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Ideas needed: Common Events

I came up with some Armageddon events. The numbers next to them represent the AC needed to happen. I thought up all these, except the locust one, which I saw earlier.

(10) (chaos mana, carnival) Crazed citizens are celebrating the "Carnival of the Hanging Sisters" in X. They've raided local graveyards and strung up the dead like puppets!

(15) People are coughing up ashes and fire in X. The reason is unknown.

(25) Hordes of toads have infested lakes and rivers near X.

(25) Swarms of locust have destroyed a farm.

(25) Human limbs are growing out of the ground at one of our farms near X.

(35) An angel's body was found sliced open in the fields near X. Plants around it are dying off.

(35) Wandering undead have been spotted outside of X. Their presence is causing anxiety among the citizens.

(45) Boiling water is raining from the skies above X.

(45) A depressed toymaker is making tiny coffins for dolls. Their popularity is causing uneasiness among the citizens.

(55) A devastating plague has hit X. Peoples' limbs are rotting black and falling off. Prophets on the streets say it's a sign of the end of times.

(55) People are committing suicide in droves in X.

(55) You've received word that one of your close friends has committed suicide.
-For this, I think the result should be the leader getting the "Weary" trait, which gives +10% civic upkeep. It shows the leader being worn down by the changing world.

(65) People in X are eating their dead.

(75) A portal to Hell has opened in one of your cities.
-This is simple, Veil leaders only, city gets a Demonic Citizens building.

If any of the ones I mention have already been said, let me know.
The Watchman.

One of your palace guards comes to you and claims that long nights watching the palace have gifted him with the ability to go without sleep indefinitely.

1. Suuuuure buddy, let's get you some hot tea and try to get a few extra hours in. No need to strain your abilities.

No effect.

2. This could be useful in deterring crime.
-2 crime in capital.

3. He has called upon otherworldly spirits for bizarre powers, banish him from the realm. (This makes sense more for an early game event, before you have religons.)
+1 happiness for ten turns in capital.
The revolutionary

In the middle of the night, you wake up, something sharp and cold pushing against your throat. You see your maid kneeing on you and she wispers: "Your rulership does not fit me well, and now it´s my turn to change it".

a) grab the knife and call the guard (60 % you got wounded and are in no condition to rule (1 turn anarchie), 40% you fend of the knife long enough for the guards to get in (nothing happens))

b) (with trait agressiv) Kill her with her own knive (the glory of your fight inspires your people +1 Happy for 10 rounds)

c)(Mind mana) control her thoughts and send her back to work (gain one worker)

d) (Falamar) charm her (gain one scout with hidden)

e) (Perpentach) "you are right, I will change" (change traits)

f) (Fire mana) burn her (40 % to loose a building)

g) (fire + water mana ) burn her and put out the flames after that (nothing happens)

h) (entropie mana) crippel her arms and take her into slavery (gain slave with weak)
Time to get to work.

I came up with some Armageddon events. The numbers next to them represent the AC needed to happen. I thought up all these, except the locust one, which I saw earlier.

(10) (chaos mana, carnival) Crazed citizens are celebrating the "Carnival of the Hanging Sisters" in X. They've raided local graveyards and strung up the dead like puppets!

- Let the carnival commence! (+1 happy, +2 unhealthy in city for 10 turns, not selectable for good))
- MAKE IT STOP! (50% chance for 2 turns anarchy in city)
- Hey, neat idea! (+1 happy in city, reqs Balseraph)

(15) People are coughing up ashes and fire in X. The reason is unknown.

- Kill all of the firebreathers, just to be sure. (-1 pop)
- This is an omen. All hail the dragon! (+2 temp. happy, reqs Kurio/sheaim)
- Purge the evil from our men. (reqs Order, -3 AC)
- Have our mages investigate this matter. (reqs Mage Guild, 50% chance for an adept with fire+entropy 1, 50% chance for 1 temporary unhappy, +2 AC)

(25) Hordes of toads have infested lakes and rivers near X.

Please, please change this to carp!

(25) Swarms of locust have destroyed a farm.

(25) Human limbs are growing out of the ground at one of our farms near X.

- Abandon the area. (lose farm plot, -1 food)
- See that our soldiers get a bit of target practise. (+5 AC, get "Weird Limbs" building: +1 unhappy, +2 xp for melee units built in the city,)
- Remove this abomination. (reqs life mana, -5 AC)

(35) An angel's body was found sliced open in the fields near X. Plants around it are dying off.

- Sanctify the area. (reqs life mana)
- Ensure the angel gets a proper burial. (+5 AC, no evil)
- Leave the body rotting. (evil only, +10 AC)
- Do our very best to defile the lands further. (reqs entropy mana, +15 AC)
- Hm... send for our necromancers! (reqs death mana, +10 AC, receive an angel unit with undead and plague carrier promos)

(35) Wandering undead have been spotted outside of X. Their presence is causing anxiety among the citizens.

(45) Boiling water is raining from the skies above X.

(45) A depressed toymaker is making tiny coffins for dolls. Their popularity is causing uneasiness among the citizens.

(55) A devastating plague has hit X. Peoples' limbs are rotting black and falling off. Prophets on the streets say it's a sign of the end of times.

(55) People are committing suicide in droves in X.

(55) You've received word that one of your close friends has committed suicide.
-For this, I think the result should be the leader getting the "Weary" trait, which gives +10% civic upkeep. It shows the leader being worn down by the changing world.

(65) People in X are eating their dead.

- If they really want to do it... (+1 unhappy in every city, +2 unhealthy, +1 food in specific city, +5 AC)
- Conscript as many as you can. (city pop gets halved, receive one warrior with cannibalism promo for every pop point you lost, +10 AC, no good)
- Put a stop to this. (+2 unhappy in that city, 2 turns revolt)
- Have the dead fight back. (reqs death mana, -2 pop, receive 1-4 undeads)

(75) A portal to Hell has opened in one of your cities.
-This is simple, Veil leaders only, city gets a Demonic Citizens building.

If any of the ones I mention have already been said, let me know.
req: Doviello and Illians, Illians to perform the Draw.

"The Illians have begun the Draw, they are looking to bring back the Age of Ice - what shall we do?"

"A new age of ice will reward the Strong! Re-new the old alliance!" - Doviello become permanent ally of Illians, declaring war on all other nations, receive a Priest of Winter...and perhaps either the Earth or Body node converts to Ice? Diplomacy with everyone except the Illians is cut off.

"This is a new age, a time for chaos, not stasis - Auric shall bow before us!" - Doviello at war with Illians as normal + 2 relations with every other civ

If Doviello is an AI player, perhaps the decision could be based on
Proximity to Illians: the closer, the more likely they will ally
Previous relationship with Illians
If Doviello are relatively stronger than Illians: if stronger then less likely to ally themselves
Time to get to work.

Good ideas! Here's a few results I'd add:

(25) Human limbs are growing out of the ground at one of our farms near X. (in addition to yours)
- When life gives you gulagarm... (requires body mana, receive a flesh golem, +3 AC)

Out of curiosity, why do you want this to be carp?
(25) Hordes of toads have infested lakes and rivers near X.

- Sounds bad. (+2 unhealthiness in a nearby city for 10 turns)
- Sounds profitable. (+2 unhealthiness in nearby city for 20 turns, +1 commerce on tile, +3 AC)
- Sounds delicious. (requires Barbarian, +10 food in a nearby city)

These results just need some balancing:
(35) An angel's body was found sliced open in the fields near X. Plants around it are dying off.
- Sanctify the area. (reqs life mana, -5 AC)
- Ensure the angel gets a proper burial. (-2 AC, -1 food in tile, no evil)
- Leave the body rotting. (evil only, -1 food in tile, +2 AC)
- Do our very best to defile the lands further. (reqs entropy mana, +5 AC, tile becomes Hell Terrain)

This option seems a bit extreme, but I still like it:
- Hm... send for our necromancers! (reqs death mana, +10 AC, receive an angel unit with undead and plague carrier promos)
This would be fine if it was balanced a bit, maybe an angel with unholy damage instead of holy, instead of plague carrier.

(45) A depressed toymaker is making tiny coffins for dolls. Their popularity is causing uneasiness among the citizens.
- Stop the toymaker, and get these things out of my sight. They make me sick. (requires non-evil, +1 unhappiness in all cities, +2 AC).
- I don't care what this toymaker does. (requires evil, nothing happens)
- Make tiny Kuriotate dolls to fit these coffins. (requires Sheaim, +1 happiness for 10 turns, +2 AC)
- They're beautiful! Toymakers should carve these baby coffins in all our cities! (requires Balseraphs, +50 culture in all cities)

(55) A devastating plague has hit X. Peoples' limbs are rotting black and falling off. Prophets on the streets say it's a sign of the end of times.

-Tell the city doctor's to do everything they can. (city population halved, units in tile get Plagued promotion)
-Our people won't suffer for the petty conflicts of the divine. Send our medics in to stamp out this pandemic (requires Grigori, +1 unhealthy for 10 turns)
-Burn the homes of the infected and quarantine the city. (requires Order, -2 pop)
-Bring the corpses here, we'll put them to good use. (requires Veil, city population halved, gain a diseased corpse for every two points of population lost)

(55) People are committing suicide in droves in X.
- Tell our adepts to do whatever they can to calm them. (requires Spirit mana, -1 pop, -3 AC)
- Send in councilors to talk to the people. Find out what troubles them and put an end to it (requires Empyrean, -1 pop, +1 happiness for 10 turns, -3 AC).
- There is little we can do. Buff the local guard and do whatever we can to stop the suicides. (requires non-Evil, -2 pop, +2 unhappiness for 10 turns)
- Let them die. (requires Evil, -3 pop, +3 AC).
- Where do they think they'll go? (requires Infernals, -3 pop, gain 3 manes)

(75) A portal to Hell has opened in one of your cities.

-This is simple, Veil leaders only, city gets a Demonic Citizens building.
Also, for this event, I was thinking that the city should also count as an Infernal city (with (Infernal) next to the city name).
It's a reference to freeware ASCII game Dwarf Fortress, where carps are (due to an oversight in copypasting) feriocious beasts that will drag any dwarf that happens to come by into the river and/or tear off some of his limbs. Toads are fine, though.
How about:

(25) Hordes of toads have infested lakes and rivers near X.

- Exterminate the Toads (+1 Happiness in city, 1 unit unable to move for 3 turns)
- Leave them be (+2 unhealthiness in nearby city for 20 turns, Toad resource spawns +3 AC)
- These will make an excelent feast. (requires Barbarian, +20 food in a nearby city, +5 to the AC)

Seems silly not to make use of the Toad resource.
(15) Necromancer's Guild

Prerequisites: Mages' Guild

Description: The local mages' guild members in <CITY> have begun to focus on the art of Necromancy. Several notable officials of the guild have also gone missing, as well as several nobles and guards.

Choices: + Such a disgusting act is not something I will permit in this city! Let's hope the damage isn't to grave already. (Subtract 25 :gold:, -1 population)

+ At the moment, we just can't do anything about this except step up the guard. (+1 :yuck: in City, -1 Population, +10% Crime Rate in City)

+ What's so bad about a little reanimation? Parting with the dead is traumatic, after all. (+1 :yuck: in City, -1 Population, +1 :), +15% Crime Rate) (Reqs. Neutral or Evil)

+ Finally! Someone has recognized the power of reanimating the dead! Fund them immediately, this is an opportunity we cannot waste! (-50 Gold, +2 :yuck: in City, -1 Population, +2 :), +20% Crime Rate (Reqs. Evil)

Ode to Odes

Prerequisites: None

Description: A Troubadour seeking a place to stay and some food in exchange for a ballad or two has arrived in your capital.

Choices: +A wandering bard is nothing to worry about. Send him off. (No effects.)

+Oh! I wouldn't mind to hear a ballad or two. (-10 :gold:, +5 :culture: per turn for 2 turns.

+How 'bout we give him a place to stay for a while? Couldn't hurt, could it? (-25 :gold:, +10 :culture: per turn for 3 turns (Reqs. Influential Culture in Capital)

+Well! Give him a permanent residence here, we could always use another court jester. (-50 :gold:, +10 :culture: per turn, +1 :) (Reqs. Legendary Culture in Capital)

Not the most creative, but they could work.
Reqs Herbalist building in the city.

The herbalist in X has begun to experiment with strange, new herbs. Several of her patients are growin nerveous and asks for your guidance.


#Tell them they should keep seeing her if they need care
+1 :yuck: and :mad: for 10 turns.

#Have the herbalist driven from town
Lose the Herbalist

#Have the herbalist executed publically (reqs Evil)
+1 :) in the city for 10 turns
Lose the Herbalist

#Have our priests tend to those who need care instead (reqs Temple of Leaves)
Lose the Herbalist
Temple of Leaves +1 :health:


Reqs a Crime Rate above average (don't know the mecahnic well)

Groups of thugs have recently ambushed several citizens in X - what should we do?


#Have the city guards deal with the thugs (reqs a unit in the city).
The unit is damaged 30-45% and is unable to move for 1 turn.
Crime rate -5

#Thugs? The people will have to be careful, for we cannot offer them aid.
+2 :mad: for 20/10 turns.
Crime rate +5

#Thugs you say? Why have they not yet been sent to the front? (reqs Doviello and 20 :gold:)
Pay 20 :gold:
Gain a Beastmen unit
The unit is promoted to Bounty Hunter (optional)

#Issue curfews until the threat has passed (reqs Neutral or Good)
The city has a % chance to go into anarchy, else nothing happens.


The Sign of the Demon
Reqs AC above 30%
Reqs not Infernal or Mercurian
Reqs Compact Enforced setting off

A newborn child in X has been reported to carry the mark of Agares. What should we do?

#Have the child killed (Reqs Evil)
+1 :mad: for 10 turns

#Let the mother raise the child as if the sign was not present
+1 :mad: permanently
+3 AC

#This is a blessed day! Raise him as a Ritualist (reqs Ashen Veil state religion and in the city)
Recieve a Ritualist in the city
The unit cannot move for 3 turns
The unit is promoted to Scourge
+5 AC

#Send our Confessors to attempt to remove the mark (Requires Order)
50% chance of nothing happens, else +1 :mad: permanently, +3 AC


The steed
Requires Stable

A strong and fast steed has been bred in the city of X

#Brilliant! Equip one of our scouts with it (reqs a recon unit present)
The unit is promoted to Mobility I and Mobility II

#Good news. We should train a division of horsemen and give the leader of the division this steed (reqs 45 gold)
Recieve a Horseman unit
The unit is promoted to Mobility I

#Well done, use the horse for breeding purposes (reqs Warhorses)
All mounted units trained in the city are promoted to Mobility I
The Sign of the Demon
Reqs AC above 30%
Reqs not Infernal or Mercurian
Reqs Compact Enforced setting off

A newborn child in X has been reported to carry the mark of Agares. What should we do?

#Have the child killed (Reqs Evil)
+1 :mad: for 10 turns

#Let the mother raise the child as if the sign was not present
+1 :mad: permanently
+3 AC

#This is a blessed day! Raise him as a Ritualist (reqs Ashen Veil state religion and in the city)
Recieve a Ritualist in the city
The unit cannot move for 3 turns
The unit is promoted to Scourge
+5 AC

#Send our Confessors to attempt to remove the mark (Requires Order)
50% chance of nothing happens, else +1 :mad: permanently, +3 AC

...but if you are good / neutral and don't follow AV / Order, you are stuffed. Perhpas you need an exile option.
Yeah, you're stuffed. . .. .. .. . happens when the AC rises :mwaha:

Sorry :blush: but that's the purpose of the event.

This is weird. Agares is the Angel of Despair, despite being called "The king of hope". It doesnt make sense why a Good civ wouldnt kill a kid that bears the mark of the one who is bringing about the end of times.

Better Options:
Kill the newborn child (Good Only)
+1 :) for 15 turns +1 AC

Leave the matter to local officials
+1 :mad: For 15 Turns, +3 AC

Wondrous! If the king of hope moves upon Erebus, then we shall honor his chosen. (AV Only)
-200 Gold, +1 Great Prophet, +3 AC

Excellent. If the King of Hope has marked this one, he shall show great service to him. Train him in our temples. (AV Only)
-53 Gold, +1 Ritualist, Promoted with Prophecy Mark

Exile the child.
-10 gold, nothing happens

Call the Confessors to remove this mark. (Order Only)
Nothing Happens

This child will be champion among men on the battlefield. Outfit him with the proper equipment and train him to lead our armies. (Evil Only)
-100 gold, Recieve one Champion w/ Prophecy Mark promotion, +3 AC

Teach the child to forsake his destiny set by the gods. (Grigori only)
-50 gold, Recieve one Luonnotar

Events shouldnt be made to shaft people to that degree. +1 :mad: is annoying and hard to overcome.

This way you get options for Neutral, Good, and Civ/religion specific choices.
Your suggestions are nice, Korias. I was just thinking along the Armageddon is closing in-theme. It is currently far too easy for the good civs during the high AC times.

Also, ofcourse the unit should have the Prophecy Mark, why didn't I think of that? :p
When a unit is alone on a road and the tiles around it are empty of units: &#8220;Your XXX has been assaulted by thugs on the road&#8221; (wounded or, alternatively, a basic barb appears next to your unit, preferably of your species rather than orcish)
After the &#8220;strong wind&#8221; calendar event, a road in a forest with a unit in it gets &#8220;Your XXX comes across several trees fallen across the road, it is unusable&#8221; (lose road)
(This assumes that if it's stationed there it hasn't seen the road on the tile from end to end)
When a unit is alone on a road and the tiles around it are empty of units: &#8220;Your XXX has been assaulted by thugs on the road&#8221; (wounded or, alternatively, a basic barb appears next to your unit, preferably of your species rather than orcish)

would be cool if the likelyhood of this went up with the crime rate too... oh yeah... and make em nightwatch.
As espionage seems to be handled more by in game events and buildings rather than BtS espionage points, a couple of events which portray some of the espionage missions in BtS...

Arranging an Accident

Requires: Council of Esus religion, Council of esus in target city.

An unscrupulous [civ adjective] diplomat offers to arrange an "accident" in the city of [foreign city name]. All he asks for his services are 30 gold pieces...

* Pay him off.
70%: The project loses half it's progress
20%: The diplomat is caught and talks to spare his own hide. -1 Dip hit with [Civ].
10%: It was a sting operation. CoE is purged from target city. -1 Dip hit with [Civ].

* Sell him out.
80%: The [civ] ambassador thanks you for bringing the matter to his attention, and arranges for the diplomat to be recalled. +1 Diplomacy bonus with [Civ]
20%: The diplomat wriggles out of trouble and is reposted elsewhere, but not before he stirs up dissidents in your capital city. -1 Happiness in Capital.

Posion the Well

Requires: Council of Esus, High Crime Rate in target city, Posions tech.

A [Civ Adjective] gangster from [Target City] offers to poison the well for 30 Gold. When asked why, he tells you he has his reasons...

* Let them choke on their own bile.
Target City gets -1 Health for next ten turns. AC +3.

* That would not be in our interests, for the moment...
10% chance to spawn a barbarian ritualist adjacent to Capital.

Holy Water

Requires: Order religion, War with sheaim or Infernal, a city in revolt under Sheaim / Infernal control

Partisans near [Target city] offers to spike the fountains with holy water. They require 200 Gold to carry out their operation.

20%: You've been conned. (Lose 200 Gold)
10%: The partisans were working for the enemy. (Enemy gains 200 Gold.)
10%: The partisans were caught in the act. One Demon unit suffers 25% damage.
60%: A brave effort. The partisans are caught but not before they complete their mission. All Demon units in [target city] suffer 25% damage.
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