1) +1




from the Palace
and Walls
early game it wasn't giving enough Oooomf for me, and ive nerfed it below
2) +4




in the Capital/Holy City for every 5 Followers in owned Cities
3) 25% Ranged Strength
and 10 HP healing

from Ceilidh Hall
1) 25%

Growth and 1

2) +12



when a

Citizen is born, scaling with Era.
3) 10 HP healing in owned territory
this was to represent an element of Dagda's myth so it needs to come back here, apologies for moving it in the first place

from Ceilidh Hall
from Forests and Jungles (from food/gold or food/prod)
from unimproved Features
So Lakes and Marshes pantheon is covered here. Not affecting improvements to stay balanced, its also OG Celts flavor
3) +1


from Camps and Plantations

from Ceilidh Hall
1) +3



if Coastal City
2) +1

from Water tiles and
from Fishing Boats (from +1

Fishing boat bonus at 1 gold felt too weak for a UA, also no culture on this one at all
Eligible units gain Amphibious
There isn't support in the rest of the kit to be a naval expansion civ militarily, so this gives a bit of Danish flavor whilst staying distinct

from Ceilidh Hall
1) +1


for every 2 Tundra tiles worked
Reward for working Tundra wasn't that strong for it to be the theme, buff that
2) +
, and 
for Snow resources (from +1 to food/prod/sci/cult)
These are the yields we're really lacking in the flat tundra/snow region

from Mines and Quarries (from +1

from Ceilidh Hall (from +5

Shifted more to the infrastructure mode, especially production. Snow tiles (and iron, which it often is) are already giving extra science
1) +3

Border Growth
from Pastures
encourage bit more interaction with settling and a higher ceiling if you get a good spot
2) +8




when borders expand naturally, scaling with Era
from Stables and can purchase them with 
this felt on-brand, balancing a bit against Bran and Dagda with an interesting effect we can only really do with Belief tables

from Ceilidh Hall
1) +2




if the City has a Specialist
2) +

towards Wonders (up from 10%)
Egypt is changing, we can make this more significant than just 10% (Egypt could get 40%)
3) +2


from Wonders
from Ceilidh Hall (from +4

double down on that early tourism, giving those wonder whores what they want
1) +
10% (down from 15)


during WLTKD
didn't have any culture before
2) +3



from every unique Lux owned or imported
3) +3



from every trade route to or from
also shortened text

from Ceilidh Hall



from kills at 200% of

2) 20



from pillaging, scaling with Era
shortened text
Great General Point from Strategic Resources
nothing says strife like getting a Citadel in your face

Great General Points from Ceilidh Hall
New and redesigned
+1 All Yields if the City has 4+
before it was flat 2

, just doesn't get me interested. 4 Citizens because a) Settlers, see below and b) Rhiannon had 3 companions c) balance the size of the boost early. All yields because a) variety and b) rhiannon and her companions did a wide range of professions on their journey
+3 All Yields from Natural Wonders
generalist choice is a great place to incorporate the niche Goddess of Nature effect. This is a massive bonus (since you get it only a few times) so the timmy's in the audience can try to get this to work out
Settler units gets a unique promotion: +2 Moves; Ignore ZOC, Terrain, Rival Borders; can use enemy roads
reference to the first story of Rhiannon who can escape her pursuers (in spite of moving really slowly!?), this will let you go after those natural wonders even though they might be far away
+1 All Yields from Ceilidh Hall (from 5

Gwyn, Monarch of the Mists
There are several Welsh myth characters that live on the mountains, I've amalgamated Gwyn (underworld deity), Idris (giant mountain king, astronomer, poet), and the Grey King (death-like figure) a bit to get a full theme
1) +1
for every 2 Mountains within 3 tiles (capped by City pop)
The other part of Goddess of Nature you couldn't get before. The choice of yields are food for necessity and then the others from the Idris story
2) Eligible units receive the Altitude Training promotion
Mt. Kili aside for a moment, this is the modded version that lets you cross mountains and have more attack in hills. Inca ain't safe from Gwyn
from kills and deaths at 200% 
We have the God of War in Morrigan but if you were going for a Zealotry angle the lack of faith gen is prohibitive, so this is a niche alternative but an important one
I also wanted deaths in there because of the characters of Gwyn and the Grey King, and that only works off faith atm
from Ceilidh Hall
exception that proves the rule on extra faith as a yield (the only one we haven't used really!)
Olwen, the Golden Wheel
I was opposed to Desert Celts for historic reasons, but with a) a bit broader appeal than simply desert and b) design considerations I've rowed back on that.
I searched for character I could associate with Desert. Olwen has connections to the sun, and to making barren land bloom.
1) +1
from Desert tiles without Flood Plains, and for every 2 Plains or 2 Flood Plains worked by the City
2) +1
from Farms
Science from God of the Sun but broadened to all Farms
3) +10%
Golden Ages
Olwen has this story about always leaving golden rings everywhere she takes a bath. What do Baths do in VP? 10% Culture in Golden Ages!
Golden Age Points from Ceilidh Hall
So its a proper Golden Age focus in a way the old Rhiannon kinda tacked on. Farm and Ceilidh Halls are your engine and the reward is 10(+20 from base)% Culture boosts on top of everything else you can build around that, like Divine Inheritance, Mosques, Sacred Calendar, etc.