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Oppressive empires - a false argument of liberals?

Why don't you grab a mop for that.
Unfortunately I can't reach across the pond to lend it to you, for that amazing misunderstanding of "giving Ukranians weapons".

Wouldn't cry to hard if some regions did attempt to leave its not a Zard thing.
For some tiny bit of common ground, neither would I.
Unfortunately I can't reach across the pond to lend it to you, for that amazing misunderstanding of "giving Ukranians weapons".


For some tiny bit of common ground, neither would I.

Yeah for me it's neither a preference or requirement.

It's also cart before horse. I want Ukraine to win but it's not impossible for Russia to win.

Pyric victory imho if they do win.
Yeah, you're doing in on purpose Gorb. Would you kindly **** off?

Probably a bit much to ask. Doesn't fit your idiom.
Yeah, you're doing in on purpose Gorb. Would you kindly **** off?

Probably a bit much to ask. Doesn't fit your idiom.
I'm taking the words you type onto the page, and reading them. I could swear on a Bible at this point, it wouldn't convince you. It's your problem, and I don't particularly care. But I'll tit-for-tat for as long as it goes on for. Nobody's winning prizes here, hah.
I just wanted everyone to keep cool, not take things too personally. :)

Since this is about empires, I don’t know of any real doctrine that calls today for a formal empire in the sense that it has directly-governed territories outside of its currently-recognized national boundaries. I think we end up conflating that with the era of great power politics which we are not out of, and will not be out of for the foreseeable future.

I’ve talked about it any number of times now but I find Russia’s annexation policy to be vexing and counterproductive if their actual goals are aligned with their stated goals—they wanted a sphere of influence in the former Soviet SRs, but taking out the biggest chunks of Russian-sympathetic populations, I don’t see how that policy is going to give Russia the desired neutral buffer states that it says it wants; if anything, the policy has pushed the former SSRs to be less likely to be influenced by Russia and more tempted to link themselves to the West.
despite the narrative and the licence to kill "fellow posters" call anyone a tankie , Russians knew their limits , Putin wanted a "Russian Empire" thing where things seemed to be that way and his Hermitage thing in Sochi was to be bombed and whatever when the thing started . It is super awesome when everybody fears and starts jumping high when you tell them but the thing naturally forgotten was that Russian national myth thing involves beating the actual Nazis , instead of fancy keyboard warriors that post a picture or two . Takes a lot of sacrifice and they do get things done . No , there is no wish to contain them . Glorious Americans and the West will do it , on their own , gloriously and totally .

this is not going to be happening ever again .


japanese currency in a Manila bank recently liberated .
sorry , that's Japanese Occupation currency . No doubt long term aims would be inflationary and ever falling against the Yen .
Yeah, you're doing in on purpose Gorb. Would you kindly **** off?

Probably a bit much to ask. Doesn't fit your idiom.
on reading what people write;

if you find supposed irony in this whole exchange, there's a tiny difference here.

zard misread explicitly stated positions because he didn't read what people wrote.

we (may) misread implicit positions because you don't write what you want us to read.

if you want us to know your position, you are, as always, very welcome to actually say it.

you pointed out irony (from what i can tell, not directed at me), but it's really not about you. there's getting frustrated over people not understanding what you write, and there's getting frustrated over not being able to get your point across. your problem is the second, and it's on you. if you get consistently misunderstood by everyone on this forum (and taking your word for it, you very well do), maybe the problem isn't everyone else. it's fun to play jollyroger and master implication, but it's very clear that what you're doing ain't working. and i do think you've tried for a few years at this point, no?
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