Also some French quotes that might be cool to add.

"Because she [Élodie Pettigrew] deserves a future" -Yvette Pettigrew

"I'll be back, and the world will hear the women of France roar"- Jeannette Hiver

"Monacan independence is a blight on all Frenchwomen, north and south"-Annette Renard

"Militaires Sans Frontières (Soldiers without borders)"- Special Task Division Motto (and an image I stole for that post you could use for a loading screen)

LET THE TRUTH BE KNOWN" -Lucie Bardot's manifesto
This looks awesome. Once I can use my PC in two days (I use laptop temporarily) I shall post Japanese military officers and photos. Japanese quotes:

"Japan will ensure free trade and stability in East Asia!"- Takeshi Ruchang
"I hereby dissolve the Diet, ban all political parties and proclaim myself Crown Prince of Japan!" - Takeshi Ruchang.

By the way, will you mention the Thai harem? :p
I knew going in that France was gonna be hella fun. :cool:

I'll probably condense the 2106 events for simplicity's sake: after the missile strike there's a simple option to side with Hiver or uphold parliamentary procedure and things progress from there. Free puppet CB to neighbours seems like a helluva nasty punch, and I think it'd be better deployed if Hiver wins the constitutional battle since Venus consolidation would make a conflict with the East much more likely. I recall from 'Lec's posts the Austrian generals were pushing for a pre-emptive strike but Claudia talked them down; Hiver obtaining political legitimacy might change her mind.

Speaking of Hiver, I know Reus gave a Last Will and Testament to Indonesia before he left, but lore-wise I've always held Jeannette's self-exile as what eventually led to the Civil War. I've been looking into Scripted Ministers à la Spanish Civil War and Great Purge, and figured that unless/until she's rehabilitated she's available as an Indonesian advisor that aggressively boosts Feminist support.

As to Renard, I'm pretty sure I can model the late game's cloak-and-dagger politics by tying scripts to her presence as a government minister. I've done something similar with Shinawatra already: he starts off as a Thai advisor akin to the Silent Workhorse, but he also boosts Fascism at a tiny percent, reflecting his gradual usurpation of executive power and subversion of the royal hierarchy. (This process accelerates under Sayammak, who in keeping with the master-student dynamic suffers a penalty to drift defence.) Once Fascism support gets high enough there's a chance he'll coup the government, at which point the player can either surrender to the scheme or brand him traitor; the former swaps him out as political advisor with Nattapong to become Head of State, the latter removes the family and starts a civil war à la Spain.

EDIT: I'd wanted to use that picture since before I even started modding the loading screens, but the minimum resolution to these is 1920x1440. :(

By the way, will you mention the Thai harem? :p
Mention, heck! Once Sayammak takes over there's a chance the Harem gets exposed and the government loses huge face. Tambien's kidnapping scene will set a flag that may lead to France earning a free CB. :cooool:
How long is the Platonics going to last before they collapse? Or can we lead them to spread reason across the world? Or will the Peoples' Militia get to form the SUDS? Time will tell!
I am here and will be willing to consult on all matters relating to the game.
If there are any nations that you want any extra information on what they were doing secretly let me know.

With regards to unclaimed territory: Pretty much anything that was left unclaimed on the final map (Sahara, Southern India, Pretty much all of South Africa) was assumed to be pretty much uninhabitable. In face South Africa was pretty much wholly uninhabitable and deserted save for the Fellowship Outposts and their settlements in Argentina.

Also I'm not sure how you're intending to deal with the situation in Eastasia with regards to GEAR as a faction at game as shown in your screenshots. Maybe having Japan starting with significant territory in China and then allow GEAR to be something that forms through the Korean focus tree once Japan has been kicked out.
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Just dump all the logs, pleaseandthankyou. :cool:
Here's a bunch of other suggestions for a whole load of nations:

Libya - Rather than divide it between Libya and the Platonic Republic you could have Libya as a puppet under the leadership of Amjad (given she was a governor in the area) and then have an event to make it flip ideology and have Abdulrashid as leader of it as the People's Militia. Then the UAR could have some focus for intervention where they can choose to support Abdulrashid or Amjad and El-Amin and maybe then have a civil war if the UAR chooses not to support the Militia.
If the civil war fires you could then have some events representing the agreement reached with Abdulrashid and then switch the leader of the Militia to Almasi.

NWAU - Maybe have an event that can fire if the Winter War reaches a stalemate for them to agree to the ceasefire and associate membership of the PAU as was happening at the end of the game.

Texarkana - With Texarkana you'd want to represent in the focus tree the choice they made between foreign intervention and the PAU. Maybe one option for them to go down the PAU path and one option to pursue closer ties with the UAR and the UN. Start the game with the Pirates at war with Texarkana and then maybe have the rest of the expansionism focuses locked off until that war has been finished (like Italy with Abyssinia).

Malta - Malta should probably be a lot weaker than their territory would suggest as they were one of the least populous nations in the game given that all the land in South America was barren and they totally relied on imports for food and such. Thus I'd probably change the resources so that Malta basically starts with nothing. Also give them a tiny manpower at the game start but add in national focuses to recruit members of the fellowship from other nations boosting their population. The non-aligned ideology would probably work best for them and you could probably give them events and such for performing humanitarian missions with or outside the UN structure.

GEAR - I don't know what you want to do with GEAR given they basically ended the Game as the world's #1 superpower. Given that East Asia was one of the only places that survived most of the calamity that led up to the game both GEAR nations as well as Thailand, Laos and Vietnam should be really resource rich compared to the rest of the world as well as also being high manpower.

UAR - By the looks of it you're having the UAR be a faction with the constituent nations being members, maybe this would work better if they were puppets of a nation in Jerusalem as it was a pretty united nation in game despite the early game dual country thing.

Casablanca - In game Casablanca was the major shipping a trading power so maybe give them a branch of the focus tree dedicated to naval development. They should also have the largest start of game shipyard numbers as a huge amount of their orders involved building boats. You could also add in something here about the rival trade groups set up in the Mediterranean.

Russia - Since you're doing (or at least mentioned) multiple communist ideologies Russia could be the nation for one of them with Volga as the name for the other. My idea for the interventions in the Mediterranean wouyld be that the Platonic Republic starts off with one ideology (idk what you want to use for this) and then slowly ticks over to a different one as things become more unstable (going more fascist to represent the increasingly oppressive government when the People's Militia begins to operate in Greece) and then having focuses like the ones that the UK gets for intervention in Scandinavia allowing Russia to go to invade to restore stability. You could also do something similar with Rome which then gives the UAR an event allowing them to respect the Russian occupation or join on the side of Rome.
Also on the focus tree you'll probably want to include the massive economic buildup that WIM instituted while it was the Volgan Republic.

USA - I feel the USA's focus tree should definitely have branches relating to the rebuilding of Washington (giving bonuses to Industry and National Unity) as well as the development of its cold weather army that it prepared for the Winter war - specifically infantry. If the doctrine trees are the same as in vanilla I feel they would start with the first in Superior Firepower and their Ideology would certainly be democratic.

Germany/Austria - I think it could be cool if you split up Germany into the constituent states of the HRE before unification (Bavaria ect.) and then give Austria a focus tree where they can begin influencing them one by one until they are all in a HRE faction or all puppets of Austria or something like that and then give Austria a focus which lets them annex them.

Also in terms of military leaders Xylon Toto should be represented also with an event when he flips over to being a general for New Rhodesia.
Ian Wishart as a leader for Malta (or New Rhodesia).
Takeshi Shiro for Japan. Also you may want to have an event that fires during the Indonesian food poisoning crisis in which Shiro replaces his brother as leader of Japan.
Emperor for Rome (maybe give him the commando or invader trait given as he was wheeled out as a commander for many dangerous seaborne missions...)
Ngô Quang Thuần as leader for the Council of Hanoi

I would of course be happy to help putting any of this together for you. My modding experience for HoI4 isn't that extensive but I can be of use if you need me.
Here's another list I've put together of small things from the updates and how I think they could be implemented mostly for flavour's sake

Winter 2104

Population growth for the first time since the incident
Pliny the Significantly Elder's World Rankings

Spring 2105

The Great Plastic Auction
Troubles in Vietnam (maybe this could be simulated as a focus tree for the Vietnam/Council of Hanoi nation)
The Rise of East Asia
The First Thorium Reactors

Rosemary Event Chain

[Event for France] Isabel D'Cruz Comes with a deal (requires Texarkana to have finished its war with the pirates)
-Accept the Deal
--[Flavour Event for Everybody] Isabel D'Cruz Granted French Citizenship
-Turn her away
[Event for Japan] Abandoned Oil Tanker Sighted in the JCZ
-We should Investigate this
-Leave it alone
[Flavour Event for Everybody]UAR finds deserted Oil Tanker in the JCZ (If either Japan investigated or France takes the deal)

For either nation if they choose to peruse the option then this would add a tag that means if they ever annex a territory that contains a nuclear silo then a nuclear reactor is placed in that province, we then take away the ability for players to build nuclear reactors so the only way to get nukes is to control the silos.
Also give Japan a decisions allowing them to nuke Cairo if the UAR is involved in the Pacific war.

[Flavour Event for Everybody] STD Agent Suffers Mental Breakdown

Now in Summer 2114

[Event for the UAR] France Linked to Cairo Attack (If both France and Japan investigated the Rosemary and if Japan chose to nuke Cairo)
-Confront them Secretly
--[Event for the France] Questions about the Rosemary
---Cut a Deal (UAR gains the silo tag)
---Deny involvement
----[Event for the UAR] France Denies Involvement
-----Denounce them (UAR gains Wargoal)
-----Do Nothing
-Confront them Publicly
--[Event for the France] Questions about the Rosemary
---Explain everything (Everyone gains the silo tag)
---Deny involvement (UAR gains Wargoal)
-Do nothing

Summer 2105

"Justice" served to Ambassador in Berlin

Autumn 2105

Food Faux Pas in Vienna
Scientists Debate Alternative Energies

Winter 2105

Senator Yi’s Pet ferret is condemned to death

Spring 2106

HMS Rosemary Vanishes Without a Trace
Meteorite Causes Disaster in Normandy

Summer 2106

Earthquake Hits Tokyo

Spring 2107

UN Environment Agency Publishes Findings on the Indian Subcontinent

Summer 2107

Storms Ravage the South China Sea

Obviously most of these are just silly flavour things that could be nice to pop up like in HoI4 when we get the Olympics and Amelia Earheart. I'd be happy to set them all up if you're looking for some help. Other event chains I could create could be the Cape to Cairo bombings and the Indonesian Food Poisoning Crisis.

Libya as-seen-on-the-map is far from finalized and I'd been debating what to do with it since it did not reach RL borders until after independence. Making it a puppet is something I hadn't considered, but would make breaking it out a lot easier come a civil war scenario.

I know there's a debug feature to force white peace, but I'm not sure what the proper syntax is for event scripting. The American conflict is going to be a hassle regardless since outside of hyperdetailed peace-conference conditions it's a little beyond the scope of HoI's design in the first place—I'm expecting that a 2104 start would mean a St. Louis–Vancouver war would only end with a decisive campaign.

Malta's easy to handle since colony states contribute virtually no recruitable manpower in the first place.

Notwithstanding potential 2104-bookmark claims cycles, the plan for the UAR is Egypt controls everything under a cosmetic tag, with the option to release the Syrian jurisdiction as an independent country—hence the current map, since I'll need to reconfigure state boundaries beforehand.

Under a 2104 start, "West Russia" is the Volgan Federation (Oligarchy), with event(s) pushing it towards Communism. Now, in most countries the "what-if" paths are incorporated into the focus tree entire, but I'm wondering whether to make the Soviet wing a separate file altogether, since Tyo basically pulled a complete 180 on what WIM had established. "East Russia" is Jeho's short-lived country and basically exists to keep the Soviets/GEAR from running amok.

Germany (Prussia) is a bit tricky since it only broke apart after (because) Terra left, meaning while there'll be historically-scripted events, a player-led Prussia could avoid the splinter state issue in the first place—indeed, both Prussia and Austria will have parallel NF paths for a consolidated Empire under the player country, and I'd been musing whether to plot a mirror break-up scenario for Austria. (Aside: Denmark is another one of these "Only in IOT" oddities, since it was actually claimed by Schleswig-Holstein and only became part of Germany after consolidation. :crazyeye:)

I recall in a chat session there was some debate about the Quantum Butterfly of the whole Rosemary sequence re. how much should be tied directly to the French focus tree and how much should be done through in-game events. Texarkana's "Piracy Act" is the prerequisite to pretty much all its diplomatic focuses, and French nuclear ambitions will rely on d'Cruz escaping the defeated Kingdom, but everything else is still in the works.

Regarding nuclear research generally, while the 'Missile Map' can serve as a means of early acquisition, I'm going to leave regular research in, with one major caveat (if it's doable). You'll recall that the Salisbury Convention went up shortly after Japan began its expansionism, and one of its clauses was non-proliferation. I've been thinking of making various international treaties opt-in through events; in the case of Salisbury, signatories would get a mutual relations bonus and possible Political Power boost with the trade-off that nuclear research becomes either prohibitively expensive or outright impossible. (Similarly, UN status would be tracked, sanctions would be a thing, and Member States that quit would incur relations penalties with the remainder—still figuring out the mechanics of this, though Millennium Dawn demonstrates proof-of-concept.)

Speaking of nukes, there are several pre-scripted events that trigger after a nuke strike, but does anyone know how to force an attack, especially if it requires ignoring actual strike capability?

All of this is still very much preliminary planning right now, but I'll be sure to tap you if-and-when I know what to ask you to do. ;)
"Hey Thor," asked literally no-one, "How's that HoI mod coming?" Good question, Dana! The short story is, between the bazillion demands on my attention I haven't been able to focus nearly as much as I'd like, although I've been chipping away at the focus trees and they're starting to look almost exciting:
Spoiler :


Still heavily WIP so pls dom;t megsplain how wrong it is

But the biggest reason I'm hung up is because I found a boatload of map mods and I'm trying to merge everything together with Millennium Dawn to create the Penultimate Modern Map (since the Ultimate Map is a bit beyond my ability at the moment).

Having better acquainted myself with the game's nuts and bolts, I'm much more confident a lot of the minutiae will be doable, i.e. Vietnam, spy ops, and several political dominoes. On that note, I'm thinking of adopting a hybrid approach to party politics à la Kaiserreich, so the player has more control over the domestic situation (in vanilla, a Communist/Fascist majority would coup a Democratic government; here you could try to carry on with low approval at the cost of various maluses, &c.—might even import the Stability and Popularity mechanics wholesale). Of particular utility is a little script they put together to bypass the hard-coded relations modifiers so that thematically similar ideologies (e.g. SocDems, Liberals, Conservatives) are friendly with each other. With a bit more tinkering, this would let Democracies be more favourable to constitutional monarchies and free-assembly socialists, and wary of absolute kings and Stalinists.

The last thing, which I've futbol'd around in chat, is pulling countries from other IOTs and/or memes for the 'placeholder' NPC states—the original inspiration actually came from watching the '91 Tintin cartoon and musing slipping Syldavia and Borduria into the Balkans. :p
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For what it's worth, you were like the only player that listed enough parties and leaders that I don't have to make up names. :p
That's a relief. By the way, can the Indo-Persian feminist party be named the Anahitan Party? I know she was not a fourth-wave feminist, but since she did a huge job expanding the country and she proclaimed the Indo-Persian Empire, more than a few women might look at her as a role model.
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Duly noted.
I mean literally the last time I made something of yours that didn't prompt an immediate "no that's wrong" was the Pottsylvania article, so you'll forgive me if I've grown a tad cautious. :p

But I do love help. :love:
this mod is well done. i have a couple things to add about the Roman Empire:

1. the capital is in Istanbul. Ankara makes a good backup capital, though.
2. for the population, Constantinople would obviously be huge, being the center of civilization. (pardon the arrogance), Ankara would be relatively large as well, and the rest generally along the coast.
3. for the national focuses, emphasize quantity of manpower (relative to its size), great naval ability, and centralized government.
4. the Roman Empire should have some recognition for being the first nation to organize. it doesnt matter how.
5. the Empire should have a positive opinion of Austria, and a very, very, negative opinion of Russia and the Platonic republic.

to simulate the inevitable combat, grant the Roman Empire cores all on modern greece. the platonic republic should have cores over all of european Rome, and the wealthy parts of Anatolia (the coasts, mainly)
On the Platonic: would not the Emperor flip-flop on outlook to the Republic? One day positive, the next negative... I mean like how it happened in game.

By the way: how will we fit Operation Eunomia into the matter?
On the Platonic: would not the Emperor flip-flop on outlook to the Republic? One day positive, the next negative... I mean like how it happened in game.

By the way: how will we fit Operation Eunomia into the matter?

it is possible for two powers that hate eachother to, on a rare occasion, work together. ish.
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