How Are You Dealing with Trade Now That the Patch Broke It?

i dont initiate trade with the AI, but when it talks to me about such deals they always come up with not being acceptable by them, LOL, so i just refuse anyways

why they initiate trade deals they themselves dont like is just silly, but there are a number of things with this summer patch that are an issue
I am really curious why modders don't try to fix the bugs. I mean, I don't expect a new patch before October, so it would pay out.

Because modders cannot without the dll source code (since this kind of bug is likely to be a faulty logic in the code, just like the white peace bug in civ5).
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I've only played two full games since the patch and I'm now taking a break from Civ for a bit, in part because of bugs like this.

In those two games, I limited myself to trading one item for another even though some of their unsolicited offers were rather tempting. It's difficult to know what a fair price is; I occasionally paid over 50 gpt pre-patch for a great work.

I did take advantage of their willingness to pay more for luxes to swell my coffers, as I'm not sure that's a bug....
It’s the second time I finally stopped playing. First was because of the “Last build bug”. Now this bug is a similar Showstopper. It’s actually 3 bugs which make trading useless:

1) 1 gold for all great works in trade.

2) Accept button not active even for AI’s own offer.

3) Almost impossible to make alliance.

I would tolerate if Firaxis does not fix minor or medium bugs in irregular hotfix patches. But major and showstopper bugs IMO should be fixed ASAP. Firaxis cannot screw up anything with a hotfix regarding this issue anyway, since the trade screen cannot get any worse than it is now.
Oh it's far worse than the last build bug (as annoying as that was).
I haven't figured out how or when the AI will trade relics for 1 gold, etc. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

I've been play testing my Scrambled maps and it hasn't made much difference on large/huge maps. Joint wars can only really be used in the early game, cos you don't use a Casus Beli. You gain diplomatic favour of one civ at the expense of others.
I've defended Civ 6 more often than not from all the negative nancies, but this is an inexcusable bug that needs an immediate hot fix, not a 3 month wait until the next DLC patch, so I've stopped playing. For those of you who are still playing, I suggest making a house rule where you're not allowed to trade for great works, you may only steal them with spies.
oh well, i don't care about those bugs and bad AI. I only play multiplayer with some friends nowadays. That's more of a challenge, and way more fun :D
I haven't figured out how or when the AI will trade relics for 1 gold, etc. Ignorance is bliss I guess.
This is not part of the bug, in the ancient era they will do this and relics get more valuable per era... sort of makes sense.

I suggest making a house rule where you're not allowed to trade for great works,
A house rule where you cannot take more than one city in a peace deal is just as important. It's so easy to take peoples cities off them.
I'm dealing with it by playing other games, mostly.
This game now is in the most crippled state since release. Trade and diplomacy are major elements of the gameplay and they both are quite noticeably broken, which is quite a buzzkiller.

The most astonishing thing is complete radio silence by Firaxis/2K. What about a hotfix, a patch? That would patch all the previous patches? Would it not make sense to delay the next DLC a month or two and have a good look at the existing code instead? Well, from the marketing point of view, probably not.

To put things in perspective, you may have heard of No Man's Sky. The game, made by a small studio, which was picked up for release by Sony, and which had a misfortune to be slightly overhyped and earn a lot of gratuitous hate. That game has recently got its third major update, you can call it DLC, and in less than three weeks time afterwards there were already 4 follow-up patches to iron out the new bugs.

But with Firaxis and their new pattern of seasonal patches, will we have to wait until the end of October to be able to play Civ6 again? To play it, not to toy with it. If, of course, that Fall patch does fix more than it breaks.
oh well, i don't care about those bugs and bad AI. I only play multiplayer with some friends nowadays. That's more of a challenge, and way more fun :D

Could Firaxis have conspired to cripple the SP game in an effort to get people to play MP? :D

IMO the MP experience is pretty awful. It's compounded by RSI like pain I have in my right hand and fingers now, something I developed very recently (since playing Civ VI). :sad:
They should swap it in a second. This needs ironing out immediately. But I guess if they only lose obsessive players like us and the more casual players keep ticking along, the drop off in play won't be enough to demand immediate attention.
Surely it is the fanatics though that clock a significant % of hours though, even if a lesser amount than the casuals.

It's compounded by RSI like pain I have in my right hand and fingers now, something I developed very recently (since playing Civ VI). :sad:

VI has a few odd UI choices when you think about the potential for RSI. A couple of examples:

With the jerky scrolling at the top menu, more of us than normal likely use the keys over the mouse to move the screen around. That's fine...except the only keys available for this (no UI choice here) are the arrow keys; meaning that (for a right handed person) your left arm is constantly on a less than desirable slant across your body.

And the lack of a wait key (my hobby complaint!) means that many more needless clicks of the mouse/key taps (whether auto cycling is on or not) are needed to get all your units given orders; as the game will return to the same unit over and over and over; with no way to instruct it to leave that unit till last!

These changes may seem trivial; but for anyone spending hundreds of hours playing VI, it can't be good for our bodies.
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TBH if there was another game like this I would swap in a second. It seems they are just using the same set of devs on different games for efficiency

It may be necessity more than efficiency - there's still a much higher demand for devs across all industries than supply. I.e. I'm pretty sure Firaxis has had a Senior Software Engineer position posted since February. 2k has 58 open positions posted - 33 of them being explicitly dev positions, and it looks like another 10 being technical positions of some sort. So I suspect they might be consistently short-staffed in that department (which might explain a bit).
I am really curious why modders don't try to fix the bugs. I mean, I don't expect a new patch before October, so it would pay out.

Because its time consuming with little to no reward. Modders do it for the love of the games and there is no love for fixing the sloppy mistakes of these bargain basement coders at Firaxis. Like you said, there will be another patch in a few months, what if that breaks a load of other stuff? Better for the modders to wait until the game is 100% with all expansions/dlcs.

Like some others I have quit this game until the next patch..
But I guess if they only lose obsessive players like us and the more casual players keep ticking along, the drop off in play won't be enough to demand immediate attention

2000+ hrs of Civ VI and I think i'm done. I do enjoy modding Civ VI more than playing RN. I suppose I'm just "play testing" my Scrambled maps so IDGAF about exploits. (I've got another 2 in the pipeline if I can complete them before summer's over).
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