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LINESII- Into the Darkness- Part II

Your quote reminds me of Soylent Green, Thlayli. ;)
"We're routed sire" Connor said, with a sad expression filling his eyes. He was on his knees in front of the Great and Powerful Chip.


"Yes, estimated causalities, 8.9 Billion Leperchauns, 9.6 Billion Allied Panda's, and 430 Polar Bears. The amount of Otter Causalities is unknown at this time sire. UNKOWN!!!!"

"Egasp! And to what to we owe the pleasure of losing?"

"A fringe rogue organization known as.......NAO!"

"WHAT?!" Chip exclaimed. He was so surprised that he fell out of his imposing black roll-e chair. He quickly scurried back into it and put on his demi-god NESer face.

"I said, the organization calls themselves NAO"

"But...but........their supposed to be DEAD!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!! I must inform the Moderator Coalition. The Phantom Menace has arisen, and we must fight our Clone War before we experierence the Revenge of the Sith!!!!!!"

"Sir", Conor piped in to calm his glorious leader down, "Now your just reading the titles of the Star Wars movies off the posters on your wall. And the Moderator Coalition is shattered remember. We must act unilaterally!"

"But can't we at least entertain Bi-Lateral offers?"


"Sanctions, a U.N. (United NESes) resolution, a strong condemnation from the NESing community?"

"No, it has to be WAR!!!!"

"Its always war with you."

"Honestly, who wants to read about diplomatic sanctions..."


And so they both hunkered down with there plan. It called for 1 cup of sugar, 1 Giant Spacebattle MegaShip Of Doom, one Deluxe Compasetor Followationatic Ray, and a little know-how. But not much Know-How.

So within 20 minutes, all those were assembled and aquired, though the Sugar last because Big Sugar was under investigation by Congress and that made procurement difficult, and then one of the Leperchauns thought it was cocaine, got involved with a Colombian Drug Cartel, and needless to say THAT didn't go well.......

Btu anywho, everything was in place, including a conscript army of 1 Trillion Leperchauns. Everyone boarded the ship.

"Thrusters engaged."
"Seatbelts Fastened"
"Toggler toggled"
"Switch Flipped"
"Buttons Pressed"
"Weaponry Online"
"AOL Instant Messanger put on Away mode"
"Sheilds UP"
"Deluxe Compasetor Followationatic Ray warmed up"
"Coagulating Path"
"Path coagulated"
"activate Deluxe Compasetor Followationatic Ray"
"Deluxe Compasetor Followationatic Ray activated"
"We have go alpha delta omega cheesedoodle clearence. Delta Delta Over. Proceed and commence with engagement and firing, over."
"firing Deluxe Compasetor Followationatic Ray"

And suddenly the Leperchauns launched into Planespace. They were following the path set by NAO. This time, they would finish off the vile organziation"

And with a pop they landed in the Center of Tellus. About 10 Million Penguins were vaporized, and TWO meaningless Databanks were knocked over. Chip took pride in knowing he caused more destruction than NAO. The Leperchauns debarked and a huge battle flared up, with millions dieing. Then everyone ran out of ammo all at once. Strange twist, huh.

Chip stepped out of the MegaShip Of Doom. He was elegantly dressed and looked friggin awesome. He pointed at Thayli, "We will destroy you NAO, and let Iggy update!"

Thayli returned the gesture, "Nay, we will destroy you and make Iggy updat..."

They both then realized their folly. They both wanted an update. So with out even words being exchanged, they each shared ammo with each other, and Iggy now had the guns of 2 trillion beings pointed at him. There would be and update!
You people need lives :p Or just more homework ;)
No, Chip needs to update his own NES. And Thlayli is just... acting properly as the High Chairman of NAO. After all, he is the Great Founding Father.
Iggy turned around, one eyebrow raised.

Oddly enough, that is my tic.

Penguin operational HQ, Diamond Lab.

Iggy gazed around. A greenish haze glowed behind the crashed cruiser.

"Hyperborea," muttered Iggy, "I knew there was a loose end somewhere. And look what you did to the walls! My techs spent-"

"Cut it Iggy, I want the update. NAO."

Iggy beat his head on a monitor.

"Thlayli, I am."

"Then what's THIS???"

"Umm... my... update."

"Looks suspiciously like your plans in the HqNES dimension."

"I swear, it's an update."

"Then why is Dashtaka attac-"

"Silence!" Iggy shoved Thlayli away from the keyboard and shut off a few windows. He turned around to see Thlayli pointing a musket straight at his face."

"Update. NAO."

Iggy sighed.

"I was about to, but I had to send some orders... anyway, I'm updating. Although may I request that you leave for the Guangfei/Veritas bit? Your musket here may complicate things somewhat."

"I think not-" started Thlayli.

A huge crashing sound echoed through the chamber, and a huge pod opened. From it filed ranks of Panda soldiers. Alexandrine.

"I don't think you'll have to worry about bias. Update."

Iggy gazed around.

"You guys are really lucky I'm not claustrophobic."

"Funny you should mention that." mentioned Swissempire, stepping up from behind a brigade of Leperchauns. He pressed a button, and a hole opened up in the floor. Beneath Iggy.

"Aaaahh!!! Oof. Agh! My leg!"

Someone tossed a computer down into the hole.


"Get updating, penguin boy."

"Certainly. Just let me post a record of recent events- Ouch! Was that a hammer?"


"Indeed." Iggy hunched over and began typing. The outside world was shut out. No distractions until the update was done."

"Ouch." said a Panda above, "I stepped on something sharp. I think it was a leperchaun."

"Jimmy!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

Chaos broke out above as the temporary alliance disintegrated.

But Iggy didn't notice a thing.
Silver Steak said:
No, Chip needs to update his own NES. And Thlayli is just... acting properly as the High Chairman of NAO. After all, he is the Great Founding Father.

How's the weather up there.... ON YOUR THRONE OF LIES! AZASH and ME are founders of NAO!
Lord Iggy, if you finish the update pm it to me. Then i shall keep it in my pm box and drop hints. LOLOCAUST, just kidding, i'll post it for ya!
Swissempire said:
Lord Iggy, if you finish the update pm it to me. Then i shall keep it in my pm box and drop hints. LOLOCAUST, just kidding, i'll post it for ya!

That would give you a warning, if not a ban too for posting for someone else.

Your account is for YOU only.
You may use your account to post your opinions, your thoughts, and your views within the guidelines stated on this page. You may NOT use your account to post for people who are not members or have had their posting permissions removed. You also may not grant others access to your account.
hehe, oops. I missed that part of the rules. Dang. *doesn't feel so smart any more*

*ponders taking one for the team, but decides against it, like the forums more. TAKE THAT liberal media*
OMG!. Another five days????????????? Gah I swear someone needs to kill the bloody spammers.
no more posts please, until those 3 days are up (only cleric was banned for 5 days)

anymore posts after mine and i will report them. simple, just be patient please guys, please. i am dead serious, i don't care if the mods close the thread. i will report it regardless.

EDIT for the record i didn't report any of those previous bans.
OOC: I eagerly await the update, and aplogize to those who blame me. Also Ken, since you quit, all post you make in this thread are spam and I WILL report you, unless you lurk and add constructive stuff to this thread. Any no more spam posts WILL be reported as spam. I love Irony:)

Evern sat on his restless Bigjaur, its muscular frame pulsating up and down and up and down. Its slicky smooth fur caressing him between his ankle, the wind lapping against it.

Evern and his Bigjaur, Betty, stood strong in face face of the Davarian lines. They outnumbered the Swade, and Evern knew how potent Numerical Superiority is. But Evern also read the works of Wilipo, and he knew how important tactics were also. For Wilipo had had a numerical disadvantage and overcome by introducing revolutionary tactics into war.

And Evern would do just that. For under his developing, chiseled 15 year old body layed a brain teeming with ideas. And he was prepared to use them. He was the Master of War and Diplomacy, and both factored into his strategy. He would win this day and many more.

So there Evern stood. The youngest Ascendant Master, and yet perhaps the smartest. He stood alone against the tide of the Lengels. He in his youthful idealism, dared question the Lengel Advance. He DARED question the force that had ruled and shaped the Civilized world for centuries. Yet, idealism is what the world needed. For without it, the established would never fall, and the better would never be dreamed of.

And without that Idealism, the 500 Bigjaur Riders he sat on that hill with would have been just that. But now they were more. They had a purpose. But most imporantly, they had a fighting chance.

Evern spied the Lengel line preparing to attack. He drew his sword, of glistening iron, polished but still waiting to be christened with Lengel Blood. His men did the same. And in ritual Swade fashion, they scraped them across a plate of Metal on their left arms, and a sliceing noise was made. The noise of a sharpening Blade, a plea for the Blademaster to guide their swords this day. The Bigjaurs pawed the ground.

The Lengel forces attacked. But instead of the Bigjaurs launching into the fray, Evern raised his sword into the air. "Yewmen, VOLLEY! Launch the Vengeance of the Swade!"

And all at once thousands of shafts filled the air. More and more Arrows kept being put into the air. Tens of thousands fell from the sky like divine retribution and smote the Lengel forces. The charge was driven back. The Lengels regrouped and again attacked. And Evern again raised his sword and called for Volley. And again the Lengels were driven back. This was repeated thrice more. And then the fun began.

In the graceful language of Swade, Evern cried "Kah Tah Fra To Ria!!!" The Bigjaurs beat their swords on their arm metal. And all of the sudden in the distance the punding of the houves of Horses was heard. And then the shining beast of destruction and salvation arrived and charged at the line, with the Bigjaurs intermixing with them and joining it. They met the Lengel line full on and it was shattered.

Evern's sword was christened that day, but it would prove its worth in the campaign ahead.

OOC: People, fill the gap with stories. A NES is nothing without STORIES!!!!
i haven't quit. (irony is nice)

won't report it, it's a story a nice one to, keep up the awesome stories swiss

anything except a story will be reported
Thranwuir crouched neck deep in mud. He held his bow above the muck. He could hear in the diastance a sound. Thranwuir sat clad in the old cloak of the yu-yan. Serenity was out with the others in the mission. Balthazar would take care of them.

Holstein was crouched across the swamp behind the bushes. Jesuin stared at him. His eyes burning into Thranwuir. He shrugged it off, they were coming. His father trusted him.

Only five days ago thranwuir was walking over the grand walls of Sanctus Tutela. Never breached in all these years. It remained the pure resentment of Lengels.

Thranwuir was here for supplies. He was called before the king to hear his father's orders. Thranwuir proceeded to the court. The small regal statues stood in the hallway. Fasra, Feanor, and now Fendrus. They were models of the great gates of blade. Guilded with gold and silver the statues each held a sword. Their arm outstretched. As if commanding all to stop before them. They would be rebuilt some day. Thranwuir however, saw little hope in his father. He was growing older by the day. But the king still had tenacity.

He had eagerness with the now ancient dragon of the south. Who knew what he was still capable of. Araguern despite his ancient age was soon to be a hundred. He hardly seemed now to have aged a day. Still able to wield a sword and command his men he was once more ready to lead the men.

As Thranwuir entered the chamber all the men were gathered. Falone sat on his grand throne. Wearing his crown, it was elegant. Two wings of blades sprouted on either side. Speckled with jewels and of pure gold and silver swords. It still glittered brightly in the hall lighting.

Araguern sat at the food table beside the throne. He was eating ripe meat off the bone. His sword lay across the table. The sheath was of elegant design and patterns with silver lining. The sword hilt had the claw of a dragon around two wrestling snakes and opened up to the mouth of a sharp dragon, breathing out the fire that was Araguern's blade.

In the stewards seat beside lower to the throne sat Halone. Hansomly still in manner. He wore a regal cloak of white silk and held beside him the scepter of his position.

In the far corner mesmorizing at the elegant sculptures was Helmfest, Thranwuir's cousin. He wore his white armor. Clad on the breast the blade tree of Myocaca. Spear headed through the stalk. The shoulder blades in gold shined plating. His sword in ivory sheath it has scriptures all over. His steel blade encoded with the phrase, "In death all things appear fair" His hair brown and long like his cousins. But he had more gentlemen like. His beard was well cut.

Thranwuir felt out of place. Not in any regal clothing he had only his muddy wool cloak. His leather armor covering his chest. His sword was no great thing. A regular leather sheath and steel sword. The handle two hand. It was only of basic greatness. His greatest trinket was his bow. Crafted by great gorinese it was crafted in their great knowledge of catapults and held on to their craftmanship. It was ancient, but it held its old beauty. The leaf and carvings were beautiful. Thranwuir kept it hidden under his cloak however. His hair ragged. Blonde by nature it was long and curly. Wavy curly almost. His bristled beard. His hair about an inch longer than his cousin's.

Sitting at the feasting table sat another man, he glared at Thranwuir. Jesuin was a high noble. He was very grumpy and did not enjoy thranwuir's company. He admired Thranwuir as a great tactician but saw him as a rival. He was tall and his hair grey. He was in maroon clothing. Heavy shirted he had a green vest. He got up and shook hands with the prince.

"Good to see you in health sir."

"I see you have been fairing well in these times of uncertainty." Araguern came up and chortled at the sight of the young man.

"Good to see you my boy. You should know you are doing your nation a great deed out there."

"How's my father general?"

"He is fine. He grows darker however by the day. I have arranged the plans of the...evacuation if nescessary."

"You know their armies march ever closer, Tellium has only days before they arrive on their shores. I fear our time grows short, and even you and your skills may be useless to us against such mass."

"My boy, do not fret. There are gears in motion. There are greater things at work in this universe than meets the eye. We were not expected to last the lengels this long, and look at us. We have been pitted against the odds since the begining and yet we hold on. Why?"


"Because of hope. We were coincidently saved by the plague that has wiped back the lengel hordes. It has given us time. The civil war in their north gives us time. We have been graced with this greatness. We have been graced with time to strike back into the hearts of our enemy. And I intend to use it fully." Araguern gathered the men to his attention.

"Tellium seeks to strike us. But I have prepared for this."

Jesuin and Thranwuir had been assigned to the same area. They were going to learn more about one another soon. As the yelling got louder, bigjaurs ran by in quick seccession like lightning. Soon Thranwuir could see the shadows. The pieces were in place, they were to strike. Thranwuir cried the call out as men came pouring out. He fired the first arrow straight into the mud as the man was five feet away. Thranwuir grinned, grabbed his reed and dove. It was perfect.

OOC: great story swiss, maybe i'll make another one tomorrow
Kentharu said:
you're right, i quit
*coughCLICK MEcough*

Further review shows that that you've not rejoined yet.

And to make it not spam, this is one of the stories i PM'd Iggy

A Tale of Two Weddings said:
A Tale of Two Weddings​

With the fall of Nurmafer, two kingdoms oft to the East Arose. These were the Kingdoms of Kagorard to the north, and Jormarin to the south. Kagorard was the biggest of the two Kingdoms, ruled by the King Versarn, a vicious tyrant who had a beautiful daughter named Hellin. In Jormarin, the Kingdom was ruled by a lonely man named Rego. It is under these circumstances I tell my tale.

First we look to Kagorard. A young Bladeist boy named Furasi who had been displaced during the Nurmaferi Invasion, worked for th King. He did laundry and cooked food. And every day he went home to his shrine and prayed the Blademaster would let him taste glory for once. He repeated this ritual everyday. One day, when Furasi was only 15, he set eyes on Hellin. It was love at first sight. Their gazes locked, and they both longed for their lips to do the same. But months passed without them saying a word. Then one day, Furasi was tasked with Bringing her a gift from her father. When they were in the room together, the chatted and laughed and kissed and decreed their love for each other. From then on instead of praying to the Blademaster, Furasi would sneak into Hellins room and they would talk and laugh. After a year had gone by, they decided to consummate the relationship. That had sex, great sex it is written. But in the morning, the Tyrant Versarn walked in on them. In a rage he savagely beat, and depending on which account you listen too, raped Furasi. Then he had him arrested. When Furasi was brought before him in court, Furasi plead with the Tyrant, to let him live. Both the daughter and Furasi expressed their love for one and other. So Versarn challenged Furasi. If this common 16 year old could kill him in a sword fight, the Kingdom and Hellin would be his. If he lost, he would be killed. Furasi accepted. And they faught, some say for 4 hours. Parry, backslash, parry. The sound of Iron hitting Iron. In a deft move, Furasi cut off the sword hand of Versarn. But he wouldn’t kill him. “I am no tyrant, and I shall spare you life.” But Versarn always vicious wouldn’t concede, “Then you will die!” He kicked upward and hit Furasi straight in the ribs. As Furasi was knocked backward, the sword flipped into the air, and came down in Versarn’s heart. Love had prevailed. Furasi and Hellin were married the next day, and within the motnh they pledged alligence to the Swade Ascendancy, so they could make love, not war.

In the Southern Kingdom of Jormarin, it was different story. It was ruled by Rego, King of Jormarin. But Rego was a lonely man. He kept harems of concubines but could never find love. Once of his concubines, Syesha, was quite the seductress. She was captured during the Nurmaferi war, and had to service people to stay alive. Using her charm she had moved up the ladder and now she was the concubine for the King. So she began to work her magic. She made him feel special, loved. She was such a good actor, because she could see the power that awaited her. Finally, one day she feel to her knees while they were wlking through the garden. “Rego, don’t you love me?” “Of course I do” he replied with love in his eyes and passion in his stomach. “Then marry me” she said as she through himself in his arms. And so the next day they were married, and Syesha was declared Queen, to share his Kingdom with him. And the next night he was found dead in his bed. Syesha was Queen. And Syesha declared alligence to the Swade Ascendancy, because she was their agent all along. MUAHAHAHAHA
i pm'd the mod and told him i didn't quit. Simple (if you have anything else to say about it please pm me)

nice story wubba

ill stop posting
Umm........YOu're right i quit

a quick survey of the thread shows that you have yet to rejoin. And that Gorin now has a bladeist ruler:mischief:


Secrets of Wilipo.​
The Black Prince, Warmaster Evern, son of the current Ascendant Master, decended the white marble step of the Necropolis, down the tomb of Wilipo. He would pay homage to the greatest General to ever walk Tellus, to the greatest King to ever rule, to the greatest man to ever live. The tomb was a mess because of the occupation of the city by the Numaferi, but that was okay. Evern, always know for his strength, even though he was only 16, lifted the slab and pushed it back over his tomb. But when he was positioning he foot, he stepped on something. It was a large tile the depressed, and then fell down. It reveal ad large stairway in the floor. Ever curious, Evern followed it down, down, down. He held up his torch in the darkness, to light the room. The flame hit the edge of the wall, and the room lit up. There was wicker strung around the room in indents in the wall to act as light.

Evern was amazed at what he saw. It was a library of books in all languages, but on the table there was a stone with their translations into Swadeskrit. So Evern sat and read. He read about the Khemri-Veritas wars, he read about the Eldranians. He read detailed strategy on almost every war imaginable. This must be the lost library, he thought.

See, when the Swade Coalition took Veritas, Wilipo ordered that the soldiers take all the knowledge they could find, and they did. But nobody had every known where it went.. Most people held that it was lost beneath the waves, sunk in a Bladereme, others held it never existed in the first place. But here it was in front of Everns eyes.

But most importantly, it held the writings of Wilipo himself. It held his thoughts, his teachings, his speeches, everything. It held the customs of the people the Swade had absorbed. But one intreseting thing it held was Wilipo’s theories on what he called the Longbow of the Pilns. It seemed that the Pilns were a southern group of people who had be absorbed in the Ascendancy, and they had used a very long bow for hunting. They made them for Killing Ramids, but Wilipo theorized they could be used for warfare, especially to fight a mounted foe. And he was right. He has specifications as to how to use them and how to build them

Evern, enlightened by this discovery ran out of the necropolis wooping. He had found the way to win the war!!!!!!!
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