• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Invitational Back to the Basics NES Signup

Any time oldtimer :p
Thanks buddy :)

Now I meet all four qualifications.. theres no way you can not have me now, EQ ;)
Ahem. *slaps EQ, dodges bullets*

Would anyone care to recommend me to boot?
bloody hell, i had no idea that Erik and Finmaster were still around. THey are more than welcome.
EQ I think you had better put a cap on this as well.
meh, between the people who don't want to join and can't i doubt we need much of a numerical cap.
count me in EQ. How can you have an NES without me?
Quite simply, I can't warman, wouldn't be an NES without you. :p
*feels like a jerk for being out on the list over the likes of Warman, Finny, and Lord Iggy*

I humbly accept the challenge before me. *bows head*

Since this is a throwback nes, can i make Chiptopia, who follow Chipism;) Nah, just kidding.
bah, you're always a Mosey to me. :p
So when does this gangbanging start?
It shall start i'd say by the end of the weekend, working this weekend, and have to update Shadow of Rome tonight, so going to be rather busy.
After pondering on this some, I'm in! Thanks for the invitation.
*is pleasantly but not really surprised* ;)
Lurker:this looks interesting i will lurk in this nes, see what it is like, since i still am considered new to nesing:)
Wow.. das, erik, sheep, warman, even jason.. with eq as the mod.. its gonna be like a gathering of the oldies! I'm gonna love it, I just know it. Just don't let it die eq ;)
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