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Liberal Or Conservative

So, which are you?

  • Conservative

    Votes: 21 31.3%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 35 52.2%
  • Moderate

    Votes: 11 16.4%

  • Total voters


Oct 12, 2003
Plane Of Fish Sticks
Well, we know there are more liberal here, judging by the Model Parliament..., but I was just wondering, how many of you would define yourselves as "Liberal" "Conservative" or "Moderate"?

EDIT: Okay, as of now, the poll is about economic policy.
Personally or politically?

I am a social conservative, which will surprise some of you, I think. ;) My own plans for life probably differ little from those of an Atlanta Baptist. I am strongly in favor, personally, of committed heterosexual marriage and I am strongly against, personally, abortion and premarital sexuality.

But politically I am a far-left libertarian when it comes to societal practice. I am ok with homosexuality and abortion, although I will never understand the first and view with distate the second. Heck, I'm even ok with polygamy. Whatever floats your boat. So where do I vote on your poll?

Plus, there's the difference between my economic views, which fit in mostly with the left, and my political views, which are far more libertarian than the average Democrat in this country.

Your options are just far too restrictive. But I'll vote Liberal.
Well, overall, are you more conservative than liberal is my meaning in the poll. If I gave too many options, it would seem weird, and hard to calculate. If you have more liberal view, vote liberal. If you have more conservative view, vote conservate. If they are eqaul (or close), vote Moderate.
I guess I'm a liberal. Although I disagree with abortion (if not banned then limited as much as possible), which is probably the main point I cross party lines on...
Hey Gogf ! Nice to see you in here :).

About the topic, I think that if there are more liberals in here, it's simply because there are many europeans. I'm personally right wing in France mostly because I think French taxes are too high and that we don't do enough in France to be economically competitive in the modern world. However, I may sound like a freaky liberal in this forum !

I guess that's mainly because the mainstream line in here is actually about defending economical competition and lowering taxes. As a result, it remains only society issues like gay rights, gun control or death penalty and I guess I sound very liberal about those topics.

It's actually funny because I'm in a new University this year. That University is located in the post-industrial damaged part of Paris (unemployment is above 20% in that area). As a result, some teachers and students are freaking leftists. To give you an example, you can see on the walls of the University stickers saying : "So unemployment is a disease in the society ? Then ban it !". Of course, I'm pissed off of such a stupidity and as a result, I got the reputation to be very right-wing over there. Leftists (actually communists) in France call free-trade supporters "liberals", so I'm also considered as a liberal there ! :lol:

As everyone always calls me a "liberal", I came to the conclusion I should be one. :)
Wow, that's confusing...

BTW, in France, is there a space on all sides of "/"s, ":", and "!"s? I have seem this done many times by people from France (including you).
[Not a threadjack

The French don't even have quotation marks, they use these crazy sideways V's, or else they use dashes:

-blah blah blah
-oh yeah?
Originally posted by Gogf
Wow, that's confusing...

BTW, in France, is there a space on all sides of "/"s, ":", and "!"s? I have seem this done many times by people from France (including you).
Well yes you're right. I consider it's neater to write it this way. To be totally honnest, when people don't put a space before a ! or a ?, I don't like it at all... It looks messy and fastly written to me. Maybe it's the exact opposite for you ! Well, that's another evidence that conventions have curious effects on our perception. :)
Gogf - it would be useful if you gave some pointers as to what areas, issues or topics your question applies to.
Would make voting and writing easier for some at least (me included)...I hope
Originally posted by Pontiuth Pilate
[Not a threadjack

The French don't even have quotation marks, they use these crazy sideways V's, or else they use dashes:

-blah blah blah
-oh yeah?

I though they wrote like <<quote>>. I used the quote marks for the purpose of my question, they were not part of it.

Oh, and Marla, I realised a left out a thanks for the welcome from my previous post :).

About the !s, /s, and :s: That is actually quite interesting ! (Just trying it out.) I should make a poll about what people like better...
Originally posted by Pontiuth Pilate
The French don't even have quotation marks, they use these crazy sideways V's, or else they use dashes
Are you talking about those signs « Pontiuth » ?

Well, now that you're talking about it, I guess you're right, that may be french. Actually, Microsoft word automatically change the " " signs into « » signs. I hate those signs so I tended to blame Microsoft, Bill Gates and those bloody yankees to force me to use them :lol: !! Now that you're talking about it, it's true I've never seen those signs in any english text when I often see them in French books. So Bill Gates has nothing to do about it. :D

Stupid me ! ;)
Originally posted by Gogf
Moderate Perfection.
But I'm not, my views are very radical, but take elements from both the far left and the exteme right
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