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Latest Obama Gaffe...

Wow Dailykos sure is my first choice for unbiased democratic party information.
Thats not what I said but is what you are doing. You understanding of the situation is dismal worse then your understanding of business. And thats really bad. The unions bleed companies dry then say it wasn't their fault. And suckers like you eat it up.

So you roll those eyes in ignorance. And while you do that think about why a non-union company was able to rise above the union companies. I don't really expect you to get it right given your post in this thread alone.

So I take it you believe women who are raped cause it themselves and blacks who are lynched cause it themselves as well? It's class responsibility with you, not who actually made the decision which caused the problem.

Clearly my understanding of the situation is vastly better than yours. Because if you knew even first principles of business you would know that 1 labor costs are irrelevant, what matters is the cost/productivity measure, so that high productivity-high cost labor can earn the company more money than low cost labor. And 2, the company always is the only one who controls what the productivity of the labor is.

So in the situations of American autos and steel through the 1980s, the companies decided that is wasn't worthwhile to raise the productivity of their labor force because they had no competitive pressure to do so. And when imports became a problem, they lobbied for protection and did not invest enough to compete.

So, once again, no decision made by unions is responsible for the decline of the auto and steel industries in the US. To say that they are is exactly the same as saying women cause rape or blacks cause lynching just for being what they are.
Skad, labor makes no difference whatsoever. If you can't afford labor, you downsize. It's as easy as that, or you lower your labor costs and thus the quality of your product. No one is stupid enough to make a car that costs less than the materials and labor it took to make it.

American workers get payed more than their Japanese equilvalents though.

The American workers earn on average about $55,000.

The Japanese Nissan employees earn $41,147.64.

Remember that a lot of Japanese cars that are sold in America are also made in America. So the Union argument is already extremely weak.
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