Let's discuss Mathematics

I'm assuming the solution would have them all open each box with an equal probability, rather than simply opening at random?

We can number the prisoners and the boxes have already been numbered, so a configuration in this case is just a permutation of the numbers 1-100. What you should have is that the final chance doesn't depend on the numbering of the prisoners (or of the boxes).
Let's simplify it for tipsy PS.

Minimum number of prisoners is 4 if looking at the contents of a box is to have any effect (and opening an integer number of boxes).
OK, so wlog (without loss of generality), prisoner 1 opens box 1.

If he doesn't see his name... hmm.

I suspect first move is for prisoner x to open box x, and for subsequent openings depend on something I can't imagine at the moment.

Good so far?
If prisoner x opens box x to find prisoner i's name, where i<x, then prisoner x knows that prisoner i already opened that box. So whatever the algorithm is, it must be respondent to that somehow... EDIT: Wait no that doesn't help...
Is it to do with powers of x modulo the number of boxes?
Ah good call Mise, do the prisoners know the names and numberings of the other prisoners?
The various prisoners could, in principle, open their boxes at the same time.

If you start with prisoner 1, you want to maximise the chance of prisoner 2 succeeding, provided prisoner 1 succeeds etc.
Ah good call Mise, do the prisoners know the names and numberings of the other prisoners?

You could also just take the situation as: every prisoner has a number 1-100, in each box there's a number 1-100.
Right, so if prisoner x opens box x first go, it has to be something to do with opening the box that has the name/number they just looked at next, and so on. Is that the answer?

EDIT: If it isn't, it has to be some kind of formula for maximising the (wrap around) distance between boxes based on the number they just saw, and numbers they have left.

Prisoner n starts by opening box n. Once someone has opened a box containing name i, he opens box i next.

Given a bijection of N=100 (a way of putting the names in the boxes), this process is successful if the longest cycle in the bijection has a length l =< N/2.
Where's the faffing proof then? ;)

EDIT: Can that strategy be defeated by a wily prison guard though? Or are you assuming the box/name distribution is random?
Well, if all cykels are of maximum length N/2, each prisoner will open the entire cykel associated with his number => he will open the box containing his own name.

As long as the guard doesn't know which number the prisoners associate with each name (which is reasonable), he can't defeat them.
If the guard does know the numbering, can he arrange for there to be a cycle of length > N/2?
How the crap does that work?!

Let's take the 4 prisoner case:

Let's say the distribution in the boxes is:
box 1 2 3 4
name 4 1 3 2

Prisoner #1 opens box 1, finds name 4 => opens box 4, finds name 2. Fail

Other case
box 1 2 3 4
name 4 2 3 1

Prisoner #1 opens box 1, finds name 4 => opens box 4, finds name 1.
Prisoner #2 opens box 2, finds name 2
Prisoner #3 opens box 3, finds name 3
Prisoner #4 opens box 4, finds name 1 => opens box 1, finds name 4
If the guard does know the numbering, can he arrange for there to be a cycle of length > N/2?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .... 100
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .... 1

Has a single cycle with length 100.
Yeah but how come it makes such a huge difference?! I mean, we're talking raising the probability from 10^-10 or whatever, to 10^-1.

And yeah a wily prison guard would just move the digits one space over, so prisoner n would be in box n-1. EDIT: x-post.
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