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Help: troubles starting FfH


Mar 30, 2006
Seattle, WA
So I'm trying to get FfH to work on another computer. Vanilla Civ IV works fine (I've made sure of this). I've also loaded some of the mods that come with the game (namely American Revolution), so I know it's not a problem with mods in general. However, whenever I try to load FfH, little Civ IV screen shows up, Civilization4 shows up in the task manager, the computer makes a lot of noise for a few minutes, then it all abruptly stops, as if I hadn't clicked on FfH at all. Any suggestions about what might be wrong?
The Civilization4.exe is gone from the Process list? Maybe you are lacking HD space for the copying process to work. Or you don't have permition on My Games?
Ok, first check how much free space you have on your C drive (or on the drive where your My Documents is present) I think you need at least 600Mb to run the mod.

Second, start the mod with the Task Manager open to see if the Civilization4.exe process simply disappears from the list.
Let's see, I have 207 Gb... that's pretty big, isn't it? :p

And yes, the process does simply disappear from the list. I probably should have made that more clear in my first post.
hmmmm, don't know if civ has this problem or not, but some games need you to run them on Admin mode, maybe that is the problem. Can you log as admin on the new machine and try to run it?
Yeah, it was that.... Ok, I'm out of ideas now, and running for my class, going to try and see if I can think of anything later
Chandrasekhar said:
Alright, I'll try some stuff, too. Anyone else out there think they have a fix?

On my computer the first time i hit the little short cut for FfH, it starts up, then does nothing, i have to hit it a second time, and it works. Not sure if this helps.
On my computer, running it from the shortcut in fall from heaven 2 015 directory the computer goes to 100% utilization and doesnt show civ in the task window while it copies the files. It isn't until the copying is done and the civ window shows up that it shows in the task window and it starts to look active.

It really sounds like you are out of disk space, but 206 Gb is a HUGE amount. Are you sure that isn't 206 Mb?
I'm absolutely certain it's Gb. Civ IV is the virtually only thing I've put on it. And guess why that is...?:mischief:

I think that if it just disappeared from the task manager, it would have started up while I was here asking for help. The Civilization IV window comes up, the game shows up in the processes section of the task manager, its value under the "CPU" heading goes up to 50... then it drops. After that, it just disappears.
Chandrasekhar said:
I'm absolutely certain it's Gb. Civ IV is the virtually only thing I've put on it. And guess why that is...?:mischief:

I think that if it just disappeared from the task manager, it would have started up while I was here asking for help. The Civilization IV window comes up, the game shows up in the processes section of the task manager, its value under the "CPU" heading goes up to 50... then it drops. After that, it just disappears.

Oh oh oh. I had a problem way back with my laptop where it would do something like that. I needed to update my video drivers to get it to load.
Chandrasekhar said:
Sounds promising... so how exactly would one go about updating one's video drivers? And you are certain this effected FfH, but not vanilla Civ?

Hmm... It was a while ago but thats my memory. I had it on both my laptop and a brand new pc I had just for Civ.

It depends on who makes your video card. Mine was from nVidia so I went to: http://www.nvidia.com/page/home.html to get the new drivers.
Mine is from Intel... I went to the site, downloaded the driver... and it proceeded to tell me that the driver "cannot be installed on this computer." What's up with that?
Chandrasekhar said:
Mine is from Intel... I went to the site, downloaded the driver... and it proceeded to tell me that the driver "cannot be installed on this computer." What's up with that?

You have an intel video card?!? I didn't think intel made video cards.

When you right click on your desktop and choose "properties -> settings -> advanced -> adapter" what adapter do you have listed?
-Adapter Type-------------------------
Intel(r) 82945G Express Chipset Family


-Adapter Information------------------
Chip Type: Intel(R) 82945G Express Chipset Family
DAC Type: Internal
Memory Size: 224 MB
Adapter String: Intel(R) 82945G Express Chipset Family
Bios Information: Intel Video BIOS

Wait, that "memory size" entry looks suspicious...
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