I've trained AI to use fighters against ground units

Search result from xml/sql files in "\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI"
Search "unittype_air" (18 hits in 3 files)
  \Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Base\Assets\Gameplay\Data\BehaviorTrees.xml (2 hits)
    Line 2072:     <Row DefnId="3" NodeId="36" TreeName="Siege City Assault" DefaultData="UNITTYPE_AIR_SIEGE" />
    Line 2090:     <Row DefnId="3" NodeId="51" TreeName="Siege City Assault" DefaultData="UNITTYPE_AIR_SIEGE" />
  \Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Base\Assets\Gameplay\Data\Operations.xml (8 hits)
    Line 73:     <Row TeamName="Simple Early Attack Force" AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR" MaxNumber="0" />
    Line 81:     <Row TeamName="Simple City Attack Force" AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR" MaxNumber="0" />
    Line 90:         <Row TeamName="City Attack Force" AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR_SIEGE" MinNumber="0" MaxNumber="1" />
    Line 95:     <Row TeamName="City Attack Force" AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR" MaxNumber="0" />
    Line 106:     <Row TeamName="Settle City Team" AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR" MaxNumber="0" />
    Line 113:     <Row TeamName="City Defense" AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR" MaxNumber="0" />
    Line 114:     <Row TeamName="City Defense" AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR_SIEGE" MaxNumber="0" />
    Line 122:     <Row TeamName="Aid Ally Attack Force" AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR" MaxNumber="0" />
  \Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Base\Assets\Gameplay\Data\Units.xml (8 hits)
    Line 141:         <Row AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR"/>
    Line 142:         <Row AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR_SIEGE"/>
    Line 342:         <Row UnitType="UNIT_BIPLANE" AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR"/>
    Line 344:         <Row UnitType="UNIT_FIGHTER" AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR"/>
    Line 347:         <Row UnitType="UNIT_BOMBER" AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR_SIEGE"/>
    Line 349:         <Row UnitType="UNIT_JET_FIGHTER" AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR"/>
    Line 352:         <Row UnitType="UNIT_JET_BOMBER" AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR_SIEGE"/>
    Line 394:         <Row UnitType="UNIT_AMERICAN_P51" AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR"/>

The "Aid Ally Attack Force" intrigues me.
@Trav'ling Canuck It’s an operation to send some of you military to help defend an ally’s city.

That's what I guessed from the sound of it.

I've never seen it in action, or at least never recognized it when I've seen it.

It's also a weirdly complicated operation to try and teach the AI to use. Especially in a game where the AI struggles to achieve more basic tasks.
It's also a weirdly complicated operation to try and teach the AI to use. Especially in a game where the AI struggles to achieve more basic tasks.
Operations generally recognize 3 types of “counter-party”: none, war, ally. War is for enemies. None is e.g. when you defend your city. Ally - obvious. Then basically this op is defined very similar to “city defend”, just the counter-party is not us (none) but an ally.
Well, perhaps because there are not really many units allocated to the Operation <Row TeamName="Aid Ally Attack Force" AiType="UNITTYPE_AIR" MaxNumber="0" /> :D

I think that just means the AI can't send Air Units to defend an ally's cities, not that it can't assign any units to the operation.

Mostly I'm just shocked that the dev team took the time to program the AI to even have this mission. On the long lists of requests I've seen for a better AI, I don't recall any of them listing "the AI never comes to defend my cities when we're allied".
I think that just means the AI can't send Air Units to defend an ally's cities, not that it can't assign any units to the operation.
I joked a bit - but just a tiny bit, eg. because it may be the BEST option now to not build bombers if the AIplayers cannot handle them well or the environment of air units is still so unbalanced, that they aren't worth it (because that is not implemented yet). In the concrete case one can see in Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Base\Assets\Gameplay\Data\Operations.xml around Line 122 which units can be part of this 'Aid Ally' operation.
I cannot yet, because I purposely didn't buy a 'be part of the making of civ6' ticket. But in general it is quite instructive to learn what mods (here Siesta Guru's AI+) do (because the game does not ... yet).
Mostly I'm just shocked [...]
Now and then you find really ingeniously great details, but ... The game simply isn't ready yet - nobody wants to hear that, as you know.
Has anyone watched any of the play through on YouTube that happened yesterday? If any of them got to modern times, we may see if their are any changes to the AI with planes
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