How to code a loadout spacecraft choice that reveals Marvel locations


Mar 30, 2016
The new expansion has added a lot of new features but loadouts have remained untouched. One thing I am really missing is the ability to reveal all marvel locations since that could be quite useful for Fungal Biome or the one that lets all your units leash aliens.

Both RevealBarbarians (aliens) and RevealArtifactLocations are functions in the CivBESpacecraft.xml file ... but I wasn't able to find any reference to them in any of the LUA files which I hoped could enlighten in my on how to write a script to do this.

Any help to this regard is very much appreciated!
The stuff in those tables cannot be found in the lua files, it's in the core files and not accessible.

The (small) Marvels are just improvements, that's how you can reveal them.

If you need an example to look at: I did a similar thing for Resource Pods in my Awesome Loadout Mod (RT-Version only), the spacecraft-Loadout is called PodScanner and the functionality can be found in AwesomeLoadoutSpacecraftScript.lua (ignore the "for iDirection"-part).
Want to thank you guys for such simple mod to add script.
I hate to say I copied it and added it to mine, though making it reveal Resource pods. If nothing else it was a good learning experience. I haven't been able to find much on scripting for BERT.

Maybe I will make it into a quick tutorial. (though I still have other questions on LUA scripting).
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