Images You Wish You Could Set As Your Avatar

I recognize it is one of the telescopes used as backdrop in the film Contact, which was based on Sagan's novel. :)
I recognize it is one of the telescopes used as backdrop in the film Contact, which was based on Sagan's novel. :)
Yep. That was the place where Elly first hears the signal.

I've lost count of how many times I've seen that movie. Five times in the theatre, to start with, and many more on TV.
The VLA is one of New Mexico's jewels.
Full title: Images You Wish You Could Set As Your Avatar (But Don't For One Reason Or The Other)

I'll start:

View attachment 685708
More in that vein:



For the second, either of them'd do
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John Wayne as a Mongol? :lol:
John Wayne as a Mongol? :lol:
John Wayne Khan

Just look at this shot

On a more sober note, for how hilarious I find the concept of this movie, if I recall correctly it has a tragic production story, I think this was the one in which the actors and production team were exposed to deadly levels of radiation
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