I think prioritizing a coherent narrative flow within the mod itself is more important than making sure that things line up 1-to-1 to when things may have theoretically happened in the thread. Especially since players may either delay taking focuses to save PP, or do them in an unexpected order. I get that your primary audience for the mod is us, the people who played the orgional game, but an adapatation of a work into a different medium is going to require concessions in some area in order to function, and I think conceding exact strict chronological order is fine, as long as the general beats remain roughly the same.
Aye, my motivation isn't so much a 1:1 match as figuring out how to mix the generic nation-building focuses like industry and research in with the politics. 70-day turnarounds are falling out of favour (see: Turkey in BftB), and given how quickly some things developed
within turns, the average length may even nudge toward 28 rather than 35.
Just remember, armored cars are locked behind a paywall, so whatever you tie to the armored car role will similarly be locked to people who don't own the DLC.
Unless, of course, it gets its own dedicated code...

(God, compatibility assurance is gonna be a pain...)
However, now that I think of it, how would Pottsylvania even work in a universe where superpowers aren't real and the PoD is way past WW2? Nearly everything about it was tied to the universe of KIOT, and I think it'd just feel out of place in the XIV universe. Not to mention, ngl, the whole idea was kind of tasteless in hindsight; it was probably sus even back in 2015 to write a nazi remnant state and focusing so much on trying to present its leader in a sympathetic light (even if her arc was about her succumbing to the evil her role represented), but in 2020... it really didn't age well. At all.
Yeah, I'd been mulling over how to transpose it, though I figured the supers angle could be fudged as post-apoc mythologism. As to Pottsylvania's origin itself, given the rise of AfD in our
current timeline, it's not
impossible to spin a neo-Nazi insurgency in the wake of the Cataclysm migrating into the Baltic: total collapse is pegged around the 2030s, France's backstory suggests things only stabilized around 2080, so that's a full half-century's potential of internecine warlordism and mass migration. It would help explain the peculiarity of several canon countries: neo-Byzantine Turkey is probably the most glaring, and I don't think New Rhodesia's origins were ever concretely explained—I've been running with a peacekeeping mission mutating into British expats running the government.
"Ruchang 2.0"
In the course of writing up portrait blurbs for the Thai characters, I got to thinking not just how, but how
many potential paths Shinawatra's conspiracy could take, and it's inspired a pretty expansive revision of how the long game plays out. Basically, Shinawatra is Ruchang but with tact: he covets the throne but is willing to use the existing Monarchy as a shroud to couch his own totalitarian aspirations. The route to usurpation would be closer to how it resolved in-game, tracing his manipulation of the Court with different outcomes depending when and where a flashpoint occurs. The Decisions tab would track the Chancellor's influence and attitude, the former granting bonuses as he micromanages the bureaucracy while entrenching him as 'indispensable' to the Crown, the latter representing his satisfaction with the state of the country/his own position. When both are high, so are the rewards; when both are low, there's no consequence to ignoring him. When he's angry
and powerful, a civil war looms.
The player would have a choice between three main approaches: the historical Monarchist path, focused on building up Thailand's power under cover of the looming Vietnam crisis; the Reformist path, which dispenses of Shinawatra early on, allowing a shift toward a more internationalist foreign policy; and the Hardline path, which fast-tracks Shinawatra's ascent but results in diplomatic isolation as neighbour states are put off by early aggression. The player begins with Shinawatra as a pre-appointed minister who can only be removed when his influence is low; choosing ahistorical focuses and events will neuter him early on but stymie Thailand’s development as the Crown struggles to maintain the bureaucracy; following the historical route steadily empowers him, allowing more efficient growth at the cost of the Emperor's actual authority. At high enough levels, Shinawatra's clout will railroad focus tree progression, so the player must plan accordingly.
By 2112, Shinawatra is making moves on royal succession and if his influence hasn't been suppressed, any major obstruction risks provoking a rebellion. The appointment of Nattapong to Phnom Penh (if successful; see below) means Cambodia will oppose the Crown in the event of civil war. While the game didn't last long enough for christos to elaborate on whether Shinawatra aimed to depose Sayyamak outright, once Thailand has tilted sufficiently Fascist, he delivers the ultimatum and, if accepted, the emperor is reduced to an impotent figurehead. In-universe, this provides an insidious purpose to the Royal Harem: essentially an entrapment tool, it served to sequester Rama XXVII as Shinawatra assumed
de facto rule in his stead, then as blackmail against Rama XXVIII, its exposure not only besmirching the royal family but also threatening to throw the entire country into upheaval. Regardless, refusal to acquiesce prompts the Chancellor to rebel.
Tied into all this is Cambodia. I got it into my head that Sirindhoorn opposed Shinawatra, and his appointment as governor was the chancellor's means of moving him out of the court; thus if he isn't made 'King' he helps to suppress Shinawatra's machinations, at the cost of chronic revolts by Khmer resistance. Otherwise, following the Cambodian annex, the player can follow him to Phnom Penh and secretly build up his own power base
à la Manchu Assertiveness in WTT, with the option to refuse Nattapong's appointment and declare the kingdom truly sovereign. Depending on events in Thailand proper, an empowered Sirindhoorn can intervene in defence of the Monarchy, or sever ties completely in favour of Khmer self-determination. Alternatively, one can play the dutiful servant and accept Nattapong, becoming Shinawatra's power base should his scheming go south.
Deutschland Über Alles
In plotting out a rework of the Prussian and Austrian trees to make German Unification ideologically flexible, I ran into a critical oversight. Unification as seen in the game comprises three components: the founding of the HRE (or equivalent), the subjugation/integration of the smaller states, and the ultimate merger of the lead countries. In-game, once 'Lec joined as Austria, Terra ditched the Socialists and immediately went for an alliance. In the (barebones) Prussian tree, this is a decision at the start to defend the People's Republic or support the Monarchist coup, however
as seen in the Austrian teaser,
their realignment opens up after Joseph's assassination later on. While Terra did seem to be leading the dance up until the restart as Australia, given Austria ended up actually forming the Empire there should be some way for a player Austria to take initiative over an AI Prussia (without having to lock in strategies in pre-game setup). I may end up biting the bullet and fudging the timeline so there's time to influence Prussia before it locks in, I’m just thinking of all the knock-on effects it messes up re. Poland going Monarchist to be hip with the kids and France pressuring Monaco in response to the Austro-Prussian pact. (Though on the upside,
Feminist Teuton path, anyone?)
In-lore, Prussia's expansion into
terra nullius was the Monarchists invading and annexing the neighbour states; for the PPR, they'll have options for peaceful integration as I pull a page from
Frederick's Nightmare. Austria, meanwhile, was focused on Central Europe and a bee-line toward the Black Sea, so excepting a possible alt-hist clash over Czechia their early growth is mirrored. In the thread, Terra's resignation led to the shattering of Prussia into dedicated NPCs, though for sanity's sake we can probably skip that—the Hanseatic League can be expanded into a general Baltic trade bloc. Things get !!fun!! in regard to formally absorbing the other ally: though never explained outright, 'Lec's roleplay implied that the Prussian king had become invalid and practical power had shifted to the junkers. (The Empire was not a personal union; Claudia never married.) Once again, the timeline gets a bit finicky as Joseph's death would be the Austrian mirror to Wilhelm (IV? V?), except as per the previous paragraph, this occurs
before Austria has chosen its alignment. One supposes a solution by which Berlin and Vienna can proclaim friendship ahead of time via early focus, which then acts to maintain common cause even if they opt for different ideologies (provided they're not militantly opposed—no NazBol memery here).
I still have to figure out a foolproof way to determine which country is designated top dog for the merger (AI scripted to defer to the player country, issue is if they're both AI without Historical Focuses). Rather than the original finish-the-focus-and-instant-annex, if the other country agrees, it gains a special puppet status (TfV-dependent, probably) and the player receives Decisions to begin integration. I haven't thought through all possible options and it'll likely end up varying by ideology, but in the monarchist union I imagined negotiating with the junkers somewhat like the party politics of MtG USA, where you court individual states through infrastructure projects, special favours, &c. with cores awarded once consensus is achieved. To spice things up, this may have a deadline both for the union as a whole and individual promises (again, MtG USA and scratch-my-back deals for factories), though the former will be pretty generous. (In-thread Austria and the weakened Prussia merged immediately, but full consolidation was only finished during the time-skip, giving a window of up to six years.) It also may be the lynchpin to opening up the
Eisenmann project as unique research, which as per 'Lec's roleplay was one of the decisive enticements for junker compliance.
On the flip side, if Prussia and Austria instead decide to go after each other's throats, post-war integration may still be possible through something similar to Spain's recovery from the Civil War.