How Are You Dealing with Trade Now That the Patch Broke It?

I have stopped playing, visit the forum a couple of times a week just to see what's going down.
Trade I can ignore but lack of alliances broke it too much for me, I am enjoying a break away TBH.

Same. The tech quote breakage ruined it for me also. Playing Elite Dangerous instead for a few months.
I also haven't experienced the same willingness on the AI's part to give up cities that most have cited here. In my current game as Aztecs, in 2 consecutive turns I was declared war on by two of the civs I had met in the one turn and the other 2 in the next turn [I'm assuming joint wars on their part; early game and had only met 4 other civs]. Only one was really close, and that's the one I basically fought. Others eventually offered peace, but only straight-up peace for peace, not even one gold, for example. The one I was actually fighting, I took one of his cities adjacent to my territory, and he still wouldn't cede it to me in exchange for peace. I kept it anyway, but peace deals I have seen have generally been less generous offers than before the patch. Before the patch, I was often offered a city or two even by those cities that never actually fought in the war [like three of the four in the wars mentioned above]. With regard to trades, I find they're very willing to trade great works, but I haven't found all the trades to be one-sided offers. In general, I just make a fair offer and it's accepted, so that doesn't really affect the game one way or the other. With regard to luxes, etc. I'm not sure what is a fair trade any more. In V, it was essentially 7 gpt for pretty much any resource. Now sometimes they offer me 20 or more gpt and sometime 2 or 3 [one time just 1 gold period and open borders]. I don't know if this is because the AI is placing different importance on certain items or how the offer is calculated.
In the open turns of the game, say the first 50 or 60, I've never gotten more than 170 gold total for a lux. To get this it must be split between a 140 lump sum and 1 GPT for 30 turns. If I ask for it all in the lump sum then the most I ever get is 160. The amount the AI will give definitely increases over time, so it can often be worth it to haggle.

In this instance I'm reminded of one of the tech quotes from Civ IV, "A thing is worth what its buyer will pay for it."
I came looking for this thread really to post the odd thing that happened to me last night. China attacked me when I wasn't well prepared, but I managed to neutralise their incoming forces, was just starting to get ready to go on the offensive, and just thought I'd see what I could get for peace.

2 of their 6 cities.

When all I had done was kill their invading army, and hadn't set a foot on their territory.

I can only assume (if there is any logic to it) that the AI sometimes hates war weariness and will do almost anything for peace.

I have no shame - I took the deal.

It has always been the case that the AI gives peace deals that take into account (1) your military strength vs their military strength and (2) how much losses you have inflicted on them during the war. Any time you destroy their entire army, they will always offer you an amazing peace deal. This is even the case if they are more advanced than you and might be able to pump out more higher level troops in the near future. They always look at their situation as it is at that moment. I just was playing and killed off all of Poland's army with my musketmen and field cannons. Then she suddenly upgraded to cavalry, and produced one of them. At that point, it would have been pretty hard for me to take more cities without her being able to pump out some more cavalry and kill off some of my units. However, she still offered me a peace deal where she gave me 5 of her 9 cities. Yes, she could have produced another army that would likely be stronger than mine, but I had just killed off her entire army. This is how it has always been as far as I can tell, but they might have tweaked it recently to make the deals a little better I don't know.
Yup. One thing I love to do when the opportunity presents itself is to pick off stray units from distant civs. After killing as little as 1-2 units most AIs will be willing to give, at minimum, a tidy sum of gold as soon as peace may be negotiated.
It has always been the case that the AI gives peace deals that take into account (1) your military strength vs their military strength and (2) how much losses you have inflicted on them during the war. Any time you destroy their entire army, they will always offer you an amazing peace deal. This is even the case if they are more advanced than you and might be able to pump out more higher level troops in the near future. They always look at their situation as it is at that moment. I just was playing and killed off all of Poland's army with my musketmen and field cannons. Then she suddenly upgraded to cavalry, and produced one of them. At that point, it would have been pretty hard for me to take more cities without her being able to pump out some more cavalry and kill off some of my units. However, she still offered me a peace deal where she gave me 5 of her 9 cities. Yes, she could have produced another army that would likely be stronger than mine, but I had just killed off her entire army. This is how it has always been as far as I can tell, but they might have tweaked it recently to make the deals a little better I don't know.
What makes it worse is that the AI does not consider cities' wall strength or how well suited the human player's army is to conquer cities. In a recent game something like 70-80% of my military strength was crossbowmen. I had killed most of the AI's army - because it brought its units so willingly to the slaughter - but I would have struggled to conquer their cities with my army, considering they were able to produce Mamluks and had their cities walled. The AI's peace deal calculations are too simple.
It does feel game-breaking but you just stop worrying and learn to love it :p
Ummmm, I can ignore it because it's just dirty to use it, you do not need it. The big issue for me is that I LOVE diplomacy, I miss it, I want to friggin use it but it's broken
It's like using half of my keyboard.
Is the art of getting what you want for the price of a few sticks but I like your style.

sticks, stones, explosives, ... subtle I ain't.

It would be nice if you could count on the AI to NOT backstab you. But, since they will, I never see much point in the diplomacy.
If they ask to be allies, I'll say "sure", and then get the troops ready for WHEN they get stoopid.

I will hear the lamentations of their wimmin, and take all their shiny stuff.

Now back to the backyard, sun and beer.
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