[LH]Realistic George W. Bush

Well, I loaded up the Mod I just finished (kinda), and the exact same thing happened, except this time it was in a Mod. Any idea what I did wrong?

I'm assuming (Since you're a modding genius) that you can tell what went wrong from the error. If not, I'm willing to give you the new code I wrote. Since, well, I'm clueless.

The civs are all still there, the leaderheads aren't. ;_;

EDIT: I reexamined all the errors, and it seems that it's in the leader infos. I'll go back over that.
Has anyone written diplomacy text for him? That should be fun.
Thats really nice and all, but honestly that failure.....

If your talking about me, I'm failing at modding him in because I suck at modding. Simple as that.
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