Interesting thread juxtapositions...

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Formal Proof that God Exists
Bill Gates for President?
To all who believe Rap is immoral but Islam is not: Hip Hop is like Islam!
Was Mohammad a paedophile / marital rapist?

What happened?
Poll: nearly half of Americans uncertain of God’s existence

What is REALLY going on in the American Evangelical Movement

Something CAN be created from nothing.

It’s not Christmas until . . .
BG, RO & GR CFC members meetup

Question to Hindus
Is the Bible the word of God?

And, to step up to the three-fer challenge:

China and Africa: a match made in . . .?
Deux Nations: Quebec and Canada
Interesting mathematics for highschool kiddies
Not sure if this makes so much sense to other people, but it makes sense to me.
Do you hate going to the dentist? Do you have good teeth?
So, we're firmly into the realm of triples now, are we?

Definition of a human?

The religion of free-market, free trade fundamentalism.

It never fails to amaze me...
One idea for more troops in Iraq
Bush must propose to talk with Bin Laden!
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