

Apr 9, 2006
Czech Kingdom
2/21 - SpaceFighter - SpaceFighter download

01/19 Ship Transport
Ship transport download //for transport cross continent. Ships that you want establish for transport must have filled definition: <Special>xxxx</Special> - for example: <Special>SPECIALUNIT_SHIP</Special>
Ship Transport: <SpecialCargo>SPECIALUNIT_SHIP</SpecialCargo> and <iCargo>1</iCargo>. Load ship is possible in town - unload wherewer by water.

01/05/07 HoverFormer - HoverFormer download

10/31 Orbital_bomber - orbital_bomber download
/// now new version with animations (use MechanizedInfantry.kfm) ::: orbital_bomber with animations download
/// Any newer version with stealth animations (use StealthBomber.kfm) ::: download from database:
///And finally Orbital with JET animations ::: download from database:

10/19 Moon22 moon22 download Unit unfortunately have´t animations. I´ll endeavour learn more to work with max, but I would be very happy, if anyone achieve bring to life this unit.

10/6 Hovercraft future model - War version - hover_future download
///2/20 - hower_future(gravitank) with mechanizedinfantry animations hover_future with animations download

10/4 U.S. Navy hovercraft - LCAC - 27 Download ((http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hovercraft))

9/19 Hovercraft 1,4 with animations by Gedemon - complete pack: Hovercraft 1,4 war with animations download

9/12 Hovercraft 1,4 - war version Hovercraft 1,4 war download
9/8 Hovercraft 1,3 - simpler, less polygons (easy for reskin) two version in pack download - Hovercraft 1,3

8/21 Hovercraft 1,1
Hovercraft (NEW) my first work in Blender 2,42a - Better next, maybe. Button added in rarpack.

download - Hovercraft v1,1

12/26 simple native warior with Indian headband
stupid question time....you can use blender on civ4 stuff?

I looked at it and couldn't find a common export/import...and couldn't find a converter....though I will blame most of this on my bladder...the idea of starting on unit graphics makes me wet my pants.
micmc said:
stupid question time....you can use blender on civ4 stuff?

I looked at it and couldn't find a common export/import...and couldn't find a converter....though I will blame most of this on my bladder...the idea of starting on unit graphics makes me wet my pants.

you can use blender to create any nif...
BUT: no animations! (so create objects and mix them with vanilla units/animations)

a tutorial: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=167335
In new version Blender is written about animations updates.
Export plug-in to nif format you can download from niftools site.
I will search how to make animations with Blender. It is possible, maybe
After all, last versions of Blender and Niftools are´t final
Hovercraft is a copy of my unit from Civ II. In Civ4 I use it as almost recon unit. Strength 2 and my new promotion (+visibility range Vision I. II. - as radar function) and 3 steps on the ocean and ground.
@ Dubmetender
Do you think I shall rise hovercraft higher over water?

By the way, within two days the 3nd version will be finished. It will be simplier (less polygons) and easy for reskin (constantly distributed object in dds file)
If need were NIF more modify, you send word. No problem :)
This weekend maybe I finish new water improvement. Maybe they will come in handy
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