JB2 - Neo-Fascists (C3C Deity)

one more thing - based on some testing I have seen done, despite the lack of a second core - the new FP and new corruption/OCN model offers superior commerce production in large empires. (significant commerce boost in large 'commercial' empires).

I am curious what the commerce production would be in a large English empire in Democracy Gov? Commercial and Seafaring combined might make this a staggering amount.

Originally posted by Improviser
Well, Adrianople on the Palace prebuild will continue to grow in size anyway, and if we have to up luxuries for one city, we might as well do it for others as well.
You're right, of course. I was too tired to see the obvious when I posted :)

Originally posted by Improviser
Also, I think all the barbarians will be cleared off the island before the barracks in Caesarea completes, although the completion time will drop due to growth, and worker improvements, it will still take 20 turns or so to complete. A few warriors might be more useful than a barracks.
The slow progress of the Barracks in Caesarea is due to me MMing away the improved tiles to Constantinople. As soon as Constantinople finishes Barracks switch the tiles to Caesarea to see a dramatic drop in time to completion :)

I've been away on business, and arrived home about half an hour ago. I'll read the thread tonight and play and post tomorrow along with Teds DyP game.

Sorry for the silence... b4 long you'll be sick of me posting. :)
You're over your time limit, Mad-Bax. You can't have gone far since you just played & posted in another SG and signed up for a third.

Nevertheless, you need to either speak up and tell us how long you're going to be or let Greebley take it. I think it's 9 or 10 o'clock pm over on your side of the pond as I write this; if we don't hear anything within 3 hours, Greebley has permission to grab the game and skip you.

If he jumps on that, feel free to call it a swap instead of a skip. Whichever you prefer.
Firstly, here is the >>save<<

1725BC: Pre-turn.
Since we only have one worker I think the rax in Ceasarea must wait. I'll veto the rax, but not for a warrior, but a worker.

1700BC: (1)
Worker mines tile.

1675BC: (2)
Warrir moves into Adrianopole to prevent riot.

1650BC: (3)
Nothing to report

Caesarea worker - worker
The Mayans complete the Pyramids.

1625BC: (4)
No Change.

Constantinople rax - settler.
Nicea warrior - warrior
Greeks complete Colossus
Aztechs complete Oracle

1600BC: (5)
No Change

1575BC: (6)
No change
Research dropped to 80%. We've run out of money.

1550BC: (7)
No Change

1525BC: (8)
No change

1500BC: (9)
Barb horse SE of Ceasarea. We all know what that means I guess.
Lux tax up for 2 turns, until constantinople completes settler.

Nicaea warrior - warrior

1474BC: (10)
Warrior sent to Constantinople
Curragh discovers a barb galley - Oh joy


This is set to be a good game. We are miles behind in tech, and we only have 4 cities.
The curragh can discover more of the map by moving in triangles, which is waht I have been doing. We need workers to clear the jungle. Unfortunately I see little other choice. I'm still fairly confident we can get the GL though.

WE could get all the middle age techs from that.

Have fun Greebley.... :)
Originally posted by mad-bax

This is set to be a good game. We are miles behind in tech, and we only have 4 cities.
Look on the bright side...

At least we aren't at the bottom of a dogpile :D

Just gotta love a pessimist :D

Preturn: Things look pretty decent.

Settler->Archer (to deal with Barbs)
1450 AD: The barbarian horse are not something we can deal well with yet. I am going to let them into the town.

IBT: Annoyingly the horse steps on our mine and the worker does not complete this turn

1425 AD:

IBT: And the horse causes a loss of a citizen. I had originally thought that I would allow the worker to escape, but it didn't work out that way. Another horse is coming, but there is nothing much left to pillage.

1400 AD:


1375 AD:

IBT: Barb horse absorbed.
Constantinople: Archer->Spear
Nicea: Warrior->Worker

1350 AD: Found Varna which is building a worker. I had lowered Lux to 0 when I build the settler, but I raise it back to 10% as Adrianople grows. Science adjusted (we get writing next turn).

IBT: Learn writing Lit in 23 but -1 gpt

1325 AD:

IBT: Another Barbarian horse is seen. The archer has been heading toward the scene to deal with it and the nest itself

1300 AD:

IBT:ONE turn before killing a barb village in the north we get uprinsings. The south camp is also still intact. This should be "fun". The warrior in the N is pretty much dead as it was right next to the village.


IBT: Hmm... they didnt attack the warrior. He will go for the hut since things can't get worse and gets 50 gold

1250 AD: I am stopping here as it will get to turns back on track. Ben, I think you are up next and get to decide what to do with the barbarians. The numbers weren't huge maybe 7-8? in the north camp

I think to the south, I would just move the archer out of caesarea and let them go for that rather than our lands. Note that I have MM'd for the GLib over everything else. I think we are going to have to get lucky to get it.

Note that the negative gpt is a bit risky when barbs are on the loose, so don't let the gold get too low.

Our boat is being chased by barbs.

Our world:

The Save
1250 BC (Inherited turn)
This is rough. Switch Nicaea's laborer to work the whales. Right now, we can just barely get our Literature at the current rate of research. Since our production on the Palace is not so closely timed, I decide that G is right and pull our Archer out of Caesarea.

IT: They raid 10 gold from Caesarea, sink our Curragh. 9 more Horsemen appear to the east of Casesarea. Along with the 8 to the west of Nicaea, that makes... um... something to do with chaos theory?

1225 BC (1)
Nicaea Worker > Warrior (in 5, for MP)
Turn luxuries up 10% to keep Adrianople civil. Our production of the Palace is now outrunning our research. With nowhere else to go, I use our archer to pop a barb horse.

IT: Another 8 gold carried off.

1200 BC (2)
Our brave archer pops one of the 3 horses in range of Caesarea this turn. There are another 4 a 2-turn ride away. Our worker completes a road in Adrianople that shaves 2 turns(!) off of research. Start irrigating the Ivory to get more money. With 30 gold at -3 gpt, I decide to let the horsemen slam us one more time.

IT: "The Spanish have been destroyed." We lose 10 shields on the Barracks. 6 gold are spirited away.

1175 BC (3)
With 4 horses threatening our 21-gold treasury, I set our cash flow to 1.7.2 to make +0 gpt.

IT: They swipe our extra citizen from Caesarea along with 9 gold, leaving us with 11. The threat in the east is no more.

1150 BC (4)
The stack in the west is idle. I refuse to alter the troop position that Greebley gave me out of fear that they might move. Income back to -3 gpt for as long as we can.

1125 BC (5)
Send an elite archer east to try to bust a camp.

IT: Mayans complete Great Wall.

1100 BC (6)
Constantinople: Archer > Settler
Nicaea: Warrior > Worker
Varna: Worker > Worker

1175 BC (7)

IT: Mayans complete the Mausoleum.

1050 BC (8)
I've never been so happy to get 25 gold from a camp! The Surens subsidize our research.

1025 BC (9)
Shuffling troops, weeping.

1000 BC (10)
Slide our Nicaean Warrior into Constantinople to await the Settler being built there.

Consider switching Caesarea's Barracks to a Granary if it quiets down enough.
Don't fool yourself. We're in a bad way. I have no idea how the timing between our Palace prebuild and the Literature thing is going to work out.

National Geographic Special Waiting to Happen

Improviser (up next)
Kuningas (on deck)
For the Palace prebuild, we can currently finish anywhere from 8-12 turns by switching around which 2 food squares we use. I would MM the number of turns to 9 or 10. As we get closer to the target, continually adjust it to be a turn after we finish research which is currently 9 but may become 8.

We should be able to time it so it works out.
Ok, I've patched, but I might not get to this until tomorrow. I'm 18 today :)... so yeah it's a bit busy at the moment...
(Got it)

:bday: Improviser :band: [dance] [party],

Be sure to have a few :beer: but not so many that you :vomit: :)

JB2- Preturn (1000 BC).... It is difficult to work out how much I need to slow down the prebuild. I micromanage it the palace to complete
in 9 turns. Everything else looks reasonably good, apart from the huge stack of barbarians in the north. I move the spear from
Constantinople to the north of our island. Press enter and

Turn 1 (975 BC) Nicaea produces worker, starts warrior. The elite archer in the south moves forward and sees a barbarian horse.
Since we will be going broke soon, I slow down lit research by 10%, and MM the palace to complete a turn later. Sorry- but I
have to do this to stop us from going broke in a few turns.

Turn 2 (950 BC) Nothing of note happens. The barbarians are not making any move and at least until the Great Library completes
a stalemate situation with them will be ideal.

Turn 3 (925 BC) Nothing of note happens.

Turn 4 (900 BC) Nothing of note happens. Apologies if I should have been more active in these turns, but I don't want to
risk anything with the Barbarians with the Great Library on the line.

Turn 5 (875 BC) Constantinople completes settler, and starts another. I send the settler to the yellow dot on the lower map.
Ohtherwise nothing particularly important. I can turn up science another notch and change the prebuild accordingly.
Lit is in 3 turns and the Great Library (hopefully) in 4.

Turn 6 (850 BC) Nicaea, Warrior->worker. Varna Worker-> worker. We will need the workers very shortly to clear all the jungle
out of the south of our island. I swap Caesarea to a granary, as things have quietened down a bit with relation to barbarians.
IBT-Athens completes the Great Lighthouse. Come and contact us!
Turn 7 (825 BC) I cannot turn down science at all. Apart from that, nothing else really happens.

Turn 8 (800 BC) Lit is discovered and research is switched off. I switch over to the Great Library due in 11 turns intially.
Re-micromanaging, the Great Library is due in 9 (I set a citizen onto the forest) with growth in 6 turns. I cannot reduce
the time to completion any further. I found Smyrna on the yellow dot (on a desert tile next to the lake, next to the ivory).
It starts on a worker, due in 10.

Turn 9 (775 BC) New worker actions... nothing interesting

Turn 10 (750 BC) Nothing happens.

Sorry for not being more aggressive against the barbarians. I could not really afford to risk delaying literature research
by tangling with Barbarians. I hope the next player can go after them a bit more. They (the barbarians) have not made any moves at all, being unwilling with 8-9 horseman to take out my fortified warrior on a hill


@ Kuningas and Ted- Thanks! :), although I don't drink, so no problems in that respect :cool:... no :confused: for me :)

To the Library
There's nothing to apologize for. That's how everyone's turns have been going. The barbarians really have us on the ropes; it's not like a civilized nation where you can sue for peace. Right now it's like "Always War Lite" for the pathetically primitive (yet surprisingly well-educated) Byzantines.

Kuningas (up next)
TedJackson (on deck)

Edit: Happy birthday!
I also agree with your decision to play it easy with the barbs. As you state the GLib is top priority and if the barbarians are willing to stay at home then let them :) We will have plenty of time to go after them when we start expanding again to claim the island.

So well played :goodjob:
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