What is your first game looking like? (It's almost here)

After seeing Potato's missippian game it is tempting to go his route. But I'll still stick to Greece. It just feels right to go with the "classic" civs from way back when I started playing civ 2. Of course Egypt is mighty tempting for the same reason. That may be my 2nd game. But I will play Missippians in my first 5 game for sure. Most likely into Shawnee and Mexico.
I'm leaning towards a Southeast Asia run of Khmer > Majapahit > Siam; the beauty of Siam's cities really sold me. I'm not sure about leader.
Sounds like Trung Trac or Jose Rizal would be your best bet for an SEA run.
I'm actually leaning towards Himiko Queen of Wa for her ability, which looks interesting, but I probably won't make an actual decision until I'm in the game setup screen. :D
What's her ability? I'm not seeing it on the wiki
She gets a special endeavor she can do with allies that increases both parties' science, and (more interesting to me) she can support endeavors for free.
Still waiting on the details of the last few leaders and civs. Probably Maya or Khmer for my first game, but everything is subject to change.
I am actually beginning to lean towards:

Random Leader/Greece>?

This could have me wind up with a wonky combo but there is just too much that I want to explore to fit in a single first game. Not having Alexander to pair with Greece makes me pretty open for leader choices and they all have interesting benefits.
I finally committed and pre-ordered the deluxe edition. I have been trying to figure out what leader I want to use in my first game. So far, I was between Xerxes and Amina. I know my first game I will play as Greece as that is my own personal tradition. I was sure what victory type I wanted to chase but am partial to trying an economic victory because I have always wanted an economic victory conditions in Civ.

Then I made the comment to a friend about the game costing me a "Benjamin Franklin" and the joke, "I should play my first game as him since he bought it" and now, ironically, I seem to be glued to the idea. First, I realized Franklin guarantees America. I find the prospector UU interesting and I do like that it is an economic civ so better to make an economic push.

So I am pretty sure my first game will be:

Leader: Ben Franklin

Civs: Greece -> Spain (probably) -> America
A tradtional Agustus Rome start
I think i'll go with :
  • Tecumseh. I want to interact with the new Independent Powers and he gets bonuses for doing so, both for economy and war. I don't plan to go to war, but if i get declared upon that will help and if some pesky AI settles in my backyard as i've seen in some videos (they are not just content to forward settle you now, they also backward settle :crazyeye: ) i might change my mind about being the peaceful guy :viking:
  • Greece in Ancient Age. Not the most iconic civ for Tecumseh but seems like a really nice strategic choice for going the influence/befriend IP route
  • Shawnees in the Exploration Age. Tecumseh will give me access to them. They are also a nice civ to interact with IP from what i've read in the articles.
  • ??? in the modern age. Will see which civs i can unlock through gameplay. Fallback to Mexico if i can't unlock anything fancy maybe.
  • Standard map and speed (i nearly always play on standard)
  • Sovereign difficulty (probably). I first considered Viceroy but after seeing some more advanced difficulties in action i'm leaning more towards Sovereign. Will depend how much sleep i can get in the next 2 weeks i guess :D
First game I keep saying I want Rome as they are generally good at general things and not to have a "Plan" for going forward, I'd resigned myself to Roman, Norman..France? aimlessly. However with what we see with gameplay unlocks, I'm very happy to just go with what presents itself. Spam the commanders on the hostile IP, level them up until they have the town founding promotion, clear them out and found in a better spot. See what happens after that. Hopefully end ith a whole bunch of extra settlements.
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I think i'll go with :
  • Tecumseh. I want to interact with the new Independent Powers and he gets bonuses for doing so, both for economy and war. I don't plan to go to war, but if i get declared upon that will help and if some pesky AI settles in my backyard as i've seen in some videos (they are not just content to forward settle you now, they also backward settle :crazyeye: ) i might change my mind about being the peaceful guy :viking:
  • Greece in Ancient Age. Not the most iconic civ for Tecumseh but seems like a really nice strategic choice for going the influence/befriend IP route
  • Shawnees in the Exploration Age. Tecumseh will give me access to them. They are also a nice civ to interact with IP from what i've read in the articles.
  • ??? in the modern age. Will see which civs i can unlock through gameplay. Fallback to Mexico if i can't unlock anything fancy maybe.
  • Standard map and speed (i nearly always play on standard)
  • Sovereign difficulty (probably). I first considered Viceroy but after seeing some more advanced difficulties in action i'm leaning more towards Sovereign. Will depend how much sleep i can get in the next 2 weeks i guess :D
Conquering is a form of interaction :D
for me it will be epic speed on the largest map, civ/leader randoms. I hesitate for the age length but maybe i let it by default. For the difficulty, i think i will choose viceroy.
Seems like Influence is very, maybe even very very, important, so whatever combo I can in the Antiquity that maximises this. Think I'd like to convert city states into my own towns, see how it feels, and maybe just have the one main city that is nice and plump. I haven't been studying the leaders and civs beforehand, will leave it to the day. Otherwise, won't faff with any other settings, and just see how it feels as is out the box, well, install.
Hah, Tecumseh Greece for me as well. I'm very excited to see what the new diplomatic mechanics can do
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