New Version - 3.9.1 (August 29, 2023)

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Mongols on Immortal went good.
One AI was authority (Zulus), 5 went tradition and one progress (India).
Biggest issue was Ethiopia (trad) who was a good amount ahead and grabbed both Taj and Leaning tower before I even had the tech, his UU is also such a huge grind to kill.
I had Korea (trad) as a harmless neighbour all the game.
Poland (trad) got hamstrung by other AIs before he could kick off, India got wiped early, Celts (trad) were doing ok but were a bit small and got stuck in a lot of wars with Poland and Ethiopia, Portugal (statecraft) was trying to play the cs game but that worked soso.
I realised for heavy tribute to be meaningful the CS need to have a quest for you, since that is part of the reward.
It usually requires a serious army to get heavy tribute.
Seems ordo can create infinite movement by moving back and forth, is this intended?
I didnt try to abuse it and mostly used them like citadels.
Ordos dont give science like citadels does, a nerf imo, is this intended?
It seems to me that worker road logic has gone completely off the rails in latest versions.
I see this in my game too. The worker AI just builds roads EVERYWHERE! Strange thing though, the crazy road AI doesn't seem to apply to AI civs. Those build pretty efficient road systems that don't spaghetti like when I put my workers on auto.
Ok second game as immortal Sweden, thought I was doing somewhat ok but got rolled by the aztecs, I've had games where I can defend knights with spears (yes AI had insane tech leads) but not aztecs they have too many early warmonger bonuses, not a fun neighbour.
Too small sample size but Poland seems to do poorly in my games so far, anyone seen them do well?
Maybe its just a cause of going tradition and getting hammered from several sides combined with a rather late UU.
Too small sample size but Poland seems to do poorly in my games so far, anyone seen them do well?
Maybe its just a cause of going tradition and getting hammered from several sides combined with a rather late UU.
Nope, maybe the Poland nerfs were too much but oh well.
Possibly authority buff is a bit overturned, non auth AI's getting really hammered ... if there are enough authority AI's, they sort of buff eachother.
If you're playing at a higher difficulty, the rewards really reward killing units for easy yields.
I’ll wait for Vern before I give any comments on general AI civ balance, people run way too few games, it’s all circumstantial
Its still interesting to hear what players experience and not just rely on AI data.
It seems to me that worker road logic has gone completely off the rails in latest versions. I'm tired of removing auto roads, so I just let them be. Of course, I could improve everything manually, but it's a chore. It would be nice to have an optioin to automate workers but forbid them from constructing roads.

In the screenshots, I circled the automated roads. Often they don't even shorten the distance between cities.
I haven't finished my 3.7.12 game yet. There I don't see any unnecessary roads built by automated workers. But I do not use them regularly anyway, so I have no other/newer examples to show.
If you're playing at a higher difficulty, the rewards really reward killing units for easy yields.
At lower difficulty too. I love barb camps next to me cuz i put 2 or 3 units next them and vuolla easy yelds. Cheers for who sponsor/voted for this on congress poll vp (idk the real name srry)
Ponder over this delicious spaghetti. At this point roads drain around 600 gpt, and this is taking a heavy toll on my economy


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Pontoon bridges, probably. I wonder if they also mess up roads.


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Ponder over this delicious spaghetti. At this point roads drain around 600 gpt, and this is taking a heavy toll on my economy
Surprisingly, the roads where I live look very similar to this. I suspect the construction crews are also automated by Civ AI.
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