Yes the Bandeirantes is more organic to use, that's true!
The idea with these modules is that each one can be a proposal (or, where appropriate, a few proposals) at the next congress. We have arrived at quite a few since the previous congress was hijacked by 4UC so maybe they will be spread out, but I think this recon one is pretty sound to go ahead.
I also really enjoy earlier map trading (at Navigation) with these Scout changes. As Brazil I made actually a moderate amount of Gold selling my completed map to everyone (got to find those natural wonders!)
The idea with these modules is that each one can be a proposal (or, where appropriate, a few proposals) at the next congress. We have arrived at quite a few since the previous congress was hijacked by 4UC so maybe they will be spread out, but I think this recon one is pretty sound to go ahead.
I also really enjoy earlier map trading (at Navigation) with these Scout changes. As Brazil I made actually a moderate amount of Gold selling my completed map to everyone (got to find those natural wonders!)