Interest gauging attempt for ApocaNES


Aug 25, 2009
Hall of the Moose King
You are reading the first few words of ApocaNES, a NES set in a world that is virtually identical to our own, but not for long. The inhabitants of this virtually identical Earth have no idea that cosmic forces beyond their comprehension are about to wipe out every electronic device on the planet. A burst of cosmic radiation from an unknown source and a solar flare hit the planet at the same time. What are the odds? In rural America, a terrorist organization has been developing a bacterium that consumes long carbon-carbon chains, like polyester and polystyrene. They release this terrible microscopic monster on the streets of Nashville, Tennessee. In a manner of hours, the entire southeast is in darkness and wondering why their clothes, shoes, tires, dog leashes, and grocery bags have all started disintegrating. Due to factors not worth explaining, the bacteria are mutating, and have started gnawing on fatty acids in the brains of unsuspecting humans as well as plastics, and the population of the planet is decreasing at a rate of millions an hour. The governments of the world seem quite incapable of stopping the outbreak because they’ve lost the ability to communicate across the continents. Anarchy is looking pretty attractive to many citizens of every country. Things are getting pretty wild.

Fast forward a week or so. Global infrastructure has taken a hit that none of the remaining humans ever could have imagined. You’ve been doing your thing, just trying to survive, but the tap water stopped coming yesterday. It’s time to venture forth, be it in your small town or your metropolis. Find other people or take care of your hermitage by the river? Hide from raiders or try to join their ranks?

This NES is almost entirely story based. I’m going to ask that you provide some stats for the calculations that I’ll be doing here on my end. I’ll provide a template. There won’t be a formal order system, because I don’t know what your guy or gal will be doing as well as you. The most I’ll need is a couple sentences detailing your movement or improvement upon living quarters, or suicide, or your decision to join the animals in the forest. The rest will be detailed in your stories, where you have an enormous amount of leeway. If you’re not using electronics or plastics, I don’t care. I don’t really even see myself as much of a mod, because I’d like for the story to be the focus, not some update schedule. I suppose there will be updates, but they’ll be random chunks of information that everyone will know. Just like life, where you don’t get a predictable manageable amount of information every day, you will receive these updates without warning. In a world without multimedia networks where your TV was your computer and your cell phone was as well, info may be one of your most precious resources. If you meet other players, they may know nothing. It is up to you to gather information from your surroundings. The info will usually come from me, but I allow some imaginative leeway (I love that word.) where you can generate facts as well, with the only contingency being that they cannot interfere with my facts. Your character cannot be the only one with plastics and computers because he kept them in a bacteria-proof bunker in the Atlantic. That’s just stupid.

The character template is as follows:
Character name: Jon Grissomson or something
Character appearance: details rock, guys.
Character occupation before the cataclysm: Doctor? Welfare bum? Let's hear it.
Character alignment: Good or bad guy? Details rock here as well. Why is he/she evil/good?
Character location: It's Earth. You pick where you go. I'll keep a map of your positions on my end. I don't see any reason to post it.
Character family details: Your family probably suffered losses. Let's talk about what's left, if anything is.
Character skillset: What is your lad or lady good at? handyman, chef, actress? pick a couple things, use imagination and more detail is appreciated.

I am posting this because I need to know how many (if any) would be interested, or if I need to keep this and work on it until a later date. I understand many people are busy this time of year because I am busy as well, but I think this NES could be slowed down or sped up by the flow of stories being put into the thread by the players.
If you are interested, please do comment or ask questions. I typed this up in a manner of minutes, not days or hours, and I expect I'll be putting in more hours to get in details that will be relevant later.
:) I guess posting your criticisms or interest is acceptable now.
Don't post detailed character stuff yet. I think I may want to keep that private, as your characters won't know where one another are, so why should you? You can mention it in the stories, but I really want IC and OOC to be separated by a good margin.
Zombie encounters will be handled by the player, unless they do something stupid and get killed in an update. The player will know how their character would react to the zombies, their skillset will determine their capability of dealing with such an encounter. But I was going to give it some time so the characters could become capable enough to handle that kind of thing. The zombies won't be immediately threatening.
I'd like to get in on this.
I'd most likely to be in as well :)
Eight is a pretty good number. I'll give it a couple of days to marinate, and perhaps by the weekend we'll have 12 or so people with some good character ideas and interesting world locations.
well a nice world location depends, I mean most population centers would be gone in such a situation, but you would still need to have access to food and water. So I imagine either a location with rivers, lakes and such in pasture/woodlands. Ideas such as Minnesota, Idaho, or Kansas.

Of course there is always the chance that the survivors could be isolated on a small island on in the Phillipines for instance and have low resources so need to make way to the devastated mainland.

Yes this means I would like to join. Character up in a day or so as I think.

Personally I would like the region to be a small offshore island thus avoiding the initial outbreak or say a tour in this region -

It would provide massive variation yet still be near former population centers.
Massive variation indeed. I like the island idea. No hurry on the characters, guys. I'll probably post the main thread this weekend unless something happens
As long as you actually title it AnoNES: Apocalytica.. i'm interested.
That's a beautiful name. I hadn't thought of a name for it yet. One more thing off of the ol' checklist.
The depth of evilness attainable by your character is reliant only on the evilness of the acts they commit and so forth in your stories.
D: I wanted in on this, but it seems to have filled up quick-like.
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