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HBO Game of Thrones, Season 2

I love throwing fake spoilers at people. A friend of mine had just started to read A Clash of Kings and I asked him (...)

That is so evil :lol:

On the pics: Quite unhappy with Stannis, but it's the performance that counts. I was also very sceptical about Sean Bean (Eddard Stark doesn't look like that!), Mark Addy (Robert doesn't look like that!) and many others.

Quite so. I still think they could have at least dyed their hair and beards, is that so hard?

What do you think about Natalie Dormer as Margaery Tyrell?[

I'm not really sure what to expect from her, because I only know her as the seductive Anne Boleyn from The Tudors, which is kind of opposite to Margaery's (apparent) sweet character.

Sweet? I wouldn't call Margaery sweet... I think she is at least as cunning as her grandmother.

But I do think she looks the type. This is how I imagined her, more or less.

Same here.

I think there is much more to Margaery that what we've seen so far. Especially since she's been basically trained in the art of cunning by her grandmother. I think she uses this "oh, I am just a sweet young girl" part to make her enemies underestimate her.

I thought WTF ?! She's much too old. Margaery is supposed to be 16. I suspect the character underwent some considerable changes for the series and she'll come across as less of a naive child and more of a political player: A less evil, smarter and only slightly younger Cerse.

There has been quite an age-shift between the books and the TV series, so Margaery will probably be presented as being about 20. The actress is 30, and looks younger, so it's quite possible.
Sweet? I wouldn't call Margaery sweet... I think she is at least as cunning as her grandmother.
This is why I added the "apparent". Margaery plays sweet and innocent almost every time we see her, of course there's more to her. But imo the casting makes this side a lot more obvious. Maybe that's intended, though, the series was quite happy to drop subtlety when it felt like it (Renly and Loras for example).

I thought WTF ?! She's much too old. Margaery is supposed to be 16. I suspect the character underwent some considerable changes for the series and she'll come across as less of a naive child and more of a political player: A less evil, smarter and only slightly younger Cerse.
We might see more from Margaery's perspective and so her image of a political player might be established earlier, which would justify that. But twenty-something Margaery would make her continued virginity even more ridiculous ;)
This is why I added the "apparent". Margaery plays sweet and innocent almost every time we see her, of course there's more to her. But imo the casting makes this side a lot more obvious. Maybe that's intended, though, the series was quite happy to drop subtlety when it felt like it (Renly and Loras for example).
Must have missed that :) my bad
The Title of the first episode is out, which basically means that the HBO online calendar now reaches to April first. We're getting closer. The title is

"The North Remembers"

(What's the spoiler level of this exactly, tv level I'd think, so I'd be vague) I am a bit disappointed. I really have hoped for "the red comet". The title itself seems a bit early in the season/show, but I guess it's to tie in with last season episode 9 (Sean Bean dies).

The second episode has been rumoured to be titled "Nightlands". Bonus points for anyone that can pinpoint this one on a character/setting ;)

We might do a little prediction for the the rest of the titles? (This is still rather vague connections to various characters, so not really spoilers)

Blackwater has been (more or less) confirmed, I'd guess Clash of Kings will be one as well, since that's the title of the book. The Peach would be awesome, but that's probably way too specific. Something with Lights and Shadows or the Fiery Heart seems better to tie in with Stannis. We do not sow or the Iron Price would fit really well for a Theon-heave episode.

In the end, the titles do not really matter much anyways ;)
I'd love "The Peach". Stannis pondering over Renly's "peach" is one of my favorite quotes of the book.
I'd love "The Peach". Stannis pondering over Renly's "peach" is one of my favorite quotes of the book.

Yes, that one is great :D Stannis is actually a pretty funny character at times, I *really* hope he'll be equally interesting in the series.
... Brienne, her name is Brienne! (They really made her look right, woot. I was afraid they'd just make her Hollywood-ugly, i.e. hottie with a scar, glasses, or a little dirt on her face. This wench actually really looks properly ugly!):

well, they DID cast a rather pretty woman and made her ugly.

actually, they put dirt on her face, shortened her hair and made it look unwashed and i think that's a little scar on her upper lip there.
While reading the novel, I pictured Brienne like that one big woman from Fable II, "Hammer" I think her name was.

But I also imagined her to look like Strong Susan at times.

Spoiler :
Just finished up reading novels 2 through 4 over the last three weeks. And I gotta say, I'm looking forward to seeing how the series does a lot of the plot.

I can't wait to get my hands of the 5th novel. But I want to wait until it comes out in the cheap paperback form.
That should be rather soon now, June or July this year or so. And you will get an extra preview chapter from TWOW which I will have to read in the bookshop in secret, since I'm not buying the book again...

Rather unimpressed about Greywind, I must say...
On the topic of casting, I'm a little disappointed by the actor playing Renly, he and Ser Loras both seem too scrawny to me.
Well, that's it. I imagine them more "super"natural than natural ;) It's not that I really care all that much, just first impressions...

Regarding Loras and Renly being too scrawny, I don't think that's the actors' faults. I rather guess how they act in the show is more directors directive. I guess they thought, gay characters can't be real men, or rather that they had to portray them acting "gay" so that the viewership gets it, like the way Maester Luwin and Littlefinger are always commenting and explaining everything they see to spell it out.

In my mind, they do look rather ok for the role, Renly might have had a longer beard. In any case, the shaving scene was totally unecessary and kinda drives home the point above. Of course, the gay pairing shaves, while the rest is as hairy as they can be... They could have chosen anything there, but no, they chose shaving...
On the topic of casting, I'm a little disappointed by the actor playing Renly, he and Ser Loras both seem too scrawny to me.

As much as I really thought they did an absolutely terrific job of the casting of the show, Renly (along with Littlefinger) was one of the few disappointments. For me, the main problem with Renly is that he's supposed to be Captain Charisma; gregarious, flamboyant, easygoing and full of himself, but comes across more as introverted, whiny and petulant. There's no hint of the sort of guy whose claim to the throne comes mainly from his effortless ability to win people to his side. I'm equally worried about Stannis, though Davos, Balon and Brienne look perfect.

Wasn't Grey Wind already in season 1? Didn't he bite Greatjon Umber's fingers off?
As much as I really thought they did an absolutely terrific job of the casting of the show, Renly (along with Littlefinger) was one of the few disappointments. For me, the main problem with Renly is that he's supposed to be Captain Charisma; gregarious, flamboyant, easygoing and full of himself, but comes across more as introverted, whiny and petulant. There's no hint of the sort of guy whose claim to the throne comes mainly from his effortless ability to win people to his side. I'm equally worried about Stannis, though Davos, Balon and Brienne look perfect.

I actually like the TV Renly much more than the book Renly. The books make him look more like an entitled, spoiled child who wants the throne just because he thinks he can get it. The series makes him maybe less charismatic, but smarter and more complex. His main motivation is his annoyance at his war obsessed brothers who both make good generals and warriors, but aren't really fit to rule during peace.
He genuinely -and probably with good reason- thinks he'd be a better king. A conclusion he reaches with the help of Loras playing Lady Macbeth.
Loras otoh really is too scrawny for someone who's suposed to have been training with a sword and heavyy armo for several years.

Wasn't Grey Wind already in season 1? Didn't he bite Greatjon Umber's fingers off?

That was a not particularly large dog, now it looks like they'll swith to CGI to make the direwolves look more like wolves.
The Grey Wind in the picture looks bigger than the one who ate the Greatjons fingers.
Ygritte look cuter than I imagined.

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