Ideas for next DLC, base improvements, and things that should have been in Gather Storm


Feb 14, 2019
1. Future units that aren't GDR. ( Cyber soldiers, genetically modified soldiers, flying saucers, rail gun units)
2. Faster obtained and more clean energy options. (Cold fusion, Electromagnetic generators, ect.) Also have a way for cities that get flooded due to rising sea levels to build a project that pumps the flood water out so you can build in the city again. We were doing that stuff in the 50s. Sad not to see it in the game.
3. More threats. (Dangerous animals, rogue states, terrorist attacks)
4. More maps mainly a adjustable earth map.
5. New storms. (earthquakes, tsunamis, rogue waves, super volcanoes, desertification, meteors, falling satellites)
6. More future tech. (Satellites(kinda like in beyond earth) Terra-forming(farms in deserts and tundra), advanced magnetism, quantum physics, quantum computing,) and don't randomized the tech tree at the end it does not really make sense to do it that way. - I feel like the tech that was add with GS is very little with not much thought at all put in to it. 7 new techs 3 of which aren't really future tech it is technology we have now unless you hype it to high sci-fi levels of fantasy.
7. New Civilizations?
8. New Wonders both natural and not.
9. New civics, policy cards buff old ones too same for religious beliefs.
10. what are some of your thoughts what do you want to see? I'd like to see the value of the next dlc match the price we have to pay for it.
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I'd love to see a fusion power plant that requires no resources and can't meltdown but has high maintenance. Some railgun ranged units would be awesome. Not sure how flying saucers would work but it would be cool.
I think flying saucers could function as a future unit for Jets and give bombers a long ranger stealth version that is closer to a space plane. maybe even add satellites to the game to and they can increase the range for the future air craft as well as fall out of space and mess stuff up. A Super unit like the GDR would be cool too like a colossal flying saucer that uses a massive magnifying glass to harness the power of the sun. Rail guns could be used for a build that can be used to fire down satellites and do big damage to super units and cites. Perhaps a super boat unit that is amphibious that is on par with the GDR along with another super unit that covers the skies like a super saucer idea. Maybe they are slightly weaker then the GDR but they have unique advantages that the GDR does not have.
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If I could make Tibet and put it in the game it would be something like this. (The Vatican could be a really cool and strong religious civilization too.)
Leader Trait: Religious Leader (Dalai Lama)
Holy Sites, holy buildings and the Potala Palace are 50% cheaper to build but combat units cost 75% more to produce. Holy buildings can be bought with faith at a lower price as well as units if at war however combat units take a -20 combat penalty unless on a hill, adjacent to a mountain, in friendly city or Districts and -20 again if they are in a territory that is not controlled by your religion if in friendly religious territory they get +20 Combat strength. Religious units get + 10 religious strength Can produce religious units except Inquisitors because Tibet can not launch an Inquisition. (production cost kinda high not to high because they also cost a pop like a settler) Other civilizations can not declare war on you if your religion is their major belief or if they have the same government as you. You can not Declare war. (Maybe have a unique exception that allows a communist government to go to war with them no matter what.)
Can not launch Inquisition. If taken out other civilizations with his religion will try to liberate their cites to bring Tibet back. (Cant decide if religious units should be allowed to initiate combat or not)

Civilization Trait: Roof of the World
Districts adjacent to a Mountain get +1 bonus yield +3 for holy sites. Cites can work mountains (like the Inca, I personally would make this an ability every civ gets with a later game tech). Units receive +2 movement if they start on a hill and another +2 movement if adjacent to a mountain. Cavalry this movement buff is doubled. Units do not suffer movement penalties from hills.

Unique Units: Dob-dob (replaces the Warrior Monk): cheaper to build, and ignore terrain costs. Can fight religious units. (base religious combat strength 120 can not start religious combat)
Dalai Lama (Unique religious unit): Faith Cost 500, need temple to build, Religious strength 150, movement 7, Spread charges 9 Notes- Can only have one at a time and after the unit is lost it takes at least 9 turns to get another one. When you have a Dalai Lama alive you can pick your religious units promotions. The unit has a martyr like ability that procs when the unit is lost in anyway. The unit will also instantly convert a city with a spread charge. Can spend 3 charges to Evangelize Belief does not consume unit as long as is has a charge left. Gains 1 charge and +5 religious combat strength per natural wonder walked by. Can convert adjacent unit with a charge.

Unique District: Lamasery: replaces holy site, +1 Gold, Culture, Production, science, food, and housing per adjacent mountain for every building in your holy site. The Holy site has a relic slot and an additional slot per building built in the district.
Production Cost 42 Maintenance cost 1 per turn
Great Person Points +3 Great Prophet point per turn.
Adjacency Bonus
+3 Faith from each adjacent natural wonder.
+3 Faith from each adjacent Mountain
+3 Faith from every 2 adjacent Woods or 2 adjacent district tiles.
Citizen Yields (per citizen) +3 Faith

Agenda: Holder of the White Lotus: Likes civilizations who follow the same Religion, and wants his cities to all follow the same Religion. Dislikes anyone trying to spread their Religion into his empire. Hates civilizations that are at war. Respects civilizations that have ecstatic people.
Zombie Apocalypse
Illnesses, Plagues

That's all I can think of
Yeah, plagues/illnesses would be cool and slavery could be bad but amazing if done right. A Zombie Apocalypse scenario would be awesome so would a fallout scenario.
New victory type economic victory. Achived when you build a central bank along with getting foreign banks in all capitals and to build a foreign bank in a capital you must have foriegn banks in a majority of their cities then you can run a city project in the city with your central bank to convert a foreign power to your dollar. Once you've converted all civilization to your dollar you need to have a treasury worth 10000 gold per civilization that is not you in the game goes down to 5000 if they are allies and 2500 for your economic alliance. And so it can be countered once you have a central bank you can run a city project in a city with a enemy foriegn bank to neutralize its possible with spies too. Also a project to get a bank back on line once it has been neturlized.
New victory type economic victory. Achived when you build a central bank along with getting foreign banks in all capitals and to build a foreign bank in a capital you must have foriegn banks in a majority of their cities then you can run a city project in the city with your central bank to convert a foreign power to your dollar. Once you've converted all civilization to your dollar you need to have a treasury worth 10000 gold per civilization that is not you in the game goes down to 5000 if they are allies and 2500 for your economic alliance. And so it can be countered once you have a central bank you can run a city project in a city with a enemy foriegn bank to neutralize its possible with spies too. Also a project to get a bank back on line once it has been neturlized.

Oh wow that's a really nice idea, I was actually thinking about other types of victory, since they implemented the diplomatic vic, we absolutely need this !

I was also thinking about other ideas, and I would like to see Aliens also.

Theres actually a topic for that.
New civilization Vatican
Pope John XXII Leader Trait: Religious Leader, Builders, city building, districts buildings and walls can be purchased with faith. Your capital is also a holy site so it can build holy buildings (capital does get adjacency bonus form being a holy site too.).Your holy sites get double adjacently bonus if next to city.

Civilization Trait: Can not make settlers. Faith units cost 10% less but all other faith purchases cost 10% more. Commercial hubs if next to holy site and city it gets double the adjacency bonus. Commercial hubs and banks provide 2 great work slots

Unique Units: Templar: Is around the same strength as knights bit stronger, and if on your religious unit it gains the combat strength of the Templar as religious combat strength. Upgrades into Swiss guard.

Unique Unit: Swiss guard. Strength around If on your religious unit it gains the combat strength of the Swiss guard as religious combat strength. When in city and on districts

Pope (Unique religious unit): Faith Cost 700, need temple to build, Religious strength 120, movement 4, Spread charges 9 Notes- Can only have one at a time and after the unit is lost it takes at least 3 turns to get another one. When you have a Pope active you can pick your religious units promotions. The unit has a martyr like ability that procs when the unit is lost in anyway. The unit will also instantly convert a city with a spread charge. Can spend 3 charges to Evangelize Belief does not consume unit as long as is has a charge left. Can convert adjacent unit with a charge. If in formation it gains the movement of the combat unit in the formation

Unique building new build central bank (goes with my economic victory idea) - Institute for the Works of Religion- Must be built in capital.Once built you can build foreign banks in foreign cites that believe in your religion. Holds 9 great works in total 3 any, 3 faith, 3 relics.

Agenda: : Likes civilizations who follow the same Religion, and wants his cities to all follow the same Religion. Dislikes anyone trying to spread their Religion into his empire. dislikes civilizations that have a different . Respects civilizations that have ecstatic people.
Since GS is in the spirit of the planet being screwed up by us, I feel that garbage ought to be a commodity.

Good ol' Garbage
Not the kind of commodity that you'd want to stockpile for too long.

At some point -either the Industrial era, or possibly sooner, cities will start to create more waste than can be readily processed, resulting in Garbage. Initial solutions could include garbage dumps, that evolve into landfills.

Garbage dumps are simple tile improvements that hold a number of garbage units, and of course tank any surrounding appeal. Landfills are more expansive, and would stay active for numerous turns, processing a number of garbage units per turn until they 'fill up', after which they would become hills. While active they'd tank surrounding appeal as well, and after they've filled up would lower appeal by one or two permanently.
New buildings like incinerators would deal with some of the garbage, as well as provide some power to a city, but they'd add CO2 to the atmosphere just like coal plants (maybe even a bit more than them).
Later technologies like bio-mass reactors and re-cycling centers would be needed to process even more garbage, and somewhere in the mid to late game garbage could even be traded with other civs.
Very late game developments could include Fusion reactors that rely on garbage for fuel, slowly getting rid of it, as well as city projects that simply shoot rockets filled with garbage into space (it's an idea, if not the most efficient one).

Wildlife bonus/luxury resources would disappear if they're situated too close to them.

Ocean plastics.
Once plastics are developed ocean plastic will slowly pollute the seas, resulting in sea resources also disappearing over time.
Oceans would have to be cleaned up one tile at a time using builders or military engineers before sea resources return.

World council resolutions could be enacted to force civs to deal with garbage, outlawing certain plastics or whatever.

Nuclear Waste
Nuclear waste would be it's own thing, produced by whatever nuclear units are active, as well as nuclear reactors. They would require their own dedicated storage facilities, which would have serious maintenance costs, as well as needing dedicated military units to guard. If unguarded a new spy mission could be to steal some of the waste and detonate a dirty nuke in a city. The more advanced the unit and the higher it's promoted, the harder it would be to steal it.
Fusion reactors would thrive on nuclear waste.

Oil spills
Any oil resources at sea that are developed with a rig that are caught in a hurricane or otherwise pillaged could result in an oil spill that ranges one - three tiles wide and moves just like a hurricane does. If the spill hits a sea resource the resource vanishes immediately, and if the spill runs aground the appeal of the coastline is tanked until it can be completely cleaned up (more work for builders and engineers..)

Dwindling Resources

Not sure how this would work, but maybe once the last unused resource is developed, all other resources of the same kind are given a count down timer, indicating how many units are still available on that given tile. The timer could be either random, or linked to how long the resource has been producing, the longer it's been active the shorted it's timer would be. Once the timer hits zero for a given resource tile that site is considered depleted.

/2cts.. now I'm off to do some composting :D
New unit ideas: I'm going to start with new super unit idea units like the new G.D.R.
Super Units
M.S.D Massive Saucer of Death, Super unit like the G.D.R but is flying. Upgrades with tech tree. Holds air craft. Can only attack units and tiles under it with its magnifying glass weapon that focuses the sun. It its like a massive flying donuts that floats over the map.

A.A.D.S Amphibious Armored Death Squid/Boat, okay so this one is a submarine, boat, land unit. This things gimmicks are that the main weapon is the new rail gun, has a high anti air, is amphibious (can use mountain tunnels) and can launch nuclear weapons. Its pretty slow but has a hell of a punch. In deep water in sinks under the water on coastal waters its a boat and gains legs when it moves to land.

Air craft- Magnetic Fighters, pretty much a flying saucer. Its a better fighter has longer range and is not very tough. H.A.S.B High Atmosphere Stealth Bomber, a cool stealth bomber. Can only be shot down by rail guns and magnetic fighters.

Land units- Xcom unit unique promotions that change the look of the unit, like bio and cybernetic upgrades

Rail Gun- Not really a unit its more then that its a building. So its a massive gun built by a military engineer it can fire nukes and has a very long range and can be used to shoot down satiates, the HASB, and nukes. Can be disabled and destroyed by spies

Satiates- Bring satiates back into the game from beyond earth. Add recon, attack, production, food, science, culture/entertainment/tourism/gold satiates. Spies can disable and destroy them as well.
New districts and buildings - Land Fills, recycling plants, Health care districts or buildings to lower pollution/disease.
Rail Gun fortification -. So its a massive gun built by a military engineer it can fire nukes and has a very long range and can be used to shoot down satiates, the HASB, and nukes. Can be disabled and destroyed by spies
Satiates- Bring satiates back into the game from beyond earth. Add recon, attack, production, food, science, culture/entertainment/tourism/gold satiates. Spies can disable and destroy them as well.
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