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Holy Land ca. 1250 BCE Scenario Dev Thread


Dec 15, 2006
Kansas, USA
Scenario (Updated 7/13/07):

Joshua & the Israelites have crossed the Jordan River & are at the walls of the ancient Canaanite city of Jericho, birthplace of permanent agriculture. Tired of wandering in the wilderness, they want to throw off Egyptian domination & forge a kingdom to house the sacred Ark of the Covenant.

The Phoenicians are rising in power from the island fortress of Tyre as the Hittites decline. Their methods of navigation, alphabet, glass-making & monopoly of the invaluable Tyrian purple dye lend them a strong edge over the competition.

The Philistines have established five city-states along the Mediteranean. They have closely guarded metal-working skills, but lack a stong, uniting leader.

The Canaanites, probably descended from the Phoenicians, have practiced their pagan rites here for centuries. Egyptian tribute collectors don't arrive as often as they used to. Their walled, ancient cities offer protection, but they are surrounded by rivals hungry for land & the nomadic Israelites are parading around Jericho blowing horns for some reason...

The Edomites occupy a dry wasteland, but it straddles important trade routes & Selah (later Petra) is rising to profit from them.

The Moabites are largely nomadic wandering the wastes between the Dead Sea & Mesopotamia & have been the brunt of attacks from the Israelites emerging from the wilderness, but they have founded a settlement called Dibon & the Israelites have set their sights on Canaan. Perhaps they too can forge a lasting kingdom.

The Ammonites are similar to the Moabites. Will Rabbath Amman become a shining capitol or a dusty desert village?

Egypt is the region's superpower. Throughout the 2nd millenia BCE, they have dominated the Levant, but Egypt is a rich prize & recent invasions have her on the defensive. Egypt's influence is waning in the Holy Land leaving a power vacuum that must be filled...

Timeline (Updated 7/9/07):

1250 BCE to 735 BCE.

The scenario starts with the Israelite conquest of Jericho. Biblical scholars date this as early as 1450 BCE. Historians & archaeologists place the date between 1250 BCE & 1100 BCE which is more accurate, of course. I chose 1250 BCE because the Late Bronze Age ended & Iron Age I began about 1200 BCE in this area. Therefore, the Tech Tree can start with a short Bronze Age followed by Iron Age I & Iron Age II.

The Assyrians conquered Aram Damascus, Israel/Samaria & the Philistines in 735 BCE with little resistance so that makes a good end date. Israel/Samaria lasted a few more years as a vassal state before being destroyed after a revolt. Phoenicia, with the exception of Tyre, was previously conquered. The Assyrian siege of Tyre failed, but Tyre was forced to surrender tribute & part of it's population.

One Turn = one year. Civs of the period were able to launch annual military campaigns. This will also help keep Unit movement rates reasonable. The downside might be that there are over 400 turns...

Map (Updated 7/13/07):

Dimensions are 86X186. Scale is 1 tile=3 miles. Map includes southern Lebanon, northeastern Sinai, the tip of the Gulf of Aqaba, a chunk of Syria around the Golan, western Jordan & Israel.

This area is very small. If I used a larger scale, it would be a tiny map & many ancient sites would have to be omitted. If I used a smaller scale, the movement rate of units would have to be ridiculously high.

I have all the coastlines finished. The Dead Sea was much larger in ancient times so I started with the current shoreline & enlarged it a bit in the south. I have the Jordan River plotted pretty well, but I need to tweak it a bit.

Here's how I am converting terrain:

Mediterranean shrub, elevation<500 meters=Plains
Mesopotamian & Arabian desert, elevation<500meters=Desert
Mediterranean shrub, elevation 500-900 meters=Hills
Mesopotamian & Arabian desert, elevation 500-900 meters=Arid Hills
Elevation over 900 meters=Mountains

Mount Hermon is the only place on the map I know of that supports snow skiing so I made it a Snow-Capped Mountain. It is by far the highest point on this map. There is some Marsh terrain in the Hulah Valley around Lake Hulah/Meram. (Meram was the Biblical name. Hulah is the modern Hebrew & Arabic name.) This is accurate. The marshes were drained for agriculture in the 1950s.

I am in the process of filling in togographical data. Hills & mountains are being set according to elevation thanks to a good, elevation color-coded satellite image I found online. The exceptions are east of the Great Rift Valley. These areas should be Hills terrain according to their elevation, but conditions on the ground are actually Mediterranean shrub & Mesopotamian desert so they are being plotted as Plains & Desert terrain with some exceptions. I just need to finish the Sinai.

The Dead Sea is a special case. I think it needs a new terrain. It's water, but it renders no food or trade production at all. It doesn't provide irrigation for neighboring tiles. It should probably just render one shield per tile for it's mineral deposits.

I'm doing fine placing ancient sites, but the locations of some important ones are still unknown. For example, the Philistine city-state of Gat should be included, but nobody knows for sure where it was. In these cases, I'm using the latest archaeological evidence I can find & taking educated guesses.

Beersheva, Jericho, Jerusalem, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Eilat, Ai, Beit Shemesh, Lachish, Ekrat, Akko, Laish, Hazor, Gaza & Tyre have been accurately placed so far.

Civilizations (Updated 7/13/07):

1. Israelites
Leader: Joshua
City List: Etzion Geber, Shechem, Ein Gedi, Dan, Beit El, Hebron, Arad, Dimona, Eilat, Beit Shemesh, Yaffo, etc. Basically, they share a city list with the Canaanites since they went on to conquer Canaan. Dan was a Phoenician settlement that was renamed Dan when the Hebrews conquered it.
Starting Cities: None.

They will start next to Canaanite Jericho with just enough forces to conquer it.

2. Philistines
Leader: Unknown. They had no unifying king. They were ruled by seranim (lords) who each controlled one of their five city-states. I need to pick one.
Cities: Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekran, Gat, Aphek, Yaffo...
Starting Cities: Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekran & Gat.

They were one of several groups called the "Sea Peoples." They settled the coastal plain between Gaza & the Sharon about 1200 BCE. Biblical scholars put their origin at Crete because of the Biblical term used for it. Archaeology seems to back this up. Their language was similar to Crypto-Minoan & Linear A & much of their pottery was made in Crete & Cyprus. Whatever it was, it was not Semitic like the languages of their neighbors. By 1000 BCE, they had adopted Hebrew script. They ruled the coastal plain throughout this period & held positions in the central highlands occasionally. They were capable of at least some iron working, but they had no direct access to iron ore.

3. Egyptians
Leader: Pharoah Ramses II
City List: Will need to find Egyptian sites from the period in the eastern Sinai & Negev & make them stronger than they were historically to simulate Egyptian influence.
Starting Cities: Timna, Beit She'an...

Ivory from Egypt was reported in several sources as being a valuable luxury commodity in the area so the Egyptians will have enough of it for trade.

Their power at start will need to be tweaked through testing. According to the Hebrew Bible, pharoah "Shishek" (maybe Shoshenq I, II or III) launched a military campaign as far north as Hazor in the 9th century BCE, but that's about it. They were in decline during this period having been previously invaded by the Hyksos & the Sea Peoples. They were conquered by the Assyrians right after this scenario ends.

4. Phoenicians
Leader: King Abibaal. He's the 1st Tyrian king known. He ruled 990 to 978 BCE.
City List: Tyre, Akko, Laish... Sidon & Byblos are off the northern edge of this map so Tyre will be artificially stronger to compensate. Technically, most of the Canaanite sites could be considered Phoenician as well, but I want both civs in this scenario. Laish was conquered by the Hebrews & renamed Dan. Akko was conquered just before the start of this scenario by a tribe of Sea Peoples called the Shardanu, but little is known about the Shardanu. Akko is only mentioned once in the Hebrew Bible & it's unlikely the Hebrews conquered it. Archaeology shows a major Phoenician influence there during this time period so the Phoenicians get it.
Starting Cities: Tyre, Akko, Laish, Achzib...

A luxury resource is needed for them: Dyes. Murex was a snail that lived near Tyre & Sidon that allowed them to make a very expensive & sought after purple dye.

I also envision a resource called Lebanon Cedar. Historically, Lebanese cedar was an very important trade good for the entire region. It could be a luxury or necessary for ship building. This needs more thought. The Phoenicians had access to sought-after resources & craftsmanship & I want to reflect that in this scenario.

5. Canaanites
Leader: Unknown
Cities: Long list. Many of them shared with the Israelites because the Israelites start off with no city &, historically, conquered the Canaanite ones. This needs to be worked out in greater detail.

6. Edomites
Leader: Unknown.
Cities: Selah, Eilat... I need to research more sites.
Starting Cities: Selah, Eilat...

They will have a monopoly on access to incense from Arabia & a source of iron & copper so they will probably be a viable civ. Historically, it seems they were squeezed out between the Hebrews & the Nabateans. By Roman times, this area was known as Idumaea.

7. Moabites
Leader: King Mesha.
Cities: Dibon...

According to the Hebrew Bible, they sometimes fought with & sometimes worked with the Israelites. A stele known as the Moab Stone provides a list of their cities & an example of their language. Joshua's wife was a Moabite (which is bizarre). Moab is the region east of the Dead Sea.

8. Ammonites
Leader: Unknown.
Cities: Rabbath Ammon...

Similar to the Moabites. Ammon was the region east of the Jordan River.

9. Amalekites
Leader: Unknown.
City List: Unknown.
Starting Cities: Beersheva, Kadesh Barnea...

According to the Hebrew Bible, Joshua 1st proved himself as a war leader in battles against the Amalakites. They seem to have controlled an area of the Negev between the Dead Sea & Philistia. They disappeared from history after Solomon's reign.

10. Arameans
Leader: King Ben Hadad I
City List: Unknown.
Starting Cities: Maybe Damascus. It's really off the edge of this map.

The Arameans established at least three independant kingdoms after the fall of the Hittites. One of them, Aram Damascus, controlled the territory in the northeast corner of this map during this scenario's period. According to the Hebrew Bible, a king of Aram Damascus beseiged & razed the Philistine city-state of Gat. Archaeology in 2005 & 2006 at the site believed to have been Gat bears out that the site was destroyed during this period. They were eventually conquered by the Assyrians, but their language went on to become the dominant language of the region.


I'm not sure if UUs are necessary. All these civs had pretty much the same military technology at the time. On the other hand, the Phoenicians should probably get a better ship.

I'm not sure how to handle the Ark of the Covenant. It could be a single, unbuildable unit with no defence, but a high bombard for conquering Canaanite cities. On the other hand, it could be a Princess unit. Maybe it should be an easily-built Small Wonder for the Hebrews that gives allot of Culture. There are lots of options...

Victory Conditions:

Domination, Conquest & Culture for sure. Diplomatic? It doesn't really fit the actual history. Space Race could be left off or Solomon's Temple could be built to win a "Space Race." If not, I see Solomon's Temple as a Great Wonder.

Tech Tree (Updated 7/13/07):

Three Eras: Late Bronze Age, Iron Age I & Iron Age II. The tech tree still needs to be worked out.

Does this interest anyone? As you can see, there's allot to do before this scenario is finished. All opinion, advice, research, technical input, etc. is greatly appeciated. Anyone contributing will be given credit, of course.
Info Links (Updated 7/13/07):

I've found some good resources online while researching this scenario. I thought CFCers might find them interesting.

1. Evaluating Internet Research Sources by Robert Harris. Version Date: June 15, 2007

An invaluable read before doing research online.

2. The Moabite Stone: Lessons in Biblical Archaeology by Kerry A. Shirts

3. Awakenings: Resurrecting Dormant Digs
By Ken Gewertz, The Harvard University Gazette. 2/5/98.

Article contains interesting information on Akko.

4. The Megiddo Expedition. Tel Aviv University & several other universities & organizations.

The official site for ongoing archaeology at Megiddo.

5. AncientScripts.com by Lawrence Lo.

A great reference for ancient languages.

6. West Semitic Research Project, University of Southern California, Dr. Bruce Zuckerman.

This project is dedicated to studying & preserving ancient Semitic texts.

7. The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Jordan's official government website. It's a political site, but it has some useful maps & historical information. The link takes you to the page concerning this scenario.

8. Virtual Karak Resources Project, Appalachian College Association.

A group of colleges studying the history & archaeology of the region of Moab.
Man, I am going to like this!
I`m very interested in this :)

Man, I am going to like this!

Thanks! I'd make this for myself, but it's even more interesting to me if others enjoy it, too.

I'm going to need a slinger unit eventually... They were too important on the battlefield at this time & place to omit. I've seen slingers discussed in other threads, but I don't think one has been made yet.

How about the Hittites who were at war with Egypt up until 1280BC, they didn't fall until about 1200BC when they were overrun from the north.

I thought about that. Technically, they ruled the Phoenicians at the beginning of this scenario. I left them out because:

1. They were conquered soon after the start of this scenario.
2. There isn't really room on the map for the Hittites AND the Phoenicians.
3. The scenario goes on to encompass the golden age of Phoenicia which would be hard to simulate with the powerful Hittites sitting on them. The rise of Phoenicia was possible because the Hittites were conquered.

I haven't seen a scenario that included the Phoenicians, yet. They were very important in their day & I really want to explore that here. A big source of the Hittites' power was their monopoly on iron making. The Phoenicians & Philistines seem to have learned iron crafting from the Hittites so I want to reflect that somehow.

According to the Biblical account, the Hebrews started to receive what few iron items they had from the Phoenicians during the reign of Solomon. The Philistines were reported to craft iron, but they didn't have access to a source of it. I want to either simulate this in the Tech Tree or by careful placement of the Iron resource or both.

A Dead Sea terrain tile with a couple of pillars of salt standing on it would be groovy...:D
I'm going to need a slinger unit eventually... They were too important on the battlefield at this time & place to omit. I've seen slingers discussed in other threads, but I don't think one has been made yet.

Dom Pedro made a Maccabee slinger unit for the Israelites. And, methinks, R8XFT might also have some slingers in AD...

I've done allot of work on the map. Details have been updated in the OP.

Newbie question: what's "LM" terrain?

I need to find a way to make Hills in the north produce more food than Hills in the south. The Hills of Samaria are far more fertile than the Hills of the Sinai. I'm still researching this.

I think Dom Pedro made a slinger, go check in his post at the unit-artist library.

Dom Pedro made a Maccabee slinger unit for the Israelites. And, methinks, R8XFT might also have some slingers in AD...

Right, the balearic slinger or something..

Thanks! I found Dom Pedro's Balearic Slinger & it should do nicely.

Sounds interesting. I would probably play it.

I hope to see the map when you've finished it. 86x186 are interesting dimensions.

Yeah, the dimensions sound strange, but the area is small & the map is tall. I'll post some shots of it when it's finished or closer to being so. Other maps of the area include too much of Egypt or Mesopotamia so I had to start from scratch. I'm spending allot of time getting it as accurate as possible.
I know that, but what's the difference between "LM Hills" & "Hills" for example? They look the same when placed...

If I change LM Hills in the Editor does it affect Hills or just LM Hills?

I can't find a tutorial on Terrain anywhere at CFC.

EDIT: Nevermind. I got it.

I renamed LM Hills to Arid Hills. I'll use Arid Hills in the south. Hills produce 2 Food. Arid Hills produce 1 Food.
The editor makes me want to scream... The Place City button is grayed out & I can't remember how to change it. I've been through every option in the damn editor & can't figure out how to place a city. I was doing fine yesterday.

How do I place a feakin' city?!?!?:cry:

EDIT: Nevermind. I got it.

The key to working with this editor is patience....& Jack Daniels.
Looks great fun. As for whether people will want to play the Moabites, Ammonites, etc - yes, they will. People always want to play every civ in a game even if some are incredibly under-powered or over-powered (especially the latter!). So give them the option, even if the scenario isn't really designed to be played as that civ.
Right, I'm hooked! :)
A great scenario idea. Have you been / are you using much information from the Bible (and/or other aramaic holy book)?
Looks great fun. As for whether people will want to play the Moabites, Ammonites, etc - yes, they will. People always want to play every civ in a game even if some are incredibly under-powered or over-powered (especially the latter!). So give them the option, even if the scenario isn't really designed to be played as that civ.

Good advice. Thanks!

I've been screwing around trying to add a civ & it looks like it takes a rocket scientist to figure it out. The only detailed tutorial I can find on the subject is for PTW & the instructions in it don't seem to translate to the C3C editor. I'll keep plugging away at it. In the meantime, I'm getting the map as accurate as possible.

Right, I'm hooked! :)
A great scenario idea. Have you been / are you using much information from the Bible (and/or other aramaic holy book)?


What got me interested in this was my own studies & travels in the area. I grew up being taught Hebrew & Biblical stories, developed a love for history & anthropology & majored in history in college. I have spent about four months in Israel & Egypt.

I always wondered why nobody had made a scenario involving civs like the Phoenicians & Philistines.

The Hebrew Bible is an important source for information for this scenario. Archaeology is very important, too, as well as some accounts from Egypt & Mesopotamia. I can go into more detail if you like. For example, archaeology shows that pig bones & child sacrifice disappeared from Canaanite sites at the same time that Hebrew influence grew in the area.

The Biblical story of David is interesting in how it describes the interaction between the Hebrews, Philistines & Canaanites. David (the Hebrew) kills a famous Philistine warrior (Goliath) on the battlefield, then becomes a mercenary working for a Philistine seran (king), then betrays the Philistines & defeats them in battle, then conquers Jerusalem from the Canaanites. His story shows that there were periods of both cooperation & warfare between these people. Indeed, they lived in such close proximity, they couldn't have been at constant war. It's easy to forget how small this area is. The Biblical account describes a similar relationship between the Hebrews & the Moabites, too.

The archaeology shows that the Canaanites & Phoenicians were likely the same people. They worshiped the same gods & spoke the same language. The Canaanites were conquered & disappeared from history while the Phoenicians went on to expand for several more centuries so I'm making them seperate civs in this scenario.

The Egyptians erected stelae & statues as far north as Megiddo showing their influence. There are remains of an Egytian temple in the Negev near the Pillars of Solomon formation.

It's very interesting to me how similar the Phoenician & Hebrew alphabets are. They are almost identical. No Phoenician writing has ever been found at a Phoenician site, but Egyptian & Mesopotamian scribes preserved their language for us. They were the 1st people known to replace cuneiform with a phoenetic alphabet. Written Greek & Hebrew are direct descendants of Phoenician. Notice that the word "phoenetic" refers to Phoenicia. Words like "bibliography" & "Bible" refer to the Phoenician city of Byblos. Their little civ has literally influenced our entire species.

What "aramaic holy book" are you refering to? I don't know of an Aramaic holy book, but I'd be interested in reading it. Aramaic became common after the rise of Assyria which took place after this scenario.
Wow, you sure know alot. I can tell this scenario is going to be awesome. You're certainly qualified. :)

What "aramaic holy book" are you refering to? I don't know of an Aramaic holy book, but I'd be interested in reading it. Aramaic became common after the rise of Assyria which took place after this scenario.

Darn, sorry, I got my terminology mixed up.
I meant Abrahamaic not Aramaic. Silly me. :crazyeye:
Well, there are one or two bits of the Bible in Aramaic - none pertaining to this period, though.

I think the Phoenicians do feature in the first Firaxis Conquest, so they've not been entirely neglected in the Civ world. That Conquest also featured Cedars of Lebanon as a LM terrain too.
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