IMPORTANT: Forum Security Breach & Uploads/Downloads

Ok, not good. I was planning on making some updates, just not on those files.:confused: Well at least I still have them all.
On the second of March 2008
By 2:19 it was already too late:
The hacker came cloaked and stealthy
Spying what was fun and healthy,
With tools arcane and evil grin,
Telefragged's guards were then done in;
With malicious thoughts and spiteful glee
The foul fellow went on a deleting spree:
Love's labor's ripped from our soul
Left a tangled mess and gaping hole;
What once was fine and now's in shambles,
Was lost to hate, so now we scramble
To rebuild all with efforts fair,
A finer place for those who care,
Where kindness wins out in the end,
With the files so many quickly send.

:hatsoff: to those who will rebuild this edifice.
I smiled out loud. :)

On the second of March 2008
By 2:19 it was already too late:
The hacker came cloaked and stealthy
Spying what was fun and healthy,
With tools arcane and evil grin,
Telefragged's guards were then done in;
With malicious thoughts and spiteful glee
The foul fellow went on a deleting spree:
Love's labors ripped from our soul
Left a tangled mess and gaping hole;
What once was fine and now's in shambles,
Was lost to hate, so now we scramble
to rebuild all with efforts fair,
A finer place for those who care,
Where kindness wins out in the end,
With the files so many quickly send.

:hatsoff: to those who will rebuild this edifice.
This is one of your best, Birdjaguar. :clap:
What I've noticed with my Easy Upload IMG tags is that if the image isn't there, then I do not see a broken image link. At least this situation is the case when using Netscape 7.2.

I've since re-uploaded all of my missing Easy Upload files using forum attachments. However, I wonder if there might be a way to show a broken image link when displaying posts, i.e. some kind of site-wide setting that would show these missing images instead of hiding them. Maybe using another web browser would accomplish this fact now?

It did not take me a lot of time to go through my old posts, as I don't have many, but I ended up having to edit many of my old posts just to check if I'd included an IMG tag in them for an Easy Upload file. It would be very helpful if one could tell at a glance that an image used to be in a post but is now missing--people could then help the authors by contacting them and asking them to re-upload their files, for any images in which the reader was interested.
I think it depends on the browser. FireFox also doesn't show broken images, but IE always shows them.
the forum server was compromised
Due to security problem with Easy Upload,

Does this imply that the security flaw is in the server software or with vBulletin® Version 3.6.4. I assume the latter. I figured that this must be a very big bug so I did a web search looking to see how other forums are dealing with this bug. or

Looking at vBulletin® site I find no mention of this bug / flaw. Are they aware and what feed back have you received on a fix to this flaw?

Maybe I’m looking in the wrong place. Is there any further discussion of this bug / flaw?
Easy Upload is not an official vBulletin addon and is not actively maintained by its author anymore.
But that's a little misleading since basically all the mods and big files are on other sites. Granted, a lot of what they incorporated is small stuff that can be found here.
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