• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Jobs IRL

First career was working direct care and management thereof for individuals diagnosed with emotional disturbance and developmental disabilities. Current career is management for retail pharmaceuticals. The first job required great attention to detail in communication, particularly non-verbal communication. Current career focuses on min/maxing product lines and placement for max revenue/profit, like the gnomes say, "First, steal underpants. Second, ??? Third, profit."
Personnally, I'm a history student, in my last year (my dissertation defense will be in september). At the same time, I earn some money by giving private history classes to either college students or elder people interested in the subject ; acting as a translator (portuguese in a franch speaking country) ; and as a guide in a local museum.
So not anything that will really help me out in devising strategies in civ 6, but more on wishing some civs and complaining about the depiction of the existing ones :p

As I mentioned, I'm in the final year of my political science PhD and defend in the fall too. I have to ask, how in the world do you handle teaching, working as a part-time translator and working as a museum guide while finishing your dissertation and prepping for the job market!? Teaching one course on top of dissertation work is too much as is! :)
<LinkedIn profile link>

Systems architecture and automation engineering are my specialties. I’m autistic, and have the people skills of a rock in person, but I’m better at it over text where I don’t have to try to read social cues all the damn time.

Since you linked your's, I guess I'll man up and do mine.

<LinkedIn profile link>

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I'm a Science teacher and work mainly with students between the ages of 11 and 16.

I should get a bonus to my in-game science production.
I'm a parts delivery driver. I've also worked as a cook, retail manager, bookkeeper, gas station manager, grocery shelf stocker.
I'm a lit major by training, but I'm a general transcriptionist by trade. At least I get to work from home...

Generally speaking, strategy games like Civ are what I play to unwind from the narrative-focused RPGs, adventure games, and walking sims that make up the bulk of my gaming--and even in Civ I'm more interested in an interesting narrative than an optimal strategy. I do have a strong interest (and minor) in history, though, which is probably what contributes to the bulk of my post count here. :p
I'm a Science teacher and work mainly with students between the ages of 11 and 16.

I should get a bonus to my in-game science production.

And I should get tourism from sheep pastures!
I'm a Science teacher and work mainly with students between the ages of 11 and 16.

I should get a bonus to my in-game science production.

There should be a way to create your own civ/leader. And then you can choose as background of your leader "science teacher", which gives your campuses +1 science :)
As I mentioned, I'm in the final year of my political science PhD and defend in the fall too. I have to ask, how in the world do you handle teaching, working as a part-time translator and working as a museum guide while finishing your dissertation and prepping for the job market!? Teaching one course on top of dissertation work is too much as is! :)
Let's say I handle myself. I only have four hours of lessons, and 1 or 2 groups for the museum. At most, these "parts" (with the translation) take 11 hours of my week, which leaves me some time for my dissertation.
Just finishing PhD candidate in physics for radiation oncology (defending next week). My research is about 50% coding and about 50% mechanical systems design.

That's cool. Where are you situated? I just applied for a similar job here in Germany.
Assistant Professor in the Accounting Department. Civ is great for office hours as students have a knack to ONLY show up if you start any real work.
I work in Accounting. More specifically, I'm the Assistant Controller (#2 in the department). It's not glamorous in the least bit, but it pays the bills.
I see I'm not the only procrastinating PhD student here... :p

I study Earth Sciences. I have a vague ambition to one day create a "True Pangaea" map for Civ that corresponds with what we know about the shape, topography and climate of the old supercontinent, but should probably finish my thesis first...
I run a state economic development agency, and have been in and around politics for most of my career.
Retired! :D Gives me lots of time to tease the AI.

Survived many years of government bureaucracy primarily working in the field of Facilities Management, but at one point did an abrupt left turn into systems development. Also, a bicycle mechanic while developing my people skills ("Yes sir, your bike is piece of crap, but I can make it less crappy") and briefly as a translator -- from English to English.
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