2/21 - SpaceFighter - SpaceFighter download
01/19 Ship Transport
Ship transport download //for transport cross continent. Ships that you want establish for transport must have filled definition: <Special>xxxx</Special> - for example: <Special>SPECIALUNIT_SHIP</Special>
Ship Transport: <SpecialCargo>SPECIALUNIT_SHIP</SpecialCargo> and <iCargo>1</iCargo>. Load ship is possible in town - unload wherewer by water.
01/05/07 HoverFormer - HoverFormer download
10/31 Orbital_bomber - orbital_bomber download
/// now new version with animations (use MechanizedInfantry.kfm) ::: orbital_bomber with animations download
/// Any newer version with stealth animations (use StealthBomber.kfm) ::: download from database:
///And finally Orbital with JET animations ::: download from database:
10/19 Moon22 moon22 download Unit unfortunately have´t animations. I´ll endeavour learn more to work with max, but I would be very happy, if anyone achieve bring to life this unit.
10/6 Hovercraft future model - War version - hover_future download
///2/20 - hower_future(gravitank) with mechanizedinfantry animations hover_future with animations download
10/4 U.S. Navy hovercraft - LCAC - 27 Download ((
9/19 Hovercraft 1,4 with animations by Gedemon - complete pack: Hovercraft 1,4 war with animations download
9/12 Hovercraft 1,4 - war version Hovercraft 1,4 war download
9/8 Hovercraft 1,3 - simpler, less polygons (easy for reskin) two version in pack download - Hovercraft 1,3
8/21 Hovercraft 1,1
Hovercraft (NEW) my first work in Blender 2,42a - Better next, maybe. Button added in rarpack.
download - Hovercraft v1,1
12/26 simple native warior with Indian headband
01/19 Ship Transport
Ship transport download //for transport cross continent. Ships that you want establish for transport must have filled definition: <Special>xxxx</Special> - for example: <Special>SPECIALUNIT_SHIP</Special>
Ship Transport: <SpecialCargo>SPECIALUNIT_SHIP</SpecialCargo> and <iCargo>1</iCargo>. Load ship is possible in town - unload wherewer by water.
01/05/07 HoverFormer - HoverFormer download
10/31 Orbital_bomber - orbital_bomber download
/// now new version with animations (use MechanizedInfantry.kfm) ::: orbital_bomber with animations download
/// Any newer version with stealth animations (use StealthBomber.kfm) ::: download from database:
///And finally Orbital with JET animations ::: download from database:
10/19 Moon22 moon22 download Unit unfortunately have´t animations. I´ll endeavour learn more to work with max, but I would be very happy, if anyone achieve bring to life this unit.
10/6 Hovercraft future model - War version - hover_future download
///2/20 - hower_future(gravitank) with mechanizedinfantry animations hover_future with animations download
10/4 U.S. Navy hovercraft - LCAC - 27 Download ((
9/19 Hovercraft 1,4 with animations by Gedemon - complete pack: Hovercraft 1,4 war with animations download
9/12 Hovercraft 1,4 - war version Hovercraft 1,4 war download
9/8 Hovercraft 1,3 - simpler, less polygons (easy for reskin) two version in pack download - Hovercraft 1,3
8/21 Hovercraft 1,1
Hovercraft (NEW) my first work in Blender 2,42a - Better next, maybe. Button added in rarpack.
download - Hovercraft v1,1
12/26 simple native warior with Indian headband