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Greatest Fantsy Setting

Which is the best fantasy world

  • Tolkien's Middle Earth

    Votes: 15 44.1%
  • Forgotten Realms

    Votes: 5 14.7%
  • Dragonlance

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • Lankhmar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chulthu

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Greyhawk

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Discworld

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • Other (Please post)

    Votes: 6 17.6%

  • Total voters
out of the choices I gotto say middle earth:)

But I think overall my favourite 'fantasy setting' would have to be the world of warhammer:D
How about the Wheel of Time world? I like the fallen tech (regressing world) tone of the series. :)
Forgotten Realms :D

Artemis, Jarlaxle & Vangy all the way :goodjob:
Middle Earth :)

I wish they made the worlds in RPG games bigger than they are.

Like in Final Fantasy and Zelda the worlds are pretty small.
Like more towns and cities would be really cool :)
Breath of Fire 3's world is pretty big!
Just my thoughts ;)
In terms of FANTASY, one does tend to prefer the Forgotten Realms
"Darkshade where you from? You don't say snobby stuff like that any more"

We do where one comes from, the hearth of privilege, and the playing fields of the elite;)
Maybe youngsters like yourself do not speak in such a manner, but that hardly makes it snobby.

Personally, although I do like Middle Earth very much, and admire it as the root of modern high fantasy, it is a tad small, and, dare I say it, boring IMO, when compared to an Earth like setting, with variant cultures and millieu.
Looks like I'm the first vote for Greyhawk.

It was tough to choose a single setting. They are all so different and each has their own unique characteristics. I'm also not familiar with a few of them (like Discworld which I am now curious about as several posters have mentioned their liking this one).

So why Greyhawk?

First, I guess it's a bit nostalgic for me. I can remember so well how my friends and I would study the map in exquisite detail and reference the Gazette while deciding where our next campaigns would take place.

Further, what I think I liked most about it is that the whole world was basically open to my own storylines. The setting was there and established, but it was my own personal stories and ideas that really shaped it. I was not influenced at all by novels and short stories that were written with it, and it allowed me to have a greater and more varied effect in my musings.

I know that Gary Gygax, et. al. later published books based in Greyhawk, but by then my ideas were already firmly ensconced.

Ah well, a misspent youth perhaps. :)
The world of Eddings' Belgariad and Mallorean
The countries and cultures are well-defined, and the world is quite large, and the books are just great.
I would have to say that the world from the Wheel of Time is the best of which I have any knowledge, but in all fairness, I have not been exposed to some of these choices.
Has no one heard of Lankhmar?

P.S. Darkshade when one must talk in a posh accent one must stay refined. This means that one must not jab at the younger population but must control themselves.
Robert E Howard's Hyborain Age (Conan)

(yes, I am that Smurfing old)
:eek: You're ancient!
No, actually, I liked the old lands of Cimmeria and Aquillonia, as they were somewhat earth like; there were many different cultures.
That is the thing that really gets me about a fantasy world, its level of complexity.

And to the boy, one is not talking "posh". One would never employ such a vulgar turn of phrase. I am speaking in the manner that befits my station, and with that comes a traditional contempt for the young and anyone else below me.:p
(Its what you would call a public school thing.)
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