While playing K-Mod version 1.46 in single player mode, I encountered the following 3 bugs:
1. AI switches from Hereditary Rule to Despotism. This happened to 2 different non-spiritual AIs without a human request and not because of Pyramids loss (both civilizations had the Monarchy technology). As far as I know, Despotism has no advantages over Hereditary Rule, only disadvantages. Both AIs switched back to Hereditary Rule later. This mistake on their part cost them 1-2 turns of Anarchy, possible happiness issues, worse attitude from other AIs with Hereditary Rule as a favorite civic. More specifically, in the attached saves, Wang Kon switches to Despotism in 1435 and Willem in 1535.
2. After making peace, a Khmer stack was automatically transported from my territory to a small unsettled desert island. The stack remained unused there for more than 80 turns, until the destruction of Khmers. Suryavarman certainly could use these 9 units as Sitting Bull declared on him shortly after my war. And later he was about to launch a naval invasion on Babylon... At first Suryavarman had only 2 Galleys in Hariharalaya, though even they could move the stack in 2 runs. 80 turns later he got 4 Galleons close by in Cahokia, but never reclaimed the now outdated stack. I didn't even bother destroying these units - they disappeared automatically upon Khmer destruction. I suspect that some AI code mistake made Suryavarman forget about this stack. Attached 2 relevant screenshots and 3 saves: the stack is moved from the vicinity of Thebes to the nearby island at the end of the war in 1200. The stack is still there in 1630.
The Khmer stack near Thebes just before peace:
The stack remains on the island 80 turns since peace:
3. The History->Strategy section of Sevopedia for Galley, Galleon and Transport incorrectly specifies their cargo space as 2, 3 and 4 respectively, despite the recent K-Mod increase of their capacities by one, which is reflected in the primary Special Abilities section of Sevopedia. The numbers in the History section should either be updated or removed as redundant to avoid confusion.
By the way, I suggest further increasing Transport space to 6 in order to give this 1.5 times more expensive unit a more substantial advantage over Galleon. The current small difference in cargo space, a bit faster movement and more strength usually make the Galleon->Transport upgrade unappealing. I'd leave the East Indiaman cargo space at 5 to give the more expensive Transport at least some advantage over this unique unit.
1. AI switches from Hereditary Rule to Despotism. This happened to 2 different non-spiritual AIs without a human request and not because of Pyramids loss (both civilizations had the Monarchy technology). As far as I know, Despotism has no advantages over Hereditary Rule, only disadvantages. Both AIs switched back to Hereditary Rule later. This mistake on their part cost them 1-2 turns of Anarchy, possible happiness issues, worse attitude from other AIs with Hereditary Rule as a favorite civic. More specifically, in the attached saves, Wang Kon switches to Despotism in 1435 and Willem in 1535.
2. After making peace, a Khmer stack was automatically transported from my territory to a small unsettled desert island. The stack remained unused there for more than 80 turns, until the destruction of Khmers. Suryavarman certainly could use these 9 units as Sitting Bull declared on him shortly after my war. And later he was about to launch a naval invasion on Babylon... At first Suryavarman had only 2 Galleys in Hariharalaya, though even they could move the stack in 2 runs. 80 turns later he got 4 Galleons close by in Cahokia, but never reclaimed the now outdated stack. I didn't even bother destroying these units - they disappeared automatically upon Khmer destruction. I suspect that some AI code mistake made Suryavarman forget about this stack. Attached 2 relevant screenshots and 3 saves: the stack is moved from the vicinity of Thebes to the nearby island at the end of the war in 1200. The stack is still there in 1630.
Spoiler Screenshots :
The Khmer stack near Thebes just before peace:

The stack remains on the island 80 turns since peace:

3. The History->Strategy section of Sevopedia for Galley, Galleon and Transport incorrectly specifies their cargo space as 2, 3 and 4 respectively, despite the recent K-Mod increase of their capacities by one, which is reflected in the primary Special Abilities section of Sevopedia. The numbers in the History section should either be updated or removed as redundant to avoid confusion.
Spoiler Screenshot :

By the way, I suggest further increasing Transport space to 6 in order to give this 1.5 times more expensive unit a more substantial advantage over Galleon. The current small difference in cargo space, a bit faster movement and more strength usually make the Galleon->Transport upgrade unappealing. I'd leave the East Indiaman cargo space at 5 to give the more expensive Transport at least some advantage over this unique unit.
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