Here's another list I've put together of small things from the updates and how I think they could be implemented mostly for flavour's sake
Winter 2104
Population growth for the first time since the incident
Pliny the Significantly Elder's World Rankings
Spring 2105
The Great Plastic Auction
Troubles in Vietnam (maybe this could be simulated as a focus tree for the Vietnam/Council of Hanoi nation)
The Rise of East Asia
The First Thorium Reactors
Rosemary Event Chain
[Event for France] Isabel D'Cruz Comes with a deal (requires Texarkana to have finished its war with the pirates)
-Accept the Deal
--[Flavour Event for Everybody] Isabel D'Cruz Granted French Citizenship
-Turn her away
[Event for Japan] Abandoned Oil Tanker Sighted in the JCZ
-We should Investigate this
-Leave it alone
[Flavour Event for Everybody]UAR finds deserted Oil Tanker in the JCZ (If either Japan investigated or France takes the deal)
For either nation if they choose to peruse the option then this would add a tag that means if they ever annex a territory that contains a nuclear silo then a nuclear reactor is placed in that province, we then take away the ability for players to build nuclear reactors so the only way to get nukes is to control the silos.
Also give Japan a decisions allowing them to nuke Cairo if the UAR is involved in the Pacific war.
[Flavour Event for Everybody] STD Agent Suffers Mental Breakdown
Now in Summer 2114
[Event for the UAR] France Linked to Cairo Attack (If both France and Japan investigated the Rosemary and if Japan chose to nuke Cairo)
-Confront them Secretly
--[Event for the France] Questions about the Rosemary
---Cut a Deal (UAR gains the silo tag)
---Deny involvement
----[Event for the UAR] France Denies Involvement
-----Denounce them (UAR gains Wargoal)
-----Do Nothing
-Confront them Publicly
--[Event for the France] Questions about the Rosemary
---Explain everything (Everyone gains the silo tag)
---Deny involvement (UAR gains Wargoal)
-Do nothing
Summer 2105
"Justice" served to Ambassador in Berlin
Autumn 2105
Food Faux Pas in Vienna
Scientists Debate Alternative Energies
Winter 2105
Senator Yis Pet ferret is condemned to death
Spring 2106
HMS Rosemary Vanishes Without a Trace
Meteorite Causes Disaster in Normandy
Summer 2106
Earthquake Hits Tokyo
Spring 2107
UN Environment Agency Publishes Findings on the Indian Subcontinent
Summer 2107
Storms Ravage the South China Sea
Obviously most of these are just silly flavour things that could be nice to pop up like in HoI4 when we get the Olympics and Amelia Earheart. I'd be happy to set them all up if you're looking for some help. Other event chains I could create could be the Cape to Cairo bombings and the Indonesian Food Poisoning Crisis.