Hey all,
3.8.4 inadvertently broke savegames. As such, I am deleting that release and merging it into 3.9, which has all the fixes from 3.8.4 plus additional bugfixes, one of which also breaks savegames.
Irritating, but necessary. Feel free to stay on 3.8.3 if you want to finish your savegames.
The insane tribute yields should be toned down in this version, as a bug was causing them to scale with era twice.
If you do not know what the answer to life, the universe and everything is, why not ask Google?
Online as of 9:10 AM CST. Not savegame compatible.
Version 3.9.1 released. Link above has been updated.
Online as of 3:09 PM CST on August 29. Savegame compatible with 3.9 versions.
Hopefully this is the end of the hotfixes and we can have a peaceful month of playtesting.
3.8.4 inadvertently broke savegames. As such, I am deleting that release and merging it into 3.9, which has all the fixes from 3.8.4 plus additional bugfixes, one of which also breaks savegames.
Irritating, but necessary. Feel free to stay on 3.8.3 if you want to finish your savegames.
The insane tribute yields should be toned down in this version, as a bug was causing them to scale with era twice.
- Fixed tribute yields scaling with era twice
- Fixed new spy points system not being saved
- Fixed a bug with AI deal equalization
- Fixed Archaeologist help text still referring to Public Schools instead of Museums
- Small performance improvement when Venice is ingame
- Fixed bugs with "Construct Wonder", "Construct National Wonder" and "Build Buildings" quests preventing them from working properly
Puppets are no longer counted as valid cities
Putting a building/Wonder in the production queue no longer cancels the quest
- 3.8.4 never existed. But if it did exist, 3.9 contains all the changes it would have had, plus some fixes to them.
- Said changes are listed below:
- Buffed Siam meeting influence bonus: 40 -> the answer to life, the universe and everything
Due to a nerf in their yields of ~2 turns with the new gradual Influence decay between 1 and 99 above resting point
- Added UNIT_SUPPLY_MINORS_USE_HANDICAP custom mod option (disabled by default)
When enabled, City-States only receive the unit supply cap specified in DifficultyMod.xml
These values can be modified with new defines for each City-State trait and personality type
As well as a multiplier for City-States that have multiple cities
These defines work even if the custom mod option is turned off (but they are disabled by default as well)
Bonuses from buildings like Barracks, reduction from tech, and anything else do not apply
- Added "per era flat" unit supply column to DifficultyMod.xml
- Separated unit supply values for AI players and City-States in DifficultyMod.xml
- Improved internal version identifier when building the DLL
- City-States are now longer blocked from disbanding oversupply units when they've been recently bullied
- Tactical AI now prioritizes border citadels more
- Fixed a tactical AI bug causing units to retreat unnecessarily
- Fixed a tactical AI bug double counting cities as adjacent enemies
- Fixed City-States not awarding XP to gifted units from the correct city
- Fixed "You aggressively attacked this City-State!" timer counting up instead of down (UI bug only)
- Fixed dummy policies awarding a difficulty bonus
- Fixed missing Great People unit supply entry in Military Overview
- Fixed unit supply tooltip not accounting for some extra possible bonuses in DifficultyMod.xml
- Fixed several other unit supply bugs
- Unhardcoded unit supply reduction from war weariness
- Database cleanups
If you do not know what the answer to life, the universe and everything is, why not ask Google?

Online as of 9:10 AM CST. Not savegame compatible.
Version 3.9.1 released. Link above has been updated.
- Added a 10 turn cooldown on demanding tribute from the same City-State, scaling with game speed
- Added a 1 turn cooldown on making peace after declaring war on a City-State
- City-States will now always give 30 Influence for each unit that is gifted during a "proxy war" (when a major civ is attacking them and the City-State's ally is not at war with the same major)
- You can now get this bonus Influence even when you are also at war with the target, as long as you aren't the City-State's ally
- City-State AI won't disband over supply units while at war (but still can't build new ones)
- Fixed the tooltip for the new Find City CS quest
- Fixed Make Peace button appearing on City-State popups for human vassals
- EUI: Removed some desync-causing LUA calls
- EUI: A special icon is now shown under the banner of cities that have equal local Happiness and local Unhappiness
- Text fixes
Online as of 3:09 PM CST on August 29. Savegame compatible with 3.9 versions.
Hopefully this is the end of the hotfixes and we can have a peaceful month of playtesting.

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