Should the US Government Bring Back the Fugitive Slave Act?

Moderator Action: @Akka Keep it civil; any more insults will trigger CFC border enhancements.
"you have basically stated it's perfectly acceptable to prevent people entering your house because they aren't part of your family, so why would you object to lock your wife in the basement and forbid her to leave ?"

That you need it to be spelled out means you really should work on your cognitive dysfunction first and foremost.

The French are not a family, and France is not a private domicile.
But what about Sweden
The French are not a family, and France is not a private domicile.
I find hilarious that you try to dismiss a parallel which use the exact same reasoning as your claim by saying that two things aren't the same, while at the same time you're upholding said claim by pretending that two opposite concepts are.
I find hilarious that you try to dismiss a parallel which use the exact same reasoning as your claim by saying that two things aren't the same, while at the same time you're upholding said claim by pretending that two opposite concepts are.
Analogies are frequently imperfect, but they're only being used here because you're refusing to spell something out that you consider obvious, that others do not.

Also, it's your analogy in the first place.
Thank you for posting, child of Patty Cannon and Thomas McCreary.
The analogy was a poor one, so I'm just answering the topic question that should've been posed.

To clarify, I think that bounties without a clear person of who should be sought out (akin to the FBI's Most Wanted listed) are ripe for abuse. Just like in Jaws you'll get a lot of yokels desperate for cash and probably fame going out trying to find, and thinking they've found, some offender and making up excuses as to why they deserve the credit. By then, reputations if not lives could be damaged. To that end, it is best to report crimes as you see them and not be a hero about it.

Now as to whatever moral reasons there are behind illegal immigration, and I'm sure there are many, I still think that it is wrong and should be judged by the law case-by-case. Unless the home country or the offender himself wants to make amends for that wrong-doing somehow. Until then, deporting poor people helps no one, neither the US's ability to care for them all effectively or the home country's ability to build a more equitable system for its people.
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