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And yet, you doing it to other posters is fine. You did it to me, you did it to Estebonrober, you ignored Samson's clarifications on the statistics . . . you talk about "facts", but you're describing "opinion".
You mean I ignored Samson's post on the statistics while I literally answered it ?
I didn't change anything. You accused a large demographic of people, as a way of singling out Este (and later on, myself) as being so far into ideology that they're blind to truth and reason. Do you deny it?
What I said : that Estebonrober was blinded by ideology in his assessment (namely, being so keen to notice any "bad" that the USA did, that he puts an overtly negative light on Ukraine just because it's the side the USA support). An easy evidence is the contrast with the treatment on what is happening in Palestine (I actually don't remember accusing you of that on this specific subject - I certainly did on other subjects -, though I did say that you caming so hard in his defense was a weird hill to die on for). Another easy evidence is how this very thread starts by digging up all kind of conspiracies theories strongly correlated with this mindset. Yet another easy evidence is how he simply... inverted the fact that hard numbers proved his claim false about the USA being the only significant provider to Ukraine. That's quite a list of strong indicators right here.

Much more generally, I'd say there definitely are a number of people who have such ideological bias, and put so much focus in "ideological purity" that they disproportionnally weight bad actions from the West to the point of unfavourably comparing it to other regimes which are far worse in the very same criteria that made such actions bad to begin with. And yeah, once again, it happens at different degrees (as I feel I need to spell out everything : I'm not talking about the ubiquitous "everyone has a bias" but rather how this focus on ideological purity can range from an irritating but overall somewhat benign "losing a bit of perspective" to a worrying "becoming completely detached from reality", or becoming a support in extremism).

What I also said in general : that to put both the "bad" on both countries on an equal standing (or even a comparable standing) is wrong and that the whole "neo-nazis in Ukraine" is repeating a favourite Russian propaganda point (that is factually false in its attempt to cast it as an actually bigger problem in Ukraine than in the average European country).

These accusations are specifics and coming from noticing a pattern in what certain people post - I'm sure you are well aware of such things. I mean, the reason you're so much on my case is due to this too, isn't it ?

What I also said : that I don't believe either you nor Estebonrober are pro-Russia.
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This war seems more about artillery, drones, missiles and PBI and their counter measures than very expensive high performance aircraft.
That's mainly because both side anti-air capabilities are stronger than the other side air capabilities.
The one side which would be able to overcome this would win the war in pretty short order.
This war seems more about artillery, drones, missiles and PBI and their counter measures than very expensive high performance aircraft.
Well, yes, that was why that kind of consortium to provide such to Ukraine was formed.
You mean I ignored Samson's post on the statistics while I literally answered it ?
You're right, and I am wrong for saying you ignored it, my brain skimmed you going over Estebonrober's post for the 100th time and I kinda tuned out. That said, you didn't acknowledge Samson's comment that generally there is dispute over the interpretation of the numbers.

You repeating them as facts doesn't change the fact that they are disputed. Again, opinion as fact. "these are numbers" is a fact. "these numbers correspond to different types of aid" is an interpretation that requires correlation.
What I said : that Estebonrober was blinded by ideology in his assessment (namely, being so keen to notice any "bad" that the USA did, that he puts an overtly negative light on Ukraine just because it's the side the USA support). An easy evidence is the contrast with the treatment on what is happening in Palestine (I actually don't remember accusing you of that on this specific subject - I certainly did on other subjects -, though I did say that you caming so hard in his defense was a weird hill to die on for). Another easy evidence is how this very thread starts by digging up all kind of conspiracies theories strongly correlated with this mindset. Yet another easy evidence is how he simply... inverted the fact that hard numbers proved his claim false about the USA being the only significant provider to Ukraine. That's quite a list of strong indicators right here.

Much more generally, I'd say there definitely are a number of people who have such ideological bias, and put so much focus in "ideological purity" that they disproportionnally weight bad actions from the West to the point of unfavourably comparing it to other regimes which are far worse in the very same criteria that made such actions bad to begin with. And yeah, once again, it happens at different degrees (as I feel I need to spell out everything : I'm not talking about the ubiquitous "everyone has a bias" but rather how this focus on ideological purity can range from an irritating but overall somewhat benign "losing a bit of perspective" to a worrying "becoming completely detached from reality", or becoming a support in extremism).

What I also said in general : that to put both the "bad" on both countries on an equal standing (or even a comparable standing) is wrong and that the whole "neo-nazis in Ukraine" is repeating a favourite Russian propaganda point (that is factually false in its attempt to cast it as an actually bigger problem in Ukraine than in the average European country).

These accusations are specifics and coming from noticing a pattern in what certain people post - I'm sure you are well aware of such things. I mean, the reason you're so much on my case is due to this too, isn't it ?

What I also said : that I don't believe either you nor Estebonrober are pro-Russia.
It's not really a weird hill to die on. I just don't do it much because it never goes anywhere and you never change. Every so often when I think the misinterpretations are particularly egregious, I decide to have a go. This was one of those times.

I've also already explained why I think you misinterpreted Estebonrober's post(s), and that didn't go anywhere, so I'm not in a hurry to do it again.

But I will point out that you can absolutely, 100%, notice and state whatever patterns you believe you're seeing. Others can of you. You can make whatever value judgements you want. Others can of you.

It's only when you object to value judgements and alleged misinterpretations, but defend your own, that it becomes noteworthy enough to post about. And before you do the mirror mirror / rubber glue / reflection deflection argument back at me, again, I don't do this much anymore. That's my lesson learned. The reason for which you (and others) are amply demonstrating.

Everyone does have bias. It's not a "focus on ideological purity", because more people than you diagnose as having that have that problem as well. Yourself, at times. Because you have an ideology you believe in. You may consider it measured, less extreme, etc, et al, but it still exists, and you believe in it fervently. In short: you suffer from what you repeatedly diagnose other posters with. You've created this "focus on ideological purity" as an extension of "bias" as something you can label other posters with. Sorry, but it's a sliding scale, and we're all on it.


Late addition: "putting both countries on an equal standing" by calling them both "bad" was the reasoning Sarin used for his opinion on the Middle Eastern conflict from the other RD thread. What kicked this off between me and him, that lead to you moaning I was misrepresenting your uncharitable assumptions about Estebonrober, was me pointing out - factually - that "both sides are bad" in the Russia thread would get you uncharitably misrepresented by a bunch of posters (I wasn't even singling you out at that point), because (and I agree) "both sides are bad" distorts the agency in the conflict we're talking about.

This is when Sarin turned into the Logical Robot and endlessly demanding the "burden of proof" for a series of posts you and I both know exist, that he could've easily searched for, despite me politely asking him to as I was on my mobile making it difficult to link search effectively (especially when doing stuff IRL, which is why I was posting from my phone). You're not ashamed of your position there, and I don't expect you to be. I disagree with your reasoning, of course, but that's separate to the posts factually existing.
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F moscovian imperialist aspirations. Lisbon belongs to Portugal and we belong in the EU. I still can't fathom the concept that there are people around me and in this forum that believe the moscovian empire has the divine right to impose which countries may or may not join NATO or/and EU of their own free will. The US might be bad, f, even EU bureaucracy might be bad, but there is real scrutiny...what do we get from muscovian about punishments for wrong think! No scandal about corruption in the government or anything like that, no, the moscovian rulers are perfect roy soleils! Ironic that russians are being forbidden to express that a man can be woman and we, in the west, are being forbidden to express that a man can't be a woman.
That's mainly because both side anti-air capabilities are stronger than the other side air capabilities.
The one side which would be able to overcome this would win the war in pretty short order.

The USA had overwhelming air superiority in Vietnam and Afghanistan and look what happened there.

Well, yes, that was why that kind of consortium to provide such to Ukraine was formed.

Well now the decisive breakthrough to the sea using Bradleys, Challenger, Leopards etc etc. to isolate Crimea didn't quite happen.
The Challengers for example not even reached the frontline, but I'm sure they are happily counted among the 50 or so billion help "delivered" to Ukraine..

It's a political game.

I don’t think we should read too much into this, though, for there could be many reasons why they haven’t seen battle yet. They could, for example, be allocated to a formation that hasn’t been committed, or perhaps their different logistics and training requirements may have slowed down their deployment.
Their true value was the symbolism of the gift and the subsequent galvanising of other European countries into similar action.

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I still can't fathom the concept that there are people around me and in this forum that believe the moscovian empire has the divine right to impose which countries may or may not join NATO or/and EU of their own free will.
That's because people don't actually believe that.
They work well enough, but as stated you need constant production, not just singular items.

From the same article :

We should be looking at a fleet of about 500; any fewer than that and our armoured regiments will be unsustainable in the sort of combat seen in
Ukraine. As I have written before, the UK’s current 134 tanks might last a week if we were lucky.
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At least one has been destroyed, so some of them appeared on the battlefield.
I suspect there are logistical or maintenance issues with supporting multitude of different vehicle types, so some types are kept in reserve.
Another option is if they were hit by one of Russian long range strikes, there were few reports about ammo depots and warehouses destroyed in last months.
The USA had overwhelming air superiority in Vietnam and Afghanistan and look what happened there.

Well now the decisive breakthrough to the sea using Bradleys, Challenger, Leopards etc etc. to isolate Crimea didn't quite happen.
Because you need air superiority to not get your mechanized mine-clearing assets blown to Kingdom Come. And Ukarine doesn't have that.

Zelensky is on record asking for something like 200-300 aircraft. That might not be an unrealistic estimate to make this work.
Well, @Akka, you were also being unable to get what was said, since I was reacting to the claim it was an accusation no one made :p
Personally I don't mind people accusing others of being "ideologically blind", so wouldn't care to comment on the dynamic of that; yet sometimes one notices the difficulty to tell apart even a criticism of statement A from a statement x that statement A exists.
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You're right, and I am wrong for saying you ignored it, my brain skimmed you going over Estebonrober's post for the 100th time and I kinda tuned out. That said, you didn't acknowledge Samson's comment that generally there is dispute over the interpretation of the numbers.
You mean the fact that I bothered to compile the numbers, contrasted them with the claim and asking how it's possible to reconcile both ? Because that was the whole entire point of the post.

You are welcome to provide your own interpretation of how "if that were the actual case then why is the US the only real financing and arming source for Ukraine?" can fit with Europe actually providing a bit more military and four times more financial and humanitarian help to Ukraine than the US, but that will require some pretty hefty mental gymnastic.
You repeating them as facts doesn't change the fact that they are disputed. Again, opinion as fact. "these are numbers" is a fact. "these numbers correspond to different types of aid" is an interpretation that requires correlation.
Wat ?
It's not really a weird hill to die on. I just don't do it much because it never goes anywhere and you never change.
Guess who is also concerned by that. You made an ironic comment about how often I point to you that you should first apply your own lessons about yourself, but if it happens so often it might be due to the addressed never changing either ?
I've also already explained why I think you misinterpreted Estebonrober's post(s), and that didn't go anywhere, so I'm not in a hurry to do it again.

But I will point out that you can absolutely, 100%, notice and state whatever patterns you believe you're seeing. Others can of you. You can make whatever value judgements you want. Others can of you.

It's only when you object to value judgements and alleged misinterpretations, but defend your own, that it becomes noteworthy enough to post about. And before you do the mirror mirror / rubber glue / reflection deflection argument back at me, again, I don't do this much anymore. That's my lesson learned. The reason for which you (and others) are amply demonstrating.

Everyone does have bias. It's not a "focus on ideological purity", because more people than you diagnose as having that have that problem as well. Yourself, at times. Because you have an ideology you believe in. You may consider it measured, less extreme, etc, et al, but it still exists, and you believe in it fervently. In short: you suffer from what you repeatedly diagnose other posters with. You've created this "focus on ideological purity" as an extension of "bias" as something you can label other posters with. Sorry, but it's a sliding scale, and we're all on it.
There is a fine line between open mind and relativism. Keeping in mind that everyone has his own values, point of view and preference is one important thing. Drowning all of them in the same soup is wrong.

I provided arguments and indicator about this bias, you can pretend they aren't there and ignore them - just like you pretended I didn't answer to Samson's post - but I still bothered to provide them, I built my opinion on them rather than just arbitrarily getting it out of a hat, and they still stand.
Late addition: "putting both countries on an equal standing" by calling them both "bad" was the reasoning Sarin used for his opinion on the Middle Eastern conflict from the other RD thread. What kicked this off between me and him, that lead to you moaning I was misrepresenting your uncharitable assumptions about Estebonrober, was me pointing out - factually - that "both sides are bad" in the Russia thread would get you uncharitably misrepresented by a bunch of posters (I wasn't even singling you out at that point), because (and I agree) "both sides are bad" distorts the agency in the conflict we're talking about.
The thing is, this argument has not the same validity in two different contexts. "both are bad" in a situation where both sides have killed each others for decades isn't the same as "both are bad" when one side just attack the other without provocation.

The Challengers for example not even reached the frontline, but I'm sure they are happily counted among the 50 or so billion help "delivered" to Ukraine..
It's probably that Ukraine simply keep them in reserve for when a better offensive opportunity will arise. For now it seems to dig in in defense, and as such is probably using them more as close-range artillery so as to not risk them.
Moderator Action: Let's take a short break so that everyone can cool down.
Moderator Action: This thread is an example of why we are restrictive in the War news thread and prefer new threads about the related topics. things can easily get out of hand..
Moderator Action: This thread has been permanently closed.
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