Leader Ability Elimination Thread

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1. Alexander - To The World's End. [22]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [21]
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [20+1=21] Easy to activate, plus it makes warmongering stronger. Adding +5 and 2 movement to the already strong Varu makes conquering a breeze.
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [10]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [21]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [21]
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [24]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [26]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [17]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [23]
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [16]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [11]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [22]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [23]
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [17-3=14] Production is good to have but it's so hard to activate this. Even more tricky to use than Tamar's because there's more city states than civs and plus she has an envoy bonus. You can go a whole game and not use this ability once, so it's like not having an ability at all.
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [17]
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [21]
31. Tamar - Glory to the World, Kingdom, and Faith. [8]
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [21]
35. Victoria - Pax Britannica. [5]
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [22]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [21]
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [10]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [21]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [21]
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [24]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [26]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [17]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [23]
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [16]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [11]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [22]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [23+1=24] - @Leathaface, the Liang promotion gives this bonus charge only to one city. Qin gives this charge to your entire Empire. The wider the Empire gets, the more noticable the difference is. It's quite a differnce between having to send Liang/better builders between lots of cities or having all of these cities produce better builders. And there are some quite desirable wonders you are basically guaranteed to get with Qin, like Pyramids, Colosseum or Petra.
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [17]
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [21]
31. Tamar - Glory to the World, Kingdom, and Faith. [8-3=5] - Faith oriented bonuses tend to be weaker, and this one is extra weak.
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [21]
35. Victoria - Pax Britannica. [5]
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [22]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [21]
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [10]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [21]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [21]
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [24]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [26]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [17]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [23]
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [16]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [11]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [22]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [24+1=25] - what @Kimiimaro said in the previous post
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [17-3=14] okay but not very interesting
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [21]
31. Tamar - Glory to the World, Kingdom, and Faith. [5]
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [21]
35. Victoria - Pax Britannica. [5]
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [22]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [21]
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [10]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [21]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [21]
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [24]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [26]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [17]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [23]
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [16]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [11]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [22+1=23] Fairly creative and fun ability to play around with early on
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [25]
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [14-3=11] Boooring...
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [21]
31. Tamar - Glory to the World, Kingdom, and Faith. [5]
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [21]
35. Victoria - Pax Britannica. [5]
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [22]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [21-3=18] Rant: Still overrated IMO. After running the maths, districts build 28.58% faster with a pyramid present and 16.67% faster otherwise which isn't really a massive boost. In low production cities, where the boost will save the most turns, you usually want to chop districts anyway. Also, to get the bigger boost you often have to settle in suboptimal locations like a desert which invalidates the boost as your city's production will be even lower anyway. The boost can be useful but only usually only for a couple of cities because floodplains in decent city locations are pretty rare. This ability is even weaker in R+F because buildings such as the market and harbour are more important than their parent district and you can buy any district including the spaceport via governors (which you don't get a boost towards). You also need a builder spare to build the pyramid which you could be otherwise using to chop a district. TLDR: Small and/or impractical boost most of the time.
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [10]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [21]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [21]
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [24]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [26]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [17]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [23]
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [16]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [11]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [23]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [25]
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [11]
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [21+1=22] Definitely one of the best. Defines the Civ.
31. Tamar - Glory to the World, Kingdom, and Faith. [5]
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [21]
35. Victoria - Pax Britannica. [5]
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [22]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [18]
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [10]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [21]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [21]
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [24]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [26]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [17]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [23+1=24] Very strong to me. Makes the game different and easier.
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [16]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [11]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [23]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [25]
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [11]
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [22]
31. Tamar - Glory to the World, Kingdom, and Faith. [5-3=2] Good idea with the envoys, but very difficult to play, if KI spawn to many apostels. 100% Faith- makes no sense for me, in the way i do playing.
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [21]
35. Victoria - Pax Britannica. [5]
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [22]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [18]
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [10]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [21]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [21]
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [24-3=21] - Unless you are at war the gains are negligible.
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [26]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [17]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [24]
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [16+1=17] - I think this is seriously underrated, much better than Gorgo.
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [11]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [23]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [25]
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [11]
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [22]
31. Tamar - Glory to the World, Kingdom, and Faith. [2]
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [21]
35. Victoria - Pax Britannica. [5]
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [22 + 1 = 23] This snowballs very quickly to having a much easier domination victory
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [18]
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [10]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [21]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [21]
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [21]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [26]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [17]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [24]
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [17]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [11]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [23]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [25]
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [11]
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [22]
31. Tamar - Glory to the World, Kingdom, and Faith. [2 - 3 = ELIMINATED] Too many conditions for this to work
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [21]
35. Victoria - Pax Britannica. [5]
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [23]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [15] (18-3) --- Legacy of Smiles rant makes sense to me.
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [10]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [21]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [21]
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [21]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [26]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [17]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [25] (24+1) --- Combat bonuses for conquering areas with new lux resources and the extra amenities to fight prolonged wars. A virtuous circle.
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [17]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [11]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [23]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [25]
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [11]
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [22]
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [21]
35. Victoria - Pax Britannica. [5]
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [23]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [15]
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [10]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [21]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [21+1=22] Really shines on water maps. You can instantly buy a large navy. Good synergy with the rest of their abilities. Also +2 faith for cities on a coast may not sound like much but it practically guarantees you first choice of pantheon.
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [21]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [26]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [17]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [25]
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [17]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [11]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [23]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [25]
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [11]
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [22]
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [21]
35. Victoria - Pax Britannica. [5-3=2] Requires founding a city and creating a RNDY... On another continent. Most of my cities I found are on my own continent, and when I want to expand, I'd prefer to conquer. This was neutered pretty bad, because this used to be a great leader ability and would've had a higher score. Now it's teetering on the edge of elimination.
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [23]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [15]
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [10]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [21]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [22]
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [21]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [26]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [17]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [25]
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [17]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [11]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [23]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [25]
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [11]
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [22]
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [21+1= 22] As with Gorgo, Trajan's bonus adds early culture at a time where early culture is the most valuable. Not having to build monuments means you can put your resources elsewere ie: building districts or additional settlers sooner than I normally would. Rome's potential to get the Ancestral Hall early + free monuments and builders in every new city is very close to cheese imo. REX'ing has always been my fave strategy in Civ and I love abilities that reward me for it.
35. Victoria - Pax Britannica. [2-3= ELIMINATED] I am not allowing Vicky's elim without getting a stab at it :p It's just a poorly designed ability, destined to take advantage of the continents mechanic but continents isn't a mechanic that you can take advantage of anyway, so who curr. In reality, Pax Britannica doesn't take advantage of anything at all because the game is balanced in a way that DIScourages spreading your cities hither and yon. It's too gimmicky to take advantage of. (as much as I dislike the Khmer ability, it's not hard to build a Holy Site or Aquaduct)
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [23]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [15]
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [10]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [21]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [22]
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [21]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [26+1=27] 50% production towards Theatre Squares, Holy Sites and Encampments? Sign me up.
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [17]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [25]
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [17]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [11]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [23]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [25-3=22] A single governor promotion give +1 builders charges, extra builder charges aren't a huge thing in R&F. I also don't build builders in multiple cities much simultaneously. I'd rather stick Liang in my highest production city, enact Feudalism then build builders galore. After a while I build enough builders and don't need more so I get rid of Feudalism and take Liang out of the city. Plus I like to settle early cities instead of taking risks with early wonders. (I play on Immortal)
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [11]
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [22]
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [22]
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1. Alexander - To The World's End. [23]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [15]
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [10-7=3] Amanitore is bad but this is often a liability.
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [22] It's because of this alone that people consider Cyrus OP in single player.
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [22]
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [21]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [27]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [17]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [25]
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [17]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [11]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [23]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [22]
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [11]
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [22]
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [22]
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [23]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [15+1=16] - What's with the sudden hate on Amanitore, calling her even bad? This bonus is nice, it isn't hard to trigger and isn't a liability. There are abilities that are actually worse than this bonus, like Hwarang or El Escorial. And those who're saying it doesn't help... Have you ever built a Spaceport? It takes ton of time to build even in very productive cities. Districts cost quite a lot of money. It doesn't often occur that I have 6000 gold to buy the Spaceport. Also, I don't chop.
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [7]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [22]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [22]
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [21]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [27]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [17]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [25]
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [17]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [11-3=8] - Inquisition bonus is useless, the other half of this bonus isn't that big.
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [23]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [22] - @Leathaface with R&F, builders can significantly speed up your space projects. These are quite big thing.
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [11]
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [22]
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [22]
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [23]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [16]
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [7-3 = 4] International routes are secondary for me. Gold is not an issue in later stages of the game. And this ability gives a bonus also to your enemies!
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [22]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [22]
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [21]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [27]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [17]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [25]
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [17]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [8]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [23]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [22+1 = 23] - I have to give him some points, because I don't agree with the negative comments he got recently. Yes, Liang also gives +1 charge, but this stacks with Qin's ability, it's not like you get one or the other one. You get 4, with Liang 5, with Feudalism 7 and with Pyramids 8. That saves you a lot of production and also micromanagement time. Also even your very first builders have 4 charges, before you have Liang. And when you quickly need to buy a builder in a city without Liang, you don't have to feel so bad that you don't have the time to move her there. (Plus you can speed up early wonders!)
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [11]
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [22]
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [22]
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [23]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [16]
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [4]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [22]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [22]
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [21]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [27]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [17-3=14] Why would I want to flip a city of a civilization in a Golden Age? I know it also debuffs the sieged city, but who needs that with a +10 advantage?
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [25]
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [17]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [8]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [23]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [23]
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [11]
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [22]
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [22+1=23] Helps immensely with early warmongering/expansion
@Kmart_Elvis just noticed on your leader summary you missed a couple of things that it might be useful to add. Alexander, Harold, Roosevelt and Victoria gain unique units as part of their abilities. Lautaro has an additional ability: pillaging a tile in the borders of a city makes the city lose 5 loyalty. Seondeok gains +3% science and culture for every governor promotion but no boost for simply having a governor.
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [23]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [16]
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [4]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [22]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [22-3=19] - My favourite civ to play and very strong with the right map, but too situational to deserve this high a rating.
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [21]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [27]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [21]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [14]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [25+1=26] - Always useful, always powerful.
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [17]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [8]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [23]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [23]
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [11]
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [22]
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [23]
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [23]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [16]
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [4]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [22]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [19]
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [21]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [27]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [22] (21+1) --- Jump out with high adjacency campus districts then liberate a city state every 20 turns for +100% production with technologically advanced fast moving cav units that ignore zones of control and can move through enemy territory to reach their CS liberation target.
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [14]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [26]
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [17]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [8]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [23]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [23]
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [8] (11-3) --- eeh.
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [22]
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [23]
1. Alexander - To The World's End. [23]
2. Amanitore - Kandake of Meroë. [16]
3. Catherine - Catherine's Flying Squadron. [14]
4. Chandragupta - Arthashastra. [21]
5. Cleopatra - Mediterranean's Bride. [4]
6. Cyrus - Fall of Babylon. [22]
7. Frederick Barbarossa - Holy Roman Empire. [19]
9. Genghis Khan - Mongol Horde. [23]
10. Gilgamesh - Adventures With Enkidu. [18]
11. Gitarja - Goddess of the Three Worlds. [19 + 1 = 20] This should definitely be higher. You should be settling cities on the coast anyways and then you're well on your way!
12. Gorgo - Thermopylae. [21]
13. Harald Hardrada - Thunderbolt of the North. [20]
14. Hojo Tokimune - Divine Wind. [27]
15. Jadwiga - Lithuanian Union. [20]
16. Jayavarman VII - Monasteries of the King. [8]
17. John Curtin - Citadel of Civilization. [22]
18. Lautaro - Swift Hawk. [14]
19. Montezuma - Gifts for the Tlatoani. [26]
21. Pedro II - Magnanimous. [11]
22. Pericles - Surrounded by Glory. [17]
24. Philip II - El Escorial. [8]
25. Poundmaker - Favorable Terms. [23]
26. Qin Shi Huang - The First Emperor. [23]
27. Robert the Bruce - Bannockburn. [14]
28. Saladin - Righteousness of the Faith. [23]
29. Seondeok - Hwarang. [8 - 3 = 5] Its not bad but it's one of the more lackluster ones remaining.
30. Shaka - Amabutho. [22]
32. Teddy Roosevelt - Roosevelt Corollary. [23]
33. Tomyris - Killer of Cyrus. [22]
34. Trajan - Trajan's Column. [23]
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