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Let's play Original - Choose your scenario (BTS)

Changing a present scenario is not of impossible. Just giving basic frame of scenario. Let's hope people won't interest.
I'm not familiar enough with the mod... would a variant of the classical Taxman SG be possible?

Nice to see that game being linked still, was a lot of fun to play. A favourite of mine although I am of course biased as the host. :)
I think I need to read through it again.

As for being on topic -- I need to figure out what this mod/scenario is first.
I like promoting the greats from the past :worship:

A lot has been done in the past and it can be difficult to find the good stuff from the old topics so I plug one here and there !
I like the Boudica of the Sea, since naval-oriented maps are so rare in S&T.
So, is this the fact of an used mod that makes the project a whole epic failure or is the projet itself boring?
At least, people, I would like to know because after over 10 threads failure (most of them outside S&Tips), I am starting to question my method.

No, CivNoobie, it only took me 40 mins to set up. I'm glad to have a special place in your heart as punching bag.
Historically, mods never fared very well on this part of the forums. The same way some users are intimidated to reply in "Deity" threads and such, it's hard to comment on something you don't have a clue about - or very little.

For comments: I'd say a lot of interaction is needed to get replies.

For instance, your only reply to this thread doesn't really add anything to the project and doesn't really invite more discussion on topic.

My $0.02 in any case.
Yet, if people just voted the scenario albeit being on another mod, then the discussion could be started. Those scenarios are not necessarily tied to any mods and thus choose-able despite being on another mod.

Incidentally, of course, if the reception was better about the mod, I would have given all information given in easy access so people would make their own strategic opinion.

What I meant, sometimes, people should give a chance. Just like the marathon of games in some other unpopular thread, I was the one who made the efforts. Unless, what I write is painstakingly heavy.

Yes, I suspect the common user just want an easy access to BTS with a low level or mid level player host. Along a light atmosphere where giving off advices take less than one minute and necessitates no real thinking. I'm not blind to these facts sadly. I wished I was.
I may be extremely tired and stupid, but the reason I didn't reply is I didn't get what this thread was. Are we voting on a scenario that you/we would play, and for what mod? I got confused and TL:DR'd :(
So your past reaction was the past reaction ofall the past N bots who got past this diarrhea of OP presentation.

My idea was simple, but likely got confused in the way of presentation (I'm getting auld I guess): vote the scenario that seems the most appealing. This is the basic scenario, but it is not cimented in stone. Changes are allowed depending how much of a change. The mod was a preference of mine, but I still feel that if played on BTS, the laid strategies are already explored. I didn't specify the mod yet (but gave a glimpse), so not creating too much bias.
I wished it was on a different platform, so it could re-explore the way of winning. Let be frank, on BTS, there is almost no more originality because almost everything was explored. Unless, I'm deeply wrong.

And hey hey hey! Why Mr. Arrogant-to-ya (it is you who said it!) deserve more of a well educated reply than one who always respected ya since Spectacular Stalin game (basically the first great win from you). Ok, lesson learnt. Need to be more @sshole. *write down in notebook*
Maybe I should have given lots of screenies with girls in bikini. I suppose. :rolleyes:

Anyways, whatever, not I have great faith in the future of this thread. Not anymore. Not anymore. :old:
I don't know to who you're referring with Mr. Arrogant but that statement about the bikini girls is definately aimed at the introductory post of my latest writeup and it hurt Tachywaxon. I thought you and me were friends, I am still your friend, but what I've seen of you during the past months makes me sad. I see you putting a lot of work up sometimes, and I see you produce high-quality posts, but I also see trolling, hate and anger problems. You were so negative sometimes that I wrote you page-long PMs of the best I could give to you. You maybe replied on the half, if at all. I reminded you several times, still you didn't answer. Maybe you're simply now experiencing the same, you're giving your best and have high expectations which don't get fulfilled and this causes you hate. Maybe this will make you think.

If you ask me btw. why I didn't reply and push your thread like you hoped, I already told you that I gave my all on what I wrote to you in the past and that I'm still waiting for answers. In addition, I'm currently quite busy with own life because I'm working on finishing my studies (finally) after having paused them for years and I've decided that 98% of the power I'm investing in Civ should go to the current SGOTM because I found that my team needs me and because I made a promise when joining it which I plan to keep (to do everything I can to make Kakumeika win) .

At last: I already told you where to find your way Tachywaxon, I mentioned to you 3 times now already that I want you to transform to icecream, because "you'd be so much cooler then" . Maybe you'll now stop being so fcking negative, regain control over your feelings again and see that I was giving you something good over and over over the last months instead of hurting someone who has been your friend, your admirer and one being always true to you.
No, no, no I'm not targeting ya. Just a mere reference to cheap methods we can see to attract people like a Youtube thumbnail. It's just a coincidence. I wasn't targetting your work at all. Strenuous works are never my targets.

Better I go before I transform myself into a Mylene, because the original post was far more emo than this one.
Ok. Then I'm ok again and vote for that you take advantage of cheap methods ( -> post bikini pictures :D ) .

For you: This thread has a genius opening imo, but I'm with the ones who absolutely don't know what to make out of it, and the game being played with a mod makes it even more difficult, even with you bringing all the infos. It'd be far easier if you were giving reasons and would talk more about yourself and what your plans are, i. e. why you have targeted this specific mod, what it offers that is better than standard BtS, why you have stopped playing for CIV HoF, a competition that's basically of unlimited challenge (or at least, one of the highest challenge possible and at least on the same niveau as (S)GOTM) .

Only that you get this right and that you don't feel offended, but CIV BtS is what keeps many players here playing until now, players you can compare with but with whom you've chosen to stop comparing, tell us the why's, enlighten us Tachywaxon :D .

I'd personally love to see you playing for HoF again and write about it and I'm sure that the more common format would do you good, and don't forget, the best players play only against themselves and not a specific game ;) .

Ok. Then I'm ok again and vote for that you take advantage of cheap methods ( -> post bikini pictures :D ) .

For you: This thread has a genius opening imo, but I'm with the ones who absolutely don't know what to make out of it, and the game being played with a mod makes it even more difficult, even with you bringing all the infos. It'd be far easier if you were giving reasons and would talk more about yourself and what your plans are, i. e. why you have targeted this specific mod, what it offers that is better than standard BtS, why you have stopped playing for CIV HoF, a competition that's basically of unlimited challenge (or at least, one of the highest challenge possible and at least on the same niveau as (S)GOTM) .

Only that you get this right and that you don't feel offended, but CIV BtS is what keeps many players here playing until now, players you can compare with but with whom you've chosen to stop comparing, tell us the why's, enlighten us Tachywaxon :D .

I'd personally love to see you playing for HoF again and write about it and I'm sure that the more common format would do you good, and don't forget, the best players play only against themselves and not a specific game ;) .


Nope. Not offended at all.
In fact, there is no aspect that makes that mod superior to any or stock BTS. What I am basically proposing is a different paradigm. Now, BTS has revealed a lot of its essence making the game processing much manual-like. Because it was proven over years by previous gamers that this beeline, this bulbs succession, this unit, this combo are superior. In the end, although there are still variations thanks to the variability of the map, the tech tree along other features (but mainly the tech tree) is casting in stone the way to play stock BTS.
This has nothing to do with comparison or competition; I thought it would interesting to reinvent the strategy via a new view point. A mod has a different tech tree, units, features, etc. Basically, being new makes ancient strategies not necessarily the ones.
For instance, the mod that was targeted initially, mounted units aren't as powerful as it was in BTS. No more typical overpowered cuirassier rush and such. I'm not saying there is no weak points in another mod (of course there are), but the gameplay (optimal) is different for sure. What I find amusing (but not that much) is if Civ6 was out tomorrow, we would see a gigantic exodus towards that new sequel, but when it's a Civ4 mod, oops, I shut in. Too much effort. Yeah, it's the flock effect, but if the exodus was there in the first place, that meant people are tired of Civ4 then. Why mods are evil then? Because it is wasted effort? I guess so (no real answer). When someone looks at a movie, it won't go looking that movie ad serpiternam.

Anyways, yes, the OP wasn't genius and likely rushed. Probably I didn't believe that would work at all, BTS or not. Combo of past failures (plenty of them) with the slight exodus of past immersive players.

What I find disappointing is I try and I try, but as I try further, it seems to make people flee more. I know for one aspect because of the way I presented the project, there is no way to lift this up. I have strong suspicion once people made their mind, they tag this thread as one of non-interest. Ad vitae aeternam.

Tell me Seraiel, did that work to ya in the write-up? For a moment, it did great. But you see, the reply speed pants a lot right now. Yet, it's deeply explained and interaction is pushed to its limit. Still, I won't say it's a failure. It certainly was a success.

You are right. The good recipe is one released game from a mid or low level player (I say that because last thread by Doshin was horrificly left to die in a trice) that allows anyone to put a word in-between. A word that takes least effort.

Anyways, that's life. And who cares. Just wanted to reply a well-mannered POV to you for once.

I can't go back to any form of competition games. Too involving in time. Time shrinks over months.
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