A number of reasons:
1. I've moved much of my off topic discussions in places like Reddit in subreddits aren't dominated by leftists who are out for blood sports debate and tearing their opponents apart (in a nutshell, avoiding subreddits that are leftists echo chambers and finding subreddits are are relatively more moderate and centrist in nature where there is an
expectation to be civil to one another).
2. I'm not in the mood to engage in a topic that I know that I'm going to get flamed and dogpiled on because of my views, get smeared with being called a "Trump Supporting QAnon Capitalist Pig Dog of the American Empire Red Scared Anti-Human American" (right, opposing communism for it's track record for authoritarianism makes me "Red Scared Anti-Human Radical Anti-Socialist American", throw me a freeking bone
). I even don't touch the LGBT+ News Thread and Ask a Trans Thread because
I know I would be attacked for simply asking a few questions by leftist activists, so I don't engage with it anymore for my own sanity. If, I'm curious on certan topic or issue, I go to with a throwaway account on Reddit to ask my question rather than risking getting my face ripped off. Even if I
do have a change of view down the road, it eather goes two ways: I'm dismissed as a flip-flopper and a grifter or get a remark that "It's not hard to be a garbage human being" or "It's not hard to be a Nazi". My stance mirrors to that of
@Quintillus where I'd rather discuss it with friends IRL that I can trust to be able to express disagreements in a moderate manner and not have my face ripped off. Quintillus is right, online "thise topics tend to bring out the
fanatics more than the
3. Lack of knowledge and/or interest in the subject matter. Especially if they pertain to say issues, such for example, any hot button issues in the UK that wouln't have any effect on eather the United States or the culture.
4. Feel that I have nothing interesting to add to the topic. Even if it's a subject that I'm interested in that doesn't relate to hot button culture war garbage.
5. I know that I'm not going to change anyone's opinions and views.