game. What difficulty? :)
Pacal has Holkan and a religion (cultural boundaries), so you probably don't want to chariot or HA rush him. If you do decide to attack, Boudica gets my vote. Hey, she spurned your advances anyway ;)
Meh, I still think cultural crushing ala Sulla would be more fun for this variant. Normal military rushes are so lamely... ordinary.
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