Iliad Quote from Bronze Working


Aug 2, 2012
In Mordor, where the Shadows Lie...
I was trying to find which translation of the Iliad this specific quote in civ iv came from.

Here's the quote for reference, which King Piram says in book 22 as Hector goes out to fight Achilles:
"It is entirely seemly for a young man killed in battle to lie mangled by the bronze spear. In his death all things appear fair."

I've scoured the web and looked at the versions of the Iliad I have at home, but to no avail. If someone knows, could you say which translator its from and link a pdf if possible?

I found that thread but Butler's translation which was linked was different from the one in game. "When a young man falls by the sword in battle, he may lie where he is" is how it starts in Butlers version.
I bet someone just reworded this specific quote to make it sound better than the more direct translations.
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