Let's discuss Mathematics

Ahh yeah, I like that MCdread - I think that's the clearest intuition for me. It has the added benefit of making it a lot easier to tweak the odds on my casino scam :p

Yeah. Mathematically, and for any C_min and C_max between 0 and 1, you just have to calculate what the mean of y = C^2 would be for a large number of trials (so long as you sample from uniform distributions of course).
Given any distribution p(x), x in [0,1], with unit volume, you just calculate the integral p(x) x^2 dx, x from 0 to 1, right?

and if players a,b and c are given by distributions p_a, p_b, p_c, then you calculate:

P(C wins) = integral dz dy dx p_a(x) p_b(y) p_c(z)

with boundaries x,y in [0,z] and z in [0,1]
Yeah, that's the integration you need to do for Mise's scenario 1.

For the general case, where you sample C in range [C_min, C_max] (with 0 < C_min < 1; 0 < C_max < 1), you do the same thing and integrate z in [C_min, C_max].
But with p_c(z) corrected by a factor that reflects "player C's loss of freedom" (to use non-rigorous language).
Integrating 1/(C_max - C_min)*p_c(z), where p_c(z) has unit volume, should work, I think.

EDIT: Actually, I'm overcomplicating things. Because the p.d.f. for C equals zero outside the sampling interval anyway, and dutchfire defines it as having an area of 1, his formula will work just fine for any case.
Bump for Paradigm Shifter...

From memory, this is called the hailstones problem, or series, or something.

Take any integer x

If x is even, halve it
If x is odd, then do 3x+1

rinse & repeat.

The conjecture is that it will always reach the loop 1-->4-->2-->1, but that's yet to be proven.

Prove that no matter which number you start from, you'll always reach a number divisible by 4.

Bump. You did mean positive integer, correct?

Start with -11
(-11)x3+1 = -32
(-32)/2 = -16
(-16)/2 = -8
(-8)/2 = -4
(-4)/2 = -2
(-2)/2 = -1
(-1)x3+1 = -2
(-2)/2 = -1 and so on

Nobody has proved this? I did not read all the posts here, but I did read the Wikipedia link provided by Paradigm Shifter.

EDIT: The Wikipedia link does specify a positive integer. My mathematical notation is rusty, and typing out a proof in mathematical notation on a forum like this is a bit awkward.

Second EDIT:
It looks like in fact we eventually do get to a number divisible by 4.
If we express an odd number as A*2^N-1, (where A is an odd number and N is an integer greater than zero) then:
a. After (2N-1) iterations, we will arrive at a number divisible by 4.
b. This number divisible by 4 will be 2*(A*3^N-1).
How do I use this calculator: http://www.1728.org/ellipse.htm ? I'm entering numbers, but nothing's working.

At all.

Nothing shows up, zilch.

What are you trying to do? I follow the instructions : "click on the "Eccentricity to yx" button, enter .8, click "Calculate"" and it shows " Y/X Ratio =" " 0.6".
Nobody has proved this? I did not read all the posts here, but I did read the Wikipedia link provided by Paradigm Shifter.

EDIT: The Wikipedia link does specify a positive integer. My mathematical notation is rusty, and typing out a proof in mathematical notation on a forum like this is a bit awkward.

Second EDIT:
It looks like in fact we eventually do get to a number divisible by 4.
If we express an odd number as A*2^N-1, (where A is an odd number and N is an integer greater than zero) then:
a. After (2N-1) iterations, we will arrive at a number divisible by 4.
b. This number divisible by 4 will be 2*(A*3^N-1).

Nobody has proved you'll always reach 1.

Proving you always reach a number divisible by 4 is easier, and you have come up with the proof I was hinting at with:

I think it's merely something interesting that I came up with the first time I met this series. But I couldn't see how it helped me to prove the series. I'll drop an even bigger hint.

Any odd number can be written as (p.2^n) - 1, where p is odd. Correct? What happens when you iterate from that?
Ok. I thought for a while it doesn't work, but some more thought made it obvious that it does. :D
Nobody has proved you'll always reach 1.

Proving you always reach a number divisible by 4 is easier, and you have come up with the proof I was hinting at with:

Any odd number can be written as (p.2^n) - 1, where p is odd. Correct? What happens when you iterate from that?

I found where you said that. Actually, I did not give the proof above. So here it is.

First we define the iterative function f, so that:
f[n+1] = f[n]/2 if f[n] is even
f[n+1] = 3*f[n]+1 if f[n] is odd

It follows that if f[n] is odd, then
f[n+2] = 1.5*f[n]+0.5 and
f[n+2] = 1.5*(f[n]+1)-1

If f[n+2] is odd, then
f[n+4] = 1.5*(f[n+2]+1)-1 = 1.5^2*(f[n]+1)-1

If we express an odd number f[n] = A*2^N-1 where A is an odd number, then
f[n+2N] = 1.5^N*(A*2^N) - 1 = A*3^N - 1 which is an even number.

It follows that
f[n+2N-1] = 2*(A*3^N-1) which is divisible by 4.

I am sorry about the notations which may be difficult to follow. The square brackets following the f as in f[n] is intended as a subscript.
Someone in my class in uni did a similar project once, though a bit simpler IIRC.
Stats question: if I have a model that fits data points going back to 2010, and another that fits the same data but only to 2013, is there any statistic that will say "model A is better than model B because, even though the fit is worse over the respective periods, it fits more data" or alternatively "model B is better than model A because, even though the fit is worse over the whole period, model B fits recent data better than model A"? Basically I can either fit 2013 data really really well, or 2010-present data "kind of okay". I just want a number that will tell me which is better.

I mean so far I've just weighted the square differences by recency before calculating the R^2, which I'm hoping is good enough if I just want to compare the two models, but I'd rather use some sort of standard statistical measure instead.
I can't think of any statistical measure that would compare something like that. I can't remember even looking at a statistic that might rate a lot of ok errors better than a small set of really low errors.
2a-2b=a+b - 2b
2(a-b)=a+b -2b

Saw this in a youtube comment. Is this sound reasoning or not?
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