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In Which we Discuss Avatars and Custom User Titles VI

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You should have changed to a dingo with a location of Eating babies
Well that didn't take long. I couldn't stand having that fat fart as my avatar. Back to (santa hat'd) super carrier!
sorry off topic but I never tought my thread idea would go this far :)
I changed my sig to the lyrics of Blue Ridge Mountains by Fleet Foxes. I had to delete a line because it was too long.

I know this isn't the sig thread, but IDC. :p

And my avatar is a Christmas Kacheek from Neopets.
Goodbye scary-glowing-blue Kelis avatar, I'll miss you!

Hello "Not In Love" hot Kelis. (I wish I could've gotten Enrique in the pic too :groucho: ) Sig's also now the first two lines in the music video.
I wasn't ready for the Starman Super, I must earn my way. Back to regular ol' Starman.
Nothing sells like selling out. :mischief:

Been playing it lately and so it only made sense to be free advertisement.

...even if I sold my stake in Sega so making them rich doesn't benefit me like it did before. :(
Bark the Polar Bear looking mischievous. I'm going through a Bark phase so he'll be my little ultra-maniacal ursine for a while.
Due to all the canine avatars I've seen around hear lately, I've decided to switch mine to a fox.
A Halloween special...

...Lucy/Nyu/Kaede from Elfen Lied
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