I still want to play Tecumseh as my first game. Coolest looking leader ever. And I'm still leaning on Greece, Normans, America.
Caesar, Rome, maybe Spain after, Huge map, one of the slowest speeds.
I‘ve made an excel file that contains all civ and leader bonuses with a color code, and also lets you choose leader + 3 consecutive civs and display the bonuses next to each other.Do we have in nice (table) format all civs and leaders. What would be designed to compare all bonuses of leaders and civs to others and plan mix/match first game.
Thus far I have been using combo of https://civilization.fandom.com/wiki/Civilizations_(Civ7) and
Game Guide | Sid Meier's Civilization VII
Learn more about the civilizations, leaders, and gameplay mechanics in the Game Guide for Sid Meier's Civilization VII!civilization.2k.com
Thank you. That is exactly something I was looking for! However I am not in rush if you are still working on it...I‘ve made an excel file that contains all civ and leader bonuses with a color code, and also lets you choose leader + 3 consecutive civs and display the bonuses next to each other.
However, it‘s not complete yet. I have all revealed leaders, and all antiquity civs, but currently only ca. half of the exploration civs.
I‘m happy to share the file if someone wants to convert it to an online version, once it’s completed. Or share PDFs of the leaders and antiquity civs now, if you are interested.
I really wish the civ unlocks were completely free!
I did not know that. Where was that revealed? Maybe my first game will be a "multiplayer" with only one human selected...If this isn’t an option, it really should be, especially as it is how it will default in multiplayer anyway!