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Latest Obama Gaffe...

Yeah, another politician being honest about something in the United States and being chastised by the ridiculous spin machines. When will they ever learn...? Only idiots are feeling, or pretending, to be insulted by this.
So its not the unions fault for demanding over inflated wages, retirement packages that have lead to absurd legacy costs, job banks, and making those demands or threatening to shut down production totally thus ruin the company?

The unions did exactly the right thing: They got what they could for their members.

The companies evaded the anti-trust laws and refused to invest enough to be competitive.

So what you have said is that the people who are responsible are not to be held responsible because you can shift the blame to someone else. :rolleyes:
While I totally agree with what Obama said.. I think it was a very poor choice of wording from him. He should have known better.
Yeah, another politician being honest about something in the United States and being chastised by the ridiculous spin machines. When will they ever learn...? Only idiots are feeling, or pretending, to be insulted by this.

Let's take a step back and think about this for a moment. Even if what Obama said were correct, don't you think saying it is MONUMENTALLY stupid? These are votes that Obama needs, and suggesting that there is something wrong with their core beliefs and then psychoanalyzing the entire group is NOT good politics.
While I totally agree with what Obama said.. I think it was a very poor choice of wording from him. He should have known better.

I'de like to change my stance.. After watching the original video of his speech.. it wasn't bad wording at all and he was absolutely right... and it didn't sound anything like what is suggested in the OP.

This is low class propaganda against Obama, trying to get people pissed at him by twisting his words.. and what's sad is it's apparently working on some.
I'de like to change my stance.. After watching the original video of his speech.. it wasn't bad wording at all and he was absolutely right... and it didn't sound anything like what is suggested in the OP.

This is low class propaganda against Obama, trying to get people pissed at him by twisting his words.. and what's sad is it's apparently working on some.

I haven't actually seem the speech, but no matter what he said, I can assure you that it's no worse than Obama constantly repeating that McCain wants a "hundred year war" in Iraq when McCain made it very clear that staying in Iraq for a hundred years would be acceptable "as long as no Americans are being hurt or killed."

(And that's a paraphrase, before someone jumps down my throat. I don't have his exact words available, but there is no substantive difference between what I wrote and what he said.)
I haven't actually seem the speech, but no matter what he said, I can assure you that it's no worse than Obama constantly repeating that McCain wants a "hundred year war" in Iraq when McCain made it very clear that staying in Iraq for a hundred years would be acceptable "as long as no Americans are being hurt or killed."

(And that's a paraphrase, before someone jumps down my throat. I don't have his exact words available, but there is no substantive difference between what I wrote and what he said.)

Yeah well low-class cheap shots aren't exclusive to reps. I wasn't suggesting that Obama is any better, just that this particular exemple is completely out of context, (the words are not even the same).

Here : http://www.youtube.com/user/BarackObamadotcom
The unions did exactly the right thing: So the right thing is to run the companies into the ground. Again your understanding of business is mind blowing.They got what they could for their members. They strong armed the companies into giving up much more then what the workers were worth with threats of total shut down. Its called extortion.

The companies evaded the anti-trust laws and refused to invest enough to be competitive.Thats not true.

So what you have said is that the people who are responsible are not to be held responsible because you can shift the blame to someone else. :rolleyes:
Thats not what I said but is what you are doing. You understanding of the situation is dismal worse then your understanding of business. And thats really bad. The unions bleed companies dry then say it wasn't their fault. And suckers like you eat it up.

So you roll those eyes in ignorance. And while you do that think about why a non-union company was able to rise above the union companies. I don't really expect you to get it right given your post in this thread alone.
If Drudge isn't running it, it's not news.

It's neither a headline, nor a BOLDED AND IN CAPS nor a red story.
White Americans in small towns are ultra-religious, racist, gun-toting, uneducated, bitter, nationalistic zealots.

But Obama forgives them. Praise be to Obama.

Pass the cool-aid, please.:crazyeye:
I haven't actually seem the speech, but no matter what he said, I can assure you that it's no worse than Obama constantly repeating that McCain wants a "hundred year war" in Iraq when McCain made it very clear that staying in Iraq for a hundred years would be acceptable "as long as no Americans are being hurt or killed."

(And that's a paraphrase, before someone jumps down my throat. I don't have his exact words available, but there is no substantive difference between what I wrote and what he said.)

Yeah, but you're being pretty selective yourself. The corollary you are ignoring is that McCain has pretty much set out on numerous occasions that he's prepared to sacrifice as many other American troops as he needs to for as many years as he needs to, to get to the point where he can keep troops in Iraq for a hundred years without them being hurt or killed. McCain gets enough of a free ride in the media, thank you very much.

But you know, typical of the right wing. Go on the attack on some bogus fabricated scandal, then claim the other guys did it worse, and then play the self pity violin.

I'm a conservative by nature, but I swear the relentless self pity that characterizes so much of the right wing turns my stomach.
It seems that Obama has apologized for his 'poor choice of words.' Not a good sign. Apologizing for a manufactured outrage from the twisted panties, fainting set is a bad move. It just opens the door for them to get outraged about some other imaginary slight. If he goes down that road, eventually he'll go the route of John Kerry.

The way to treat these overfed, right wing, pansies is with a firm hand. The back of one. Never apologize. Obama's mistake.
Thats not what I said but is what you are doing. You understanding of the situation is dismal worse then your understanding of business. And thats really bad. The unions bleed companies dry then say it wasn't their fault. And suckers like you eat it up.

So you roll those eyes in ignorance. And while you do that think about why a non-union company was able to rise above the union companies. I don't really expect you to get it right given your post in this thread alone.

So unions are stronger than companies?

That means that AMERICA is the worker's paridise.

Thanksd Skad, I'll go hang my potrait of Lenin outside now.
I haven't actually seem the speech, but no matter what he said, I can assure you that it's no worse than Obama constantly repeating that McCain wants a "hundred year war" in Iraq when McCain made it very clear that staying in Iraq for a hundred years would be acceptable "as long as no Americans are being hurt or killed."
So since Americans are currently getting hurt and killed, then does that mean we can leave now? Or do we have to wait a hundred years to even start the McCain 100 year time clock of peace and prosperity?
. The unions bleed companies dry then say it wasn't their fault.
You have yet to answer why the American executives got their collective asses handed to them by the union? Isn't part of those huge salaries to successfully deal with the unions and defending the company from being bled dry? Do you not attribute any part of the failure to poor management? Being an executive should be more than steak dinners and hunting and fishing trips.
You have yet to answer why the American executives got their collective asses handed to them by the union? Isn't part of those huge salaries to successfully deal with the unions and defending the company from being bled dry? Do you not attribute any part of the failure to poor management? Being an executive should be more than steak dinners and hunting and fishing trips.

Because the Unions are stronger than the execs. Come on, we live in the worker's paridise, go out and celebrate. Afterwards we can have a vodka with the man who showed us how much power we truely have. Premier Skadistic.

Then we can go beat some execs with bull whips, cuz we have so much power.
It's so over for Obama unless he apologizes very soon . . .

...for being too black and for not being black enough and for being Barack and for being Barry and for beating Hillary in all those states and for not beating Hillary in those other states and for raising more money than either of the other people who are running for President and for raising too much money and for being too much of a Democrat and for not being enough of a Democrat and for being too much of a liberal and for not being enough of a liberal and for wanting to court Republicans and for not wanting to court Republicans and for talking about religion too much and for not talking about religion enough and for talking about religion in the wrong way and for being charming because its really just being slick and for being a great speaker because speeches are just words and for speaking too often and for not speaking often enough and for talking about race too much and for not talking about race enough and for talking about race in the wrong way and for talking about Reagan and for not talking about Reagan and for being just like JFK and for not being enough like JFK and for not being able to convince the superdelegates and for having the support of so many superdelegates and for being a fighter and for not fighting enough and for winning Texas and for losing Texas and for voting YES on some legislation and for voting NO on some legislation and for voting PRESENT on some legislation and for taking his name off the ballot in Michigan and for not keeping his name on the ballot in Michigan and for inspiring so many young voters and for inspiring too many young voters and for having so much African American support and for having too much African American support and for not having enough white support and for having the support of the wrong whites and for not having enough hispanic support and for having support for the wrong hispanics and for having a strong wife and for having black children and for not having white children and for not having hispanic children and for not having alien children and for wanting to talk with foreign leaders and for not wanting to talk to foreign leaders and for going to church, but the wrong church and for having a muslim father, unless he wasn't a muslim father, but maybe he should've been a muslim father and for not having enough experience and for having too much experience, but not the right kind of experience, and for once starting that joke that he didn't know the punchline to and for eating the last double glazed chocolate donut and for pressing the UP button when he really had to go DOWN and for forgetting to log off his Myspace account on a public computer and for smoking and for stopping smoking and for playing basketball well, but not bowling so well and for having the gall to actually have a shot at being the next President of the United States of America!
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